Home Curiosity Using Social Media to Improve Your Company’s Online Reputation

Using Social Media to Improve Your Company’s Online Reputation


“Social media is something of a double-edged sword. At its best, social media offers unprecedented opportunities for marginalized people to speak and bring much-needed attention to the issues they face. At its worst, social media also offers ‘everyone’ an unprecedented opportunity to share in collective outrage without reflection”. Roxane Gay

Social media can be a nightmare to manage, but can also be a key to creating a better company reputation and make you look better in the eye of customers and potential customers. Well, how do you do this? We take a look at seven ways to improve your company’s online reputation.

1. Encourage Customers to be Talkative about Their Positive Experiences and Reviews

This can be done in a simple and ‘no-pressure’ way, for example, a friendly reminder such as, ‘Did we give you more than you had hoped for today? We’d love you to talk about it!’ This can be placed on a website, at the end of a receipt, or even displayed on a sign in your premises. The sad truth is, that whilst we as humans can be all too quick to share a bad experience we have had, we seem to forget to voice our opinions on good services that we have received. Such an approach is much more effective when it is done before any negative views are shared. In a nutshell, the starting point for encouraging positive sharing, should not be the moment a problem has reared its ugly head! Remember reputation is extremely valuable to an online business.

2. Bond with Customers and Be a Problem-Solver

It should be your aim to leave each and every consumer with the feeling that your company adds value to their lives, bonding and problem-solving play their roles in this pursuit. Large companies are often seen creating specific social media accounts to deal with customer problems. For example, you have a website of open the door to Dance Mat Typing then you need to make a bond with the dance academies or dance tutions and ready to listen to their problems regarding your product. If you want to give your company reputation a positive boost, then showing customers that you genuinely care about them and their needs are absolutely vital.

3. Every Company Has a Story – Make Sure you tell yours!

Content is key to telling your story in a way that consumers can relate to. Rather than painting a perfect, and perhaps not so truthful, the image of your company’s story, don’t be afraid, to be honest, and tell your customers about the ups, downs, highs, and lows that got you to where you are today. Showing the help that your product or service has provided to a specific consumer can also be well worthwhile. Remember, this isn’t an exercise in business jargon and exuberant boasting, instead, it’s a moment to show you are human, to connect with consumers on a personal level, and ultimately to leave the competition in your dust trail.

4. Be Presence-Informed and Lead Conversations Where You Want Them to Go

The worldwide web is always alive with posts, chatter, and communication. Even when you’re not in the process of writing a post about your company, you can be sure there’s a good chance that somebody else is! Remember, staying informed on the negative remarks that people make about your company gives you the opportunity to address your weaknesses and ultimately become a stronger and more reputable business.

The news of a company employee making use of the company’s social media account to make a snide or offensive comment seems to be a common occurrence. Even one of such comments can have your reputation suffering for weeks, if not longer. Of course, not all employee comments are negative, when an employee has something positive to share about the company they should feel welcomed to do so, however, such posting needs to be regulated effectively. Hence be sure to provide your employees with the right platform to share their positive opinions and experiences.

5. Social Media Is A Powerful Tool – Use It!

In the past social media may have served the sole purposes of giving your opinion on a matter, or directing your customers to videos you have posted on YouTube. Now, however, many people are constantly on their social media account, even listing it as their preferred communication method. It’s up to you then, to use the tool effectively! Post useful information and announcements, provide crisis communication responses and generally show the public that you are at the top of your game.

6. Be Socially Strong If You Want To Run With the Pack

Your reputation can be significantly affected by social media, especially considering the fact that Google and Twitter have now re-established their agreement that Tweets can show in search engine results. In other words, even a few negative tweets about your company could be the first thing in sight when a potential customer searches online for your company. In addition, social media posts are being picked upon by news media more and more. So never be deceived into thinking that the posts you put on social media are only going to be seen by a few sets of eyes; everyone has the potential to see the posts and dependent on their content they will form either a negative or a positive view of your company, your reputation, and your story.

Meanwhile, online reputation through social media has become an emerging fashion for all sectors that are on the path of success, you can be assured of earning the profits that go with it by getting your industry into social media. This is a brilliant prospect for you not to pass up.

“Social media requires that business leaders start thinking like small-town shop owners. This means taking the long view and avoiding short-term benchmarks to gauge progress. It means allowing the personality, heart, and soul of the people who run all levels of the business to show”. Gary Vaynerchuk