Home Health Taking Control of Your Mental Health

Taking Control of Your Mental Health

lower your anxiety

No matter who you are, where you live, or what you do, it’s likely that you’ll experience some type of mental health issues at some point. With the chaos and complexities of modern life, it can be easy to get overwhelmed or depressed, and sometimes things may happen in our lives that contribute to poor mental health.

Mental health is something many people are still uncomfortable talking about, but it’s extremely important for everyone. If you find that you’re struggling and aren’t sure where to start, there are some things that can help improve your mental health without having to add much change to your life.

Chilling Out

If you struggle with stress or anxiety, daily life can sometimes feel exhausting. But there are plenty of methods to lowering your stress levels so you can experience your day-to-day calmly and focused.

A great way to manage anxiety is meditation. Meditating is a practice that involves clearing your mind and focusing all your awareness on yourself and the present to relax and be free of any stress for a while. There are a few different types of meditation that can help with stressful situations or chronic anxiety. While meditation isn’t necessarily hard work, it can take some practice to be able to fully clear your mind. A great way to start is a guided meditation, where you can listen to a video of someone instructing you through the meditation process. It can be very helpful to have something to focus your mind on so it doesn’t wander.

Another way to lower your stress and anxiety is by optimizing certain aspects of your life to be more organized and easier to maintain. Organizing your closet, for example, can help make your mornings go a lot smoother and prevent any stress as you’re getting ready for work. If you organize and know where everything is, you won’t have to rush to find things while getting ready and your mornings can be more relaxing and peaceful. Setting things up in this way, making plans, and scheduling things out can greatly decrease your stress.

You can also try certain anxiety-relieving substances like essential oils or cannabis. If marijuana is legal where you live it can be a great option for helping you relax and lower your anxiety. Buy from a dispensary or grow your own jealousy strain plant to either smoke or back edibles. If cannabis isn’t your thing or isn’t legal in your area, consider trying aromatherapy. While you shouldn’t use any essential oils in place of actual medication or medical treatment, they can be beneficial in reducing anxiety. Scents like eucalyptus and lavender have calming effects and be a great tool in managing your stress levels.

Body and Mind

Improving your physical health can lead to tremendous improvements in your mental health as well. Your body and mind work in tandem, so if one is healthy it’ll make it easier to manage the other. Taking care of your body can lead to a better mood, less stress, and improved depression symptoms.

A big factor in both physical and mental health is sleep. Getting the proper amount of sleep is extremely important as our bodies and minds require rest to recharge their energy and function properly. Sleep deprivation can be detrimental to your health and lead to even further problems. Of course, trouble sleeping can sometimes be caused by mental health issues, so it can become a vicious cycle. If you have trouble sleeping, consider signing up for a sleep study to see if there’s any problem you should be aware of. You could also try playing soothing music or sounds as you sleep or taking melatonin to help you feel tired.

Your diet and exercise routine can also contribute to your mental health. Binge eating or indulging in unhealthy foods can be a coping mechanism for some people, but unfortunately, this can actually just make you feel worse in the long run. A healthy, balanced diet will make you feel much better, and switching to a better diet if you usually rely on food to cope can help you practice for changing any other unhealthy coping methods you might engage in. Exercise is also great for both physical and mental health. Not only does it keep you active and gets your body moving, but it can be an engaging activity to focus on rather than letting your mind dwell on anything stressful or depressing. Taking a walk outside can be a great way to be active and can also be very relaxing and help to lower your anxiety.

When to Seek Help

While these methods certainly might help you manage your mental health, some of us require outside help. There’s absolutely no shame in seeking help from a professional, but it can still be difficult to take that step when you’re struggling.

If your mental health is strongly impacting your everyday life, consider speaking to a counselor or therapist. These are professionals that can not only assess where the problem is coming from but can also help you manage and work through things. They can give you tools for navigating any issues that can arise, like breathing exercises and grounding techniques.

If you are struggling and have any thoughts of harming yourself, please seek help and take care of yourself. There are many hotlines you can call no matter where you live if you feel you’re in a crisis and might do something impulsive. Remember that while life is difficult right now, it won’t always be this way. There are people who want to help you and want you to be okay.

Mental health can be difficult for anyone to navigate, but there are ways to manage it and see real improvements. No matter what you’re struggling with, there are others in the world who understand and can help. Take care of yourself and know when you need help and you can get through this difficult period.