You’ve been to the doctor, and your automobile accident injuries are on record. Even when you sustain critical injuries, you can be concerned that you won’t receive just recovery and tempted to exaggerate your ailments in the hopes of receiving fair compensation.
However, it is wrong and against the law to make false statements about the severity of your injuries. Not giving an accurate narration of your injuries will therefore likely do more harm than good for your recuperation. Hiring the best Orange County Car Accident Attorney will become useless if you lie to him.
What makes it tempting to exaggerate?
It may be tempting to keep information from your attorney for a variety of reasons. Among the causes are the following:
- Shame: Truth is withheld for a variety of reasons, but shame is the main one. Your lawyer is not being paid to judge you, despite the fact that you may be embarrassed by some of the things you did.
- Fear: You might be concerned that a close friend will learn what you committed and judge you for it. If, for instance, a debt collector pushed you over the limit and you really let loose, using some four-letter terms that you shouldn’t have used.
- Wish to win the case: In an attempt to prevail, some individuals think that giving a complete truth will quickly result in a finding of guilt. That is not the situation.
What to do if you are guilty?
In case you know you are guilty, you should tell your auto accident attorney so that they may still defend you. It is the plaintiff’s responsibility to substantiate your liability for the incident. Even if you did something that lead to the accident, you shouldn’t be found guilty if they can’t show that you are legally responsible for it. (1)
The plaintiff’s capacity to present their case may be impacted by a variety of issues. For instance, their theory might be illogical, they might obtain the facts dishonestly, or they might be a pathological liar who has a history of lying.
Your attorney is not permitted to tell lies on your behalf or prod you into offering false testimony. The only thing that is restricted by the fact that you are guilty is what they can file or show in court. In addition to their obligations to their clients, attorneys are still officials of the court and are bound by ethical obligations to the administration of justice.
As long as there is supporting evidence, they are free to present illogical arguments; nevertheless, they are not permitted to commit perjury themselves or to assist you in doing so.
Nearly invariably, lying to your attorney backfires. The lawyer must be aware of all relevant facts in order to provide you with the best defense possible, even if it makes you appear guilty.
Lawyers have an ethical obligation to zealously represent every client they have as personal injury attorneys. Most of the time, they don’t even always know if their clients were actually to blame for the accident. Hence, it is important, to be honest and transparent with your lawyer. (2)

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