Home Stories The Only Road To Success-From The Most Successful People In The World

The Only Road To Success-From The Most Successful People In The World


Do you often wonder why some people are way more successful than others? If your answer is positive, you should know that all successful people follow the same steps towards success and never let anything or anyone distract them from it.

If you believe that success is something that is dropped outside your door or that only those who are lucky can enjoy it, you’re awfully wrong. To achieve success, you MUST follow certain steps-you MUST change your mindset, you MUST work. This is a belief that is shared by the most successful people in the world, no matter if they’re actors, singers, sportsmen, politicians and etc. It’s also a belief which inevitably leads to success.

If you want to be successful and get to the top of the world, make sure you read and stick to the following effective steps:

1. Self-discipline.

Self-discipline is when you have control over your own thoughts and actions. It’s when you decide to improve yourself and be better at everything. It helps you and gives you the courage to take action and do things. To achieve self-discipline, you have to make choices-choices that will help you get the things you want.

2. Set goals.

Without goals you don’t exist, you’re nothing. In order to succeed you have to set clear goals, no matter how high they are. Take Michael Phelps as an example. He’s one of the most successful swimmers because he has goals and is working towards them relentlessly. He trains insanely all day long, every day and he says that the road to success isn’t always easy but you must do everything you can to achieve it and you must never give up.

3. Commitment.

You can’t succeed if you don’t constantly work and implement your ideas. One of the most successful singers and actors, Will Smith, says that the road to success leads through the strength to maintain your commitment when times get rough. Oftentimes, you’ll want to give up but it’ll be influenced by who you are and who you want to become.

4. Have a vision and shoot for the top.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, an actor, former professional bodybuilder, businessman, politician and the list is endless, emphasizes that you must have a vision of where you want to go and without it you’re directionless, you’re lost. Additionally, you need to have big goals if you want to achieve important things because this doesn’t happen by accident.

Don’t be afraid to dream big because as Les Brown says: “Shoot for the moon. Even  if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

5. You have to work hard.

To achieve your goals, you have to make sacrifices. You must have a desire, an obsession and pursue them with passion and with everything you’re able to do. Don’t stop questioning yourself what you can do to improve yourself and change the way you do things. The number one tennis player, Roger Federer has been doing this since the start of his career. If you don’t change your routines and tactics, there’s no way you’ll move forward and succeed.

6. Be aware of and ignore the naysayers.

It sounds shocking and even sad, but one of the greatest impediments on your road towards success can be members of your family and friends. If they have no goals or passion, they’ll try to distract you from achieving your own goals. When someone tells you that you can’t achieve the thing you want, that you’re incapable and funny or that success is impossible, use this as your primary motivation. Stand up, be resilient and show them that YOU CAN DO IT.

7. Failure doesn’t exist.

Do you know how many people who are successful today have failed and been negatively criticized and laughed at by others at the beginning of their careers? Yet, they worked hard and never lost their motivation. They believed in themselves and knew there wasn’t anything they couldn’t achieve if they wanted it so bad. Don’t let anyone take your dreams and passions away from you. You are the best.

8. The law of attraction.

The prominent actor Denzel Washington says that it greatly helps if you know that you attract the things that you feel and are on your mind. You attract what you are. Think about great and positive things and they’ll come to you. Your imagination can take you wherever you want and don’t forget that the road towards success begins from your mind.

Last but not least, remember that you’re special, capable, and powerful. Don’t stop following your dreams and goals. Always believe in yourself. Don’t let others talk you out of your visions and dreams. When life knocks you down, find the courage to get up and keep on fighting. And remember that the real failure is not when you fall down, but when you stop trying!

