Home Curiosity Retro Is Back: 5 Awesome Vintage Things to Collect

Retro Is Back: 5 Awesome Vintage Things to Collect


Do you love dumpster diving or checking out thrift stores? Here are some awesome vintage things to collect (that might even be worth some money!).

You know the old saying, “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure,” this can be true in more ways than one! 

Do you love dumpster diving or checking out thrift stores? Here are some awesome vintage things to collect (that might even be worth some money!).

  1. Old Toys Can be Fun Things to Collect

Believe it or not, there is a big market for people who collect old toys and action figures. The nostalgia factor plays a huge part in driving the market for these items and its a great opportunity for you to take advantage of it. 

Toys and figurines from the 70s, 80s, and 90s are popular right now because the kids from those eras are all grown up and are looking to bring back some childhood memories. If you come across any of these items, be sure to grab them up because they might be worth a fair amount, and who knows you might still have some from your collection at your mom’s house. 

  1. Coins

Old and rare coins have always been a popular item to collect because many of them are made out of precious metals like gold and silver. There is a wide range of different coins to collect from military coins, historically significant ones, or mistakes that were printed from the mint that were accidentally passed into circulation. 

When collecting coins, it may be easier to focus on one particular niche so that you can become familiar with the different aspects that make it valuable. Also, be careful not to try and clean the coin because certain chemicals can be damaging, that is best left up to a professional. 

  1. Classic Books

Classic books can be a fun thing to collect especially if you are a big reader. They are also easy to find at a thrift store and garage sales and are usually pretty cheap to invest in. 

Keep an eye out for the classics because they can fetch a lot of money if you happen to find a rare edition or are lucky enough to find one with the author’s signature.

  1. Comic Books

Comic books are great vintage items to collect. When they originally came out they were priced inexpensively and were easily bought but some of the rarer editions can be worth thousands of dollars now. 

Comics have gained in popularity with the success of the Marvel Universe movies, so if you had a collection when you were a kid now is the time to root around your parents’ attic or basement and see if any of the ones you had are worth anything now. Keep an eye out at thrift stores too, sometimes these can be donated without people knowing their worth. 

  1. Old Technology

With everything becoming digital these days it’s easy to understand why some would have a yearning to collect old record players, typewriters or televisions. Some of the oldest models were created to be a feature in your home and were crafted to not only be functional but artistic as well. 

If you are curious about technology, this is a great niche of vintage items to start collecting. 

Are You Ready to Check Out Some Thrift Stores?

These are all great ideas for things to collect and there are many other great items to look for!

Be sure to visit our website daily for other great ideas and lifestyle tips!