Home Love & Relationships This Is The Way You Will Lose Her

This Is The Way You Will Lose Her


People speak different love languages because we all give and receive love in unique ways. We express our love the best way we know and we show love to our partners in ways we personally most like to receive it.

And it’s not a problem when you and your partner speak different love languages, but when you fail to understand hers.

If you don’t understand the special ways in which she expresses her love and affection for you and how she wants you to treat her, know that she won’t waste her time with you.

You will lose her.

You will lose her for being ignorant and inconsiderate. You will lose her for taking her for granted.

You’ll lose her if you make her feel neglected.

You’ll lose her if you make her feel like she’s just one of your daily responsibilities you need to take care of.

Because she doesn’t want to feel like a burden.

She wants to know that you’ll always be there for her when she needs you. She wants to know that she can always count on your help and support.

She wants to know that you’ll be happy for and celebrate with her on the days she achieves success, and that you’ll hold her hand and stay by her side on her bad days.

She wants to know that you won’t take advantage of her and her kindness as some as*holes did in the past. She wants to know that you’re different and that you truly care about her.

This woman does not expect you to spend every second of your time with her or forget about your friends. But she wants to know that when you and she are together, you’re actually present.

She wants to know that you listen carefully to her when she tells you how her day was or when she complains about her envious co-worker.

She wants to know that you’re interested in what she has to say and that her words have a meaning for you.

She wants to know she stands high on your list of priorities.

You’ll lose her if you withhold your love.

You’ll lose her if you act distant and cold around her. If you withhold your feelings. If you don’t wear your heart on your sleeve. If you don’t show her how much you love her and how much she means to you. If you don’t show her where she stands in your life.

You’ll lose her if you make her feel like she’s needy, clingy, or too emotional. If you make her miss your attention. If you give her crumbs of your love.

You’ll lose her if you always take everything she has to give you and you  never give her anything in return.

You’ll lose her if you make her feel that she’s the only one fighting for the relationship.

Because this woman wants to know that she’s not alone. That both of you are together in this.

She wants to know you feel about her the way she feels about you. That you love her as much as she loves you.

She needs to know you’re invested in the relationship the way she is and that you’re willing to commit to her. She wants to know she occupies the most special place in your heart just like you do in hers.

You’ll lose her if you’re not thoughtful.

You’ll lose her if you don’t show interest into who she is and what she wants. You’ll lose her if you don’t pay attention to the seemingly unimportant things that actually mean a lot to her.

And no. I’m not talking about buying her lavish gifts or taking her on dates to expensive restaurants. Instead, I’m talking about all those things that she tells you she likes and that make her feel cherished, like when she tells you what her favorite type of music or film is or that she always has her coffee with milk.

So, if you don’t want to lose her, make sure you get to know her well, find out what her likes and interests are, and surprise her from time to time.

You’ll lose her if you’re not true to your word.

You’ll lose her if you are constantly forgetting to keep your promises.

This woman has no time to waste on playing some stupid mind games and listening to your pathetic excuses.

So, don’t think that you can fool her for as long as you want by promising her things that you have no intention whatsoever of fulfilling. Don’t think that every time you make a mistake or fail to fulfill a promise, you can just apologize to her and she’ll forgive you right away.

Promises and apologies don’t mean anything to her unless they’re followed by an appropriate action.

So, if you’ve promised her that you’ll spend the Saturday evening together, do that. If you’ve said that you’ll take her out to dinner, make sure you do that. Stay true to your word and show her that you’re a man of high integrity.

You’ll lose her if you stop being affectionate with her.

You’ll lose her if you stop hugging, kissing, and touching her. If you stop making her feel desirable.

Because she needs to feel your touch. She needs to feel your warmth. She needs to feel that you still find her attractive and irresistible, whether you’ve been together for 6 months or 6 years.

She needs to know that you love and want her as much as she loves and wants you.