She no longer gets attached since she learned that attachment is what brings sadness and pain into her life. She learned that attachment makes her give her love to individuals that don’t deserve her.
She learned that attachment makes her think that the people she truly cares about care about her too. It prevents her from thinking logically and living her life the way she wants to. It makes her hold on to things that aren’t meant for her. It makes her hold on to individuals who aren’t meant to be in her life.
She no longer gets attached since she learned that everyone she loves and cares about will abandon her. Regardless of how hard she tries to make them happy, they will leave her.
She no longer gets attached since she learned that people always walk into her life for a reason. Some help her grow and teach her important lessons about life. And others teach her that not every person she lets into her life is genuinely good and honest.
They teach her that not all people are loyal and willing to commit. That not all people want to see her succeed in life. And this kind of people doesn’t deserve to be a part of her life.
She doesn’t get attached anymore because she learned that loving someone truly and deeply doesn’t mean that they’ll love her back. That they’ll treat her with kindness, compassion, and dignity.
She doesn’t get attached anymore because she had her heart broken many times. She gave her heart to men who promised to protect it forever. Men who promised they’d love and make her happy every day. But all that was a big fat lie. They took her for granted and broke her heart into countless tiny pieces.
She doesn’t get attached anymore because she realized she can’t trust every person who enters her life. She realized that if someone wants her trust, they’ll have to prove through their actions that they deserve it.
She doesn’t get attached anymore because of all her fake friends from her past. They were the best actors, the best manipulators. They pretended that they liked and were loyal to her because they needed someone who would be there for them when they needed help.
Because they needed someone who would listen to them while they vented their anger and frustration. Because they needed someone who would make them feel better about themselves.
And she unselfishly did all that for them, and what did they do? They stabbed her in the back the moment she turned around. They knew she was better than them as a person and as a friend and they wanted to see her down.
She doesn’t get attached anymore because she learned to love herself. She learned how to treat herself with respect, kindness, and dignity. She learned that she should always be true to herself.
She realized that if she doesn’t value and stand up for herself, no one else will. That if she allows others to manipulate, take advantage of her, and put her down, they will, and they won’t stop until they make her lose herself.
She doesn’t get attached anymore because she doesn’t want to be the only one who invests herself in a relationship. She doesn’t want to be the only one who will try to solve problems with her partner when times get tough for them. She doesn’t want to be the only one who will nurture and commit to the relationship.
She doesn’t want to be the only one who will be willing to wear her heart on her sleeve and undress her soul. She doesn’t want to be the only one who will put effort and energy in the relationship and fight for someone who doesn’t even deserve a single bit of her attention.
She’s tired of one sided relationships. They make her forget her own worth and lose herself.
She doesn’t get attached anymore because she no longer wants to be the kind-hearted, unselfish, naïve girl who always looks for the good in people. The girl who treats others with respect and always ends up hurt. The girl who let others take advantage of her kindness and pure soul so as to meet their needs.
She doesn’t get attached anymore because she’s tired of flaky, irresponsible, dishonest people. People who make thousands of promises without intending to keep them. People who don’t know what they want in life. People who have cold hearts and lack compassion.
She doesn’t get attached anymore because she realized that love is blind. That things can’t always go the way she wants. That sometimes the best proof that you love someone is to let them go. Let them be the person they want to be and be with the partner they’ve always wanted.
She realized that if she’s meant to be with someone, fate will bring them together.
She doesn’t get attached anymore because she still needs time to heal her wounds and mend her broken heart. Because she’s still learning how to believe in and protect herself. Because she’s still learning how to move on.
She doesn’t get attached anymore because she learned she deserves better and she should never settle for anything less than that.

Riley Cooper is a professional writer who writes informative and creative articles on topics related to various fields of study. Written with love and enthusiasm, her articles inspire readers to broaden their knowledge of the world, think and get ready to act. If you have a general question or comment please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible