Home Health Westlake Pelvic Floor Therapy: Non-Surgical Relief For Pelvic Floor Problems

Westlake Pelvic Floor Therapy: Non-Surgical Relief For Pelvic Floor Problems

Physical therapy

Pelvic floor therapy is a type of physical therapy that works on the low back, abdomen, pelvis, and muscles of the pelvic floor. Each patient receives pelvic floor therapy in a one-on-one, customized, and private treatment setting. Pelvic health physical therapists will focus on enhancing awareness of the pelvic floor. Certain treatment programs can significantly help you in relieving your symptoms by relaxing and lengthening the muscles, while others will assist you in strengthening the muscles. Westlake Pelvic Floor Therapy is a first-line, low-risk, and minimally invasive therapeutic option for a variety of illnesses.

Pelvic floor disorders can manifest themselves in a variety of ways in both males and females. Pelvic pain, fecal or urine leakage—all of these are some common pelvic floor issues. The pelvic floor is made up of the muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue that surround the pelvic organs (such as the rectum, bladder, and in the case of the females, their vagina and uterus). Due to the location of pelvic floor disorders on the body, they can be particularly unpleasant or difficult to discuss about.

Westlake Pelvic Floor Therapy: Treating Prevalent Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Problems

Westlake pelvic floor therapy can help alleviate – and even cure – the following prevalent pelvic floor conditions:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Fecal incontinence
  • Pelvic and vaginal pain
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Fecal incontinence
  • Pelvic and vaginal pain
  • Pelvic nerve injuries
  • Endometriosis
  • Prostate inflammation
  • Inability to urinate (urinary retention)
  • Constipation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Pre- or post-pregnancy pelvic or back pain
  • Pelvic organ prolapses
  • Orthopedic issues such as hip, lower back, joint, tailbone, or pubic bone pain

Westlake pelvic floor physical therapists collaborate closely with the gynecologist, urologist, urogynecologist, and other healthcare specialists to ensure that your therapy is coordinated and suitable for the optimum pelvic floor rehabilitation outcomes.

Treatment Regimen

 The treatment regimens are carefully customized to your specific illness and personal goals that may include the following:

  • Changes in bowel/bladder habits, hydration intake, and eating patterns.
  • Training to enhance posture, joint, and ligament movement, and body awareness.
  • Diaphragmatic “belly” or “chest” breathing techniques – These breathing techniques are beneficial for musculoskeletal pain.
  • At-home exercises that will relax, strengthen, or massage your muscles based on your condition.
  • Exercises that assist with bladder control, like Kegels (constantly contracting your pelvic muscles, which control the flow of urination).
  • Stimulating a muscular reaction using biofeedback sensors and a low-grade electrical current.
  • Manual manipulations – The pelvic floor physical therapist would massage your muscles, mobilize your joints, and manipulate your joints.
  • Muscle energy procedures – They use a series of muscle tension and relaxation activities to fully mobilize a restricted joint.

Westlake Pelvic Floor Therapy: What to Expect During The Initial Consultation

Pelvic floor therapy is the best alternative for treating pelvic disorders when you would not want to undergo surgery. However, bear in mind that there are certain conditions where surgery is really required. Nevertheless, Westlake pelvic floor therapy can still be done before and after surgery; this has been proven to be beneficial for faster healing.

During your initial evaluation, the pelvic floor physical therapist would evaluate your medical history and ask about your behaviors and health that may affect your condition, such as how much fluid you drink daily, your diet, and how frequently you have sex.

The exam will last for about an hour and will be conducted in a private room. The pelvic floor physical therapist will then perform a pelvic exam at your initial session if you are already comfortable to proceed with the procedure.

What Does an Internal Pelvic Floor Muscle Examination Entail?

The majority of people with pelvic floor disorders will require an internal examination of the pelvic floor muscles. The exam, which is conducted by the pelvic floor physical therapist, can aid in identifying any muscular, strength, or coordination issues that may be causing the patients pain, functional impairments, or discomfort.

The pelvic floor physical therapist would need to insert a finger into either the vagina or rectum to check the pelvic floor muscles as part of an internal assessment.

Internal pelvic floor examination is critical for formulating an accurate treatment strategy. However, doctors may test the pelvic floor muscles with a variety of additional procedures, including the following:

  • Pelvic girdle assessments – The pelvic floor physical therapist would assess the condition of your pelvic girdle, a complex ring of joints, muscles, and ligaments that connects the skeleton to the lower limbs and the pelvic floor.
  • Abdominal screening pre-and post-partum – Doctors will assess the abdominal muscles to identify if they have separated (abdominal diastasis).
  • Biofeedback and Electromyography testing —They can utilize biofeedback sensors to induce a muscular reaction with a low-grade electrical current, which aids in the detection of neuromuscular disorders.

These other tests are frequently ineffective at determining muscle strength, coordination, or tone as an internal pelvic assessment would be. It is entirely up to you to determine which examination is most appropriate for your comfort and needs.

Westlake Pelvic Floor Therapy: Required Number Of Sessions

The duration of treatment will vary according to one’s severity of the problem and the personal efforts to adhere to the treatment plan. Typically,  patients who attend physical therapy consistently and adhere to their treatment plan carefully may notice a reduction in symptoms within the span of three months. They may, however, require additional treatment sessions based on their condition.

The therapy outcome will be determined by one’s personal goals, motivation, and diagnosis. A pelvic floor therapy is most effective when you commit to lasting lifestyle changes that improve the strength of your muscles and assist in symptom relief.

Westlake Pelvic Floor Therapy: Finding a Pelvic Floor Therapist

Westlake Pelvic Floor therapists are highly trained to assess and treat pelvic floor conditions. Their experienced therapists are committed to reestablishing your pelvic health.

Having a pelvic floor therapist would mean a personal relationship between the therapist and the client since they will be discussing some of the most intimate things of the latter’s life. Therefore, it is critical that you choose a therapist with whom you feel at ease and with whom you can work to enhance your condition.