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What Are The Next Unmissable Tech Experiences?

What Are The Next Unmissable Tech Experiences?

If the future is bright, it may be because it’s set to be projected on a big screen in high definition. New and innovative technology is now the norm more than the exception, and many of the latest trends revolve around some kind of new tech. If you’re looking ahead at what the next great experiences may be, here are a few sneak previews of where things may be going.


There is every chance you may have already been lucky enough to have some kind of VR experience, and the entertainment, tourism, and practical uses we’ve seen so far are rapidly growing in range. Even in the world of online casinos, we’ve started to see VR applied to slot games, with the likes of the live Gonzo’s Treasure Hunt creating a full VR environment.
Source: Unsplash
Tech lovers logging on to play slots for real cash at Paddy’s and other casino sites or explore the world through VR is now something established, and the tech isn’t done yet. So far, most users have only used the visual aspect, but with the introduction of things like haptic feedback that can simulate touch responses, and with other tech looking to replicate other senses, watch VR closely for some amazing experiences down the line.


In the same vein as virtual reality, augmented reality also looks to create a digitally immersive experience, but in this case, it works alongside the real world rather than creating a completely digital one. AR tech overlays digital graphics and content over a real-world background, usually interacting with that background in some way.
It is already seeing plenty of use in some areas like home decoration with the Homestyler app and others that let people overlay furniture and decor options into an existing room. If the technology manages to become even more widespread, we could see ancient monuments in the distant corners of the world recreated in their original glory!


It’s hard to describe simply what the Metaverse is as a whole, as it covers many different purposes on one platform, from shopping, to entertainment, to social networking. The Metaverse project aims to create an entire digital world that sits separate from the real world but contains all the same features, open to exploration via screen or VR. It is heavily linked to things like blockchain and cryptocurrency, with crypto often being the preferred currency used within it.

What Are The Next Unmissable Tech Experiences?Source: Unsplash
The project as a whole is still in its earliest days and building it up has gone at a slower pace than expected, but the potential is massive. We’ve already seen virtual real estate within the Metaverse sold for comparable sums to real-life properties, and between entertainment and commerce, there are a huge number of avenues for developers to explore. Within a decade, the Metaverse could be a fully realized world.

Remember that while we’re in the early days of each of these technologies, progress is coming fast. Keep yourself up to date on tech news if you don’t want to miss out on any of them!