Home Curiosity Why do you need to attend the CoinGeek conference?

Why do you need to attend the CoinGeek conference?

CoinGeek conference

CoinGeek New York is finally here. The conference is a three-day power-packed event that takes place in New York Times Square and is open to thousands of virtual participants across the world, along with in-person attendees at the Sheraton Times Square. The event features top blockchain experts from across the globe. Among the speakers of the event are famed economist and best-selling author George Gilder; Brayoun Bryant, software engineer at Handcash; Robert Rice, founder and CEO of Transmira Inc., among other powerful experts.

You need to attend the event because experts discuss trending topics in the blockchain world and the future of the technology, including NFTs, esports and blockchain, iGaming, AR, VR, the Metaverse, and blockchain regulations, payment technologies, among others. The event also features a hackathon and giveaways for participants.

 How to participate in the conference

To participate in this powered-packed blockchain conference, you will have to download CoinGeek Conferences. This mobile app allows you to join the conference from the comfort of your room. The application is available in Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Once you download the application, register for Coingeek New York and connect with like-minded individuals online.

The application contains a detailed overview of all the events that will take place during the conference; there is an in-app messaging tool that allows participants to interact about the event. You can also connect the application to your Twitter account to Tweet about what is taking place at the conference.

CoinGeek New York’s Conference agenda

The conference will be attended by speakers and participants from all over the world; the conference was opened by Bitcoin Association Founding President Jimmy Nguyen, who talked about the event’s theme, “It’s About Time,” and what you can expect from the three-day event.

The first day will heavily feature the usefulness of blockchain online games and esports. Speakers like David Case, the CTO of FYX Gaming, will talk about the various ways blockchain can shape the future of gaming technology. Day one of the events will also feature a talk about blockchain solutions for compliance in gaming. AR and VR technology will also be talked about at the event.

The second day of the event will feature a talk about how consumers and businesses can benefit from an improved Bitcoin wallet. Robin Kohze, co-founder and CEO of Vaionex Corporation, will talk about enterprise wallet solutions for Bitcoin, climate change, compliance, Healthcare, and blockchain and the usefulness of NFTs in books, cash flow, and music will be discussed on the second day of the event.

The event’s final day will feature discussions about tokenization and the future of digital assets, stablecoin, equity, and custody with BSV, the future of trading and asset management will also be a discussion on the second day of the event. Blockchain and supply chains, blockchain application in the private and government sectors, better internet using blockchain, the future of fighting crimes using blockchain, and how you can use blockchain to create value in the real world.

Rewards for users

One of the major reasons you need to attend the event is the rewards that will be given to selected participants. Participants of this event can download Omniscape XR, an AR and VR application that introduces users to a world of experimental reality (XR) which allows users to scan their surroundings for 3D objects. Once you download the app on Google Play or Apple Appstore, you will be required to input your HandCash account or your Paymail address. $5,000 in BSV will be distributed to app users during the event.