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5 Ways to Adapt to Male Pattern Baldness

Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is extremely common, much to the chagrin of men everywhere. This condition can be genetic or simply brought on by old age. Which means there’s not a lot you can do to prevent male pattern baldness from making an unwanted appearance.

You might not be able to rearrange your genes to stop male pattern baldness, at least not with current technology. However, there are some ways you can stall its progress or adapt to life with the new condition. Below are five ways you can combat the effects of male pattern baldness:

1. Start Taking Hair Loss Medications

There are certain medications that can slow down the hair loss process. If you’re not ready to say goodbye to your hair entirely, the right medication can help you manage. You can request a prescription, or you can give some over-the-counter remedies a try.

Prescription options include finasteride, an oral medication that inhibits the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone linked to hair loss. Finasteride helps slow down hair thinning and promotes hair regrowth, particularly in men with male pattern baldness.

Another commonly prescribed medication is minoxidil, available as a topical solution or foam. Minoxidil stimulates hair follicles, extending the growth phase and promoting thicker, fuller hair. It is suitable for both men and women and can be used alongside other hair loss treatments.

Treatment options should be discussed with a medical professional. Keep in mind that hair loss treatment isn’t a one-size fits all sort of deal. Every head is different, and what’s causing hair loss for one person may not be an issue for another. You may have to do some trial and error to find the best medication for your needs.

2. Look Into Hair Transplant Surgeries

A more drastic measure to combat hair loss is hair transplant surgery. This procedure will restore hair to your head in places where it’s no longer growing. It is a surgery, however, so there are a number of factors to consider.

First, you want to consider your desired outcome and set realistic expectations. While hair transplants help hair grow in bald patches, multiple sessions may be required. And shock loss, where the transplanted hair falls out, is a common side effect that occurs during recovery. Sometimes your scalp situation gets worse before it gets better.

It’s also important to consider the costs associated with this surgery. Insurance often doesn’t cover cosmetic procedures, and this surgery often costs thousands of dollars. Consult with a medical professional before undergoing hair transplant surgery. They will be able to do an accurate risk assessment of the procedure for you, as well as outline the benefits you may enjoy.

3. Embrace Different Hairstyles

It will take some getting used to, but a new hairstyle might be the solution you’re looking for. One of the major struggles associated with hair loss is a changing appearance. However, voluntarily choosing a new style gives your physical appearance a fresh new spin that you can embrace. 

There are several hairstyles that specifically benefit men with thinning hair. For example, spiked hair or a combover can cover up a singular bald spot. Buzz cuts keep the hair close to your head without going completely bald, receding hairlines aren’t as prominent this way.

Accessories can also help you feel more comfortable with your hair loss. You can cover up your head with an assortment of hats or scarves. Embracing your style in other ways can also boost confidence so you’re not worried about what others think about your hair. Grab a pair of earrings to accent your newly shaved head or throw on a shirt with a fun print.

4. Understand Your Emotions

Pointing out the physical changes that come with male pattern baldness is easy to do. The emotional changes, however, may be more difficult to notice at first. This change in your life is just as important to address as your physical appearance is, if not more so.

For starters, high levels of stress can actually accelerate hair loss. If you’re constantly worrying about your hair loss, you may be inadvertently speeding it up. Keeping a level head will keep hair on your head.

How you feel about yourself is important as well. You’re worth much more than the hairs on your head. Consider speaking with a counselor to discuss your feelings about your recent hair loss. They can guide you through the emotional rollercoaster that occurs during the process and help you come up with a healthy plan to adapt. You may even be able to find a support group with other men going through the same trials as you.

5. Adjust Your Daily Routine

There are certain habits that can greatly affect your hair health, for better or for worse. For example, tight hairstyles and extreme heat can lead to quicker hair loss. If you start to see the signs of balding, these are a couple of steps you can kick out of your daily routine.

Ditching bad habits can help you feel better even if it doesn’t slow down the balding process entirely. Smoking is a direct contributor to hair loss. It might be too late to recover your hair just by quitting smoking, but there are plenty of other benefits that you can receive. Your blood flow, breathing, personal hygiene, and overall energy levels will all improve by snuffing out the cigarettes. You may be a few hairs shorter than you used to be, but at least you’ll feel a lot better everywhere else.

Your diet is another example of a lifestyle change you can make to improve hair health. Foods that are extra greasy or sugary may lead to hair loss, as well as hypertension and obesity. A balanced diet will improve the health of your skin, hair, digestive system, and everything in between.

While hair loss can be a stressful experience that makes you feel down, it’s not the end of the world. You can age gracefully and happily, and feel good no matter how your body continues to change through the years. And you’re definitely not alone. If hair loss is bothering you, try some of the adaptation tips listed above.