Home Family Should parents have an active role in the education of their children?

Should parents have an active role in the education of their children?


Raising and educating children is a complex activity that all parents are engaged in without any empirical knowledge. It is believed that parents have a greater influence on the development of the child as a person than the rest of the environment. In the upbringing of a child, each nation reflects its ideals, ideas about the goals and means of upbringing, the realization of which contributes to the formation of the best features of a national character in children and prepares him for an independent decent life.

The parents do not always agree with the statement that a kid is a personality, because by the concept of “personality” they mean a person with a solid and strong character, with an independent and self-confident behavior. This is exactly what many parents of their kids would like to see. However, such a person is to be raised only with the proper help of parents.

Moreover, if parents want to upbring a well-educated, successful person, they are to make sure that the fundamentals of his character are being established in the right way. The foundations of personality begin to be laid from the birth of a kid under the influence of adults. Therefore, lack of attention and communication with the child adversely affects his emotional and moral development, his world perception.

The positive emotional climate of the family, where joy, optimism, sincerity, love, and tenderness prevail, is necessary for the child for his mental health. The way adults react to what is happening in the surrounding life is of paramount importance for the formation of the kid’s ideas, which respond to everything that happens by emotional means: laughter, anger, gesticulation, facial expressions.

The role of parents in a kid education can be divided into three main categories:

  • Education;
  • Establishment of an engagement atmosphere;
  • Homework help.

The involvement of parents in the learning process is one of the main factors in improving learning.

Games are fun, but at the same time, they are a means by which a kid begins to better understand himself and the world around him. Healthy kid development is impossible without games. Games help children to develop:

  • Physical skills (development of general and fine motor skills);
  • Cognitive thinking (solving problems such as “does this part of the puzzle fit another part”; study of colors, numbers, sizes, and shapes);
  • Language skills (developed during interaction with other children);
  • Social skills (learning the ability to interact, negotiate with each other, etc.).

Parents are the first and the best game partners for kids. During games, parents should not only provide children with some toys and watch them over; they should play with the kids. In this case, the kids are more perceptive. There are a lot of relevant papers on essay paper writing service on how to use ICT and game-based methods to arouse interest in studying.

The clue is: without having an interest in education, children are not going to study hard. That is why parents should be actively involved in the learning process.

The active participation of parents in the educational process of kids is vital. There are some tips that will help not only to get in touch with the child but also to make the education his hobby:

1)    Spend more time educating kids

If parents do not spend enough time with their children, they become irresponsible and lose interest in education.

2)    Support your kids

To support a kid is to believe in him. The support of those whom the child considers significant to himself is very important to him. Adults have a lot of opportunities to demonstrate their satisfaction with children achievements or efforts. The task of teachers and parents is to teach a kid to cope with various tasks by creating a connection with him.

3)    Meet your kid teacher/educator in kindergarten/school.

Systematic communication with child’s educator/teacher will help parents to better understand the child’s abilities and shortcomings.

4)    Discuss problems.

Any kid may have problems preventing him from studying. A parents’ role is to ask a child about the problems if they exist and try to help to find a proper solution. The key point is to be attentive and friendly so that the child can speak openly.

5)    The education should be his habit.

Parents should teach a kid to go to bed on time and wake up early in the morning. Another great move is to make him sit and practice even if he does not want to. It will help to develop the habit of practicing. A parents’ role is to prevent any useless time wasting, however, it should be done in a polite manner using some games or tricks to not hurt the child’s self-confidence.