Considering the fact what a great number of articles we come across every day about what we should do to maintain our health and how many TV-shows have been broadcast in recent years in which therapists explain what kind of food and physical exercises are good for our overall well-being, it’s no wonder that nowadays we’re more health conscious than ever.
We’re focusing a great amount of attention to the type of food we consume and the environment we live in. We’re trying to make sure we eat organic, gluten-free food, drink healthy, sugar-free beverages, go to the gym at least 4 times a week and, of course, avoid toxic environments.
But, what many of us fail to understand is that the quality of our relationships, both romantic and otherwise, can be as toxic to our physical health as junk food or any toxic environment. Poor or troubled relationships can lead to anxiety, stress, depression, and even more serious health conditions.
We can have bad, toxic relationships with members of our family, our friends, our coworkers, or our partners. So, the real question is: How can you tell that you are in this kind of relationship?
To figure that out, we advise you to answer the following questions:
– When you are around the person, do you generally feel comfortable and content, or do you usually feel stressed out and drained?
– Do you feel safe when you’re around this person or do you feel like you’re in danger?
– Do you feel happy or mentally and physically drained after you spend time with this person?
– Do you feel that they’re invested in the relationship as much as you are?
– What kind of feelings predominate in your relationship with this person: feelings of satisfaction, happiness, and security, or uneasiness and tension?
– Do you feel like this person accepts and cherishes you for who you are, or do you feel like you have to change your behavior to make them happy and like you more?
After you answer the questions, try to make a comparison between your answers and these descriptions of healthy, happy and bad, unhealthy relationships:
-The typical characteristics of healthy, fulfilling relationships are kindness, patience, understanding, security, healthy arguments, mutual respect and caring, and willingness to make compromises and sacrifices for each other’s happiness.
–The typical characteristics of troubled, toxic relationships are selfishness, lack of trust, jealousy, dishonesty, insecurity, rejection, unfounded, harsh criticism, and derogatory comments.
How can you change a bad, unhealthy relationship?
The first thing you need to do so as to change an unhealthy relationship is to identify the red flags that you are in one. More often than not, people are unaware that they’re in a toxic relationship, even when members of their family and their friends can spot the warning signs.
Then always remember that you deserve to be surrounded by people who truly love and care about you and who are able to see your worth. You deserve to be treated with kindness, respect, dignity, and love.
Once you begin to truly believe that you’re worthy of other people’s respect and love, you’ll also start feeling more comfortable addressing bad behavior when it happens.
For instance, it’ll become easier for you to tell the person directly how you feel. Telling them something, such as, “I don’t like the fact that you’re always laying the blame at my door, even when I’m not the one to blame,” or “I wish that you’d stop making me feel like whatever I do is never good enough” won’t be difficult for you at all.
Last but not least, if you’ve exhausted all ways of changing the unhealthy relationship, and nothing worked, then you should consider reducing the amount of time you spend with the toxic person, or even distancing yourself from them completely.
Remember – maintaining your mental, physical, and emotional health should always be your number one priority and you must never compromise your well-being for anyone or anything.
Riley Cooper is a professional writer who writes informative and creative articles on topics related to various fields of study. Written with love and enthusiasm, her articles inspire readers to broaden their knowledge of the world, think and get ready to act. If you have a general question or comment please fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible