In a world that seems to be getting grimmer by the day, happiness has become a sort of Holy Grail. Everyone seems to be searching for it and offering advice on how to find it. But what if all this focus on happiness is actually making us less happy? It’s almost as if happiness is something we should feel guilty about not having enough of, almost as though it’s something we should apologize for rather than celebrate.
A recent study found that people who focus too much on happiness end up less happy in their day-to-day lives. The same goes for those who are constantly striving to be grateful or find meaning in everything they do. Pushing happiness aside in favor of other things like investing in UEFA Nations League betting may seem like the wrong thing to do, but the truth is that the less emphasis you place on being happy or finding meaning in life, the happier you will be.
Be Present
Being present means being mindful of the here and now, without being overly focused on the past or the future. When we are fully present in the moment, we are less likely to get caught up in repetitive patterns — patterns of thinking, patterns of feeling, patterns of behavior. When we are fully present, we open ourselves up to new ways of being — ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving that we may not have previously been aware of.
Being present means living in the moment, being aware of what is going on around you, and what you are feeling in that moment. It means not being so caught up in your thoughts that you miss the beautiful things around you. It also means being aware of what you are doing, and not just automatically doing things on autopilot. Being present is a skill that can be learned and practiced consistently; with practice, it can become easier.
Help Others
Helping others leads to happier people, and a happier you. This means more than just doing favors for your friends and family, although that certainly counts. It means actively seeking out ways to help those around you — whether it be through charity work, joining a community service project, or even just listening to a friend who could really use a supportive ear. This isn’t just good for the people you’re helping, but it’s good for you, too.
Studies show that helping others has health benefits that extend beyond the people you’re helping. For instance, researchers found that people who volunteer have a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other illnesses that can come with getting older. Do whatever you can to help others, even if it’s just a small gesture — doing good for others does good for your own health. (1)
Exercise Your Body
Exercising your body may seem like the opposite of seeking to boost your happiness, but it’s true. Exercise releases endorphins into your brain, chemicals that make you feel happy. However, many people who exercise also experience a sense of accomplishment, a sense of setting and meeting goals that can contribute to feelings of self-worth and happiness.
People who exercise are also more likely to get a good night’s sleep and eat a healthy diet. All of these things lead to an overall happier life. If you have a hard time exercising and making time for it in your schedule, try breaking up your routine into manageable chunks.
Don’t Dwell on the Past
It’s true that the past has shaped who you are and who you will become, but it is not who you are. Dwelling on the past, or what might have been, is just a waste of time that keeps you from enjoying the present. The past can serve as a valuable lesson, but dwelling on what has happened is just a waste of energy.
It’s best to let go of the past and focus on the present. We are shaped by our past experiences, but we don’t have to be limited by them. The past doesn’t exist anymore, so there is no point in dwelling on it. Dwelling on the past only serves to make you miserable and keeps you from enjoying the present. You can’t change the past, so there is no point in dwelling on it, and you can’t change the future, so there is no point in worrying about it.
Take Care of Your Mental Health
Mental health isn’t something we often think about, but it’s just as important as physical health. To live a happier life, you must make time for self-care and mental health. This means carving out time for things that keep your mind healthy as well as things that keep your body healthy. It also means seeking help when you need it. If you notice that you are becoming increasingly anxious or depressed, or if you are having trouble functioning, seek help.
Bottom line
Happiness is a choice, not a given. It is something you have to work towards every day, and it comes from within. And while many of the tips above will help you achieve this, you must remember that you can’t do it alone. Get support from people who care, and surround yourself with positive, happy people. They will help you achieve your goals and be a happier person, too. These tips may seem like they’re taking away from the pursuit of happiness, but they’re really not. They’re just a different approach to achieving it. (2)
Speaks from heart, always too passionate and driven by emotions. Spins the words with kindness & sharpness, intriguing your ever-inscrutable minds.