Today all children know how to search the internet, new generations have been born with a computer under their arm and, although the network is full of advantages, this can be a problem.

Easy access to any content on the network poses a risk to the safety of our children. The loss of privacy, cyberbullying, inappropriate content, excessive use of ICT … are some of the things that minors are exposed to when they use their computer, mobile phone or tablet.

And for all this you have to take action. It is not advisable to prevent children and young people from using the Internet, as we have already said, despite its problems it has great advantages not only in entertainment but also a wide access to information and knowledge. As it is something complicated to carry out, we are here to help us all understand the risks of the Internet and the possible solutions we can choose.

1. Inappropriate content

One of the most common dangers when a child surfs the Internet is access to material that is not appropriate for their age, whether sexual, violent or related to issues such as drugs, weapons, games of chance etc. Children can run into this type of content while looking for information, play or watch a video, appearing on many occasions in the form of banners, pop-ups or advertising links that derive them to other websites.

2. Cyberbullying

The bullying has spread from school to the virtual world. The access of children and adolescents to computers, mobile phones and tablets with Internet connection facilitates attacks at any time and place and, also, with greater possibility of anonymity. This type of harassment is done through text messages or emails, images, videos and other offensive publications on social networks. 

3. Sexting

It occurs when photographs, audios or videos of a sexual nature are sent, usually through the mobile phone. In this case, the essential thing for prevention is to make the adolescents aware of the importance of never sending this type of content, even if the recipient is a person of trust, since they can never be sure of the use that will be given to the information

4. Grooming

This term refers to online practices of adults who try to gain the trust of minors in order to get images of a sexual nature, harass them and even exploit them sexually. It has a close relationship with child pornography and pedophilia on the Internet. 

5. Information disclosure

Whether consciously, in a chat conversation or in a social network, or unconsciously, through trickery (scams, fake offers, raffles or gifts), children can reveal their personal data online without realizing the danger involved . Ignore emails that ask for any type of information, never enter data such as postal address or mobile phone in any web, however secure it may seem or avoid the use of applications or software that provide the location are some safe practices to avoid this problem.

Tips to Protect Kids:

  1. Always stay close when using the Internet, especially with the little ones. 
  2. Establish rules of use of the devices with access to the Network. 
  3. Talk with the children about the dangers of the Network, be interested in what they do when they surf and warn them to address the parents and tell them any content, message or situation that bothers them. 
  4. Keep the webcam always disconnected. 
  5. Set up internet filters using any good parental control app such as FamilyTime App to keep them away from all threats give above.