Home Health Tips for Managing Chronic Pain

Tips for Managing Chronic Pain


Three out of 10 people in the United States experience chronic pain. This refers to pain that lasts longer than three months, hampers daily activity, and may not be traceable to a specific injury. Causes can range from illness and older injury to degenerative conditions like arthritis. Even stress can lead to chronic pain.

Pain is also very individual and can leave you feeling alone, isolated, and depressed. Isolation, intrusive or unhelpful thoughts, anxiety and fear, depressive disorders, not exercising enough or exercising too much, and many other factors can make the pain worse.

Taking charge of your health, even if the chronic pain will last a lifetime, is one of the best ways to help you manage the pain, feel more positive about living with it, and establish the best possible quality of life. You can visit customessaymeister.com for more information.

1. Gentle Movement

Depending on the exact cause of your chronic pain, vigorous activity may be off the table. Full body stretches, gentle yoga, tai chi, and exercise routines specifically designed for rehabilitation and pain management, on the other hand, will help you keep mobile and help reduce swelling and pain signals. It may seem counterintuitive to work through your pain, but the human body needs to move to stay well. Activity routines should be approved by your healthcare provider, but can help strengthen muscle, reduce inflammation, and give you goals to distract from your pain.

2. Destress

Your pain is not in your head, but getting out of your head will help you feel a lot better. Relaxed deep breathing, muscle relaxation exercises, and mindfulness activities can help ground you in the present moment. They have also been proven to reduce cortisol and help you feel more positive and in control

3. Stay Healthy

Just because you have a chronic pain issue doesn’t mean you must neglect the rest of your health. Whether you are struggling with depression or anxiety, or worried about other physical health matters, you deserve to feel well. Don’t be afraid to seek medical assistance if you don’t feel well. You should also learn to advocate for yourself and don’t let other concerns you have be dismissed as part of your chronic pain condition. Sleep is particularly important to help you feel your best, so if you’re having issues getting to sleep or staying asleep, practice good sleep hygiene and seek help if needed.

4. Connect With Others

Isolation is bad for mental health. While it can be difficult to connect with others when you have limited mobility or often feel unwell, it’s important you keep a circle of friends or family around you. Reach out in-person, or use video chat tools. You can even look for a chronic pain support group.

5. Enjoy Activities, But Pace Yourself

Your chronic pain shouldn’t keep you from living life. You will need to pace yourself to make sure you don’t overtire yourself and make your pain worse. However, don’t be afraid to take part in enjoyable activities as much as you feel able, even if they take you out of your comfort zone.

These tools for self-management, alongside over the counter pain patches and possibly prescription medications, can help you manage your persistent pain and live better.