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Parents’ Guide to Children’s Dental Health


Protecting your child’s dental health is no child’s play. Proper hygiene practices like brushing, flossing, and preventive measures involve a science of some kind that all parents have to understand. Fret not: it’s easy to understand!

If you’re a first-time parent, keep in mind these basic steps in caring for your child’s dental health.

Dental Growth and Care in Every Stage 

Ages 6 months to 3 years old

Teething occurs during this period. It’s necessary to check in with a dental clinic Brampton professional regularly to have your child’s teeth examined. Seek the help of a reliable dentist in monitoring your child’s dental health.

Ages 3 to 6 years old

This is the stage where children grow primary teeth (popularly known as baby teeth). At these ages, children should start learning about the importance of keeping their teeth clean and healthy.

Teach them the proper way to brush twice a day, ideally in the morning and before going to bed. It’s also important that they become aware of the effects of sweets on their teeth and how cutting back on sweets can benefit our dental health. Schedule regular appointments with your dentist for cleaning and checkups.

Ages 7 to 12 years old 

As they enter their pre-teen years, your child’s primary teeth are gradually replaced by permanent teeth. This is a critical stage. It’s essential that they build strong oral care habits at this point.

Help them establish a routine for brushing their teeth. Teach them how to stick to it. Children may experience gum disease during this stage. Ensure that they floss at least once a day. Do not neglect routine dental appointments.

Ages 13 to 18 years old

Due to poor diet and lack of oral hygiene, teenagers can be more prone to dental problems than adults. This is where regular visits to the dental office in Toronto for professional dental care is needed. 

Expect the growth of wisdom teeth during these years and perhaps the need for dental braces to correct teeth misalignment. Work with your dentist in addressing these issues. 

Tips in Teaching Kids Proper Oral Hygiene 

For those kids with ADHD, you must help them in developing daily healthy oral habits. Daily brushing, flossing, and reducing their sugar intake are all key preventive measures to keep their oral health in top shape.

Here are additional tips for instilling healthy oral care habits in your little ones:

  • Keep it fun and engaging. Teach them how to brush their teeth on their own. This is the best way they can learn how to do it. Make sure to supervise little children to see that they’re brushing properly. Let them choose their own toothbrush, or brush their teeth together.
  • Choose and apply the right amount of toothpaste. Dentists recommend a pea-sized amount of toothpaste for children. Beyond the age of 3, they’re already allowed to use fluoride toothpaste (which is great for protecting their teeth from decay).

Use a mild toothpaste brand, or let them pick a flavored one that they like. Ensure to replace their toothbrush as soon as the bristles start to fray.

  • Floss when the time is right. You can already have them floss their teeth once they grow primary molars.

Just as the choice between centre-based daycare and home daycare can influence your child’s mental and emotional development, so too can your guidance shape your child’s oral care habits. Model good oral care habits that they can follow. Make sure to demonstrate the right practices that will help them have healthier teeth and mouth. If you’re currently looking for a dental expert for your child, you can check this dentist out in Marlborough today.