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To The Man That Dashed My Hopes And Broke My Heart: Thank You!

To The Man That Dashed My Hopes And Broke My Heart: Thank You!

This goes to you – the man that shattered my hopes. The man that bruised my soul. The man that broke my heart. And for that – I’ll be forever grateful to you!

I know this may sound weird or funny to you, but I’m immensely grateful to you for treating me so unfairly because this has made me realize what type of man I deserve to be with.

I deserve to be with a man who will accept me and love me exactly the way I am. A man who will embrace my flaws. A man who will make me feel like I am the happiest and most loved woman in the world. A man who will never disappoint me or break my heart.

I deserve to be with a man who will treat me with kindness, patience, and compassion. A man who will treat me with respect and dignity. A man who will be always there for me. A man that will love me truly, wholeheartedly, and unconditionally.

Thank you for breaking my trust in you as well. Thank you for being unfaithful to me. Thank you for lying to me – countless times. Because now I know that your unfaithfulness was never my fault. Now I know that it wasn’t me who wasn’t good enough for you. Rather, it was the other way around.

Thank you for not being there for me when I needed you most. It taught me how to love and take care of myself. It taught me that I should never prioritize the needs and wishes of others over my own. It taught me that there are people out there who are only interested in taking advantage of me.

Thank you for making me feel weak and unworthy. Now I am aware of my worth more than ever. Now I am aware of my strength and qualities. Now I believe in myself. Now I know I can achieve anything I set my mind to.


I’m also grateful to you for not loving me. Now I love myself the way no one ever will. I love my annoying habits, my quirks, my whims, my insecurities, my mistakes, my fears, my wounds – the ones you hated.

And last but not least, thank you for showing me what a one-sided, messy relationship looks like. Thank you for teaching me what selfishness and disrespect mean. Thank you for breaking me into pieces only so I could find the strength and pluck up enough courage to pick myself up and heal my wounds – the wounds you inflicted on my heart and soul.

Thank you for shattering my hopes and destroying everything I believed was true and pure. Because this helped me become the person I am today. This helped me become stronger and wiser.

Thank you!

To The Man That Dashed My Hopes And Broke My Heart: Thank You!