Home Curiosity Why Is It So Difficult to Make Plans for the Future

Why Is It So Difficult to Make Plans for the Future


The whole world is frozen in uncertainty and waiting for the quarantine measures to end. It’s very difficult to predict what life will be like after the coronavirus pandemic.

1. The growth of psychological support services, coaching, self-development, and everything that has to do with human self-actualization.

Human beings are social beings, and let’s be honest, the quarantine measures that are applied to us are similar to house arrest with some relaxation. We are limited in movement, physical contact, opportunities to lead a normal life. It is quite a strong test for the psyche, for many people it is traumatic. Also, time alone with yourself and a lot of time with loved ones provokes self-examination and reflections about your life: goals, achievements, plans. Many people will not cope on their own and go to psychologists, coaches, to various trainings and books.

2. The mass exodus from online.

Today it seems that virtual communication, digital services, all this remote communication, and work have reached their triumph. But going back to the above theses, people are social beings, we cannot show empathy from a distance, we need physical tactile experience. Being locked up for a month and a half in our homes and in the virtual world, the need for physical contact increases. After watching online courses, Netflix and YouTube, reading Facebook, people will return to the physical world, go back for its joys.

3. Local tourism.

It’s obvious here. Even if borders open and airlines survive, the recession will result in many people not being able to afford to travel much in the next couple of years, not to mention the background fear of infection with anything. So we will travel to our local beauties, seas, and places of rest. And we’re gonna go for a while. Because in a recession, we’ll have to, work the next couple of years without a full vacation.

4. Healthy food and sports.

How many people are now reconsidering their culinary habits and returning to cooking at home? When you cook yourself, you begin to pay more attention to the ingredients, and on the background of reflections on life. I think there’s a boom in organic, farmer, diet, and wholesome food waiting for us. And also a return to sports and an active lifestyle. We need to make up for the lack of movement and the inability to visit our favorite sports clubs.

5. Revision of financial habits, growth of savings.

Temporary downtime, loss of income, price increases, and other delights of stopping and going into recession will affect how most people make financial decisions. This is a rare example of a common lesson about the need to have savings, stocks, and extra reserves. This will be used by individual financial advisors, personal finance accounting applications, some banks, and insurance companies.