Home Curiosity Knowing When to Accept Blame and When to Place It

Knowing When to Accept Blame and When to Place It

traumatic or emotional event

When a traumatic or emotional event happens, it’s natural to look for someone to blame. These kinds of events can be incredibly wide-ranging in nature, meaning that the answers available generally aren’t uniform. You have to look at the situation as it arises and work out where to go from there.

Of course, if you were the one who was considered the victim in this event, it’s natural that you would want to look for blame — to find someone responsible and take action to receive some sort of compensation. However, this won’t always be the case — sometimes it just won’t be a viable option when it comes to your next steps, and other times, you might be the one who has to take responsibility.


This is something that can be incredibly difficult to do. Taking the time to assess your own role in a situation, throw up your hands, and admit that you were in the wrong isn’t easy. However, it can also be difficult for some people to do anything other than this when this situation arises. The fact that people can often fall on one of two sides of this can make the rational approach quite a difficult one to achieve. Those who blame themselves too often and beat themselves up over absolutely everything might neglect to throw blame at the feet of those truly responsible, which can be damaging to you in a personal sense on multiple levels.

That said, once the emotion of the moment has faded, and you’ve thought about what happened and maybe talked to legal professionals if it’s that type of situation, it’s important to accept the fact that you had a role to play. Even if you were a bystander who got caught up in something outside of your control, you’re a part of what occurred, meaning that in some situations, you might be more at fault than you’d like to think.

Placing Blame and Recourse

That said, though it’s important to understand when you might be at fault, when it comes to placing the blame, you might have something of an uphill battle ahead of you. This is why it’s important to be aware of the appropriate legal help. If the party you feel was in the wrong takes the form of a large company, they’re going to come prepared against these types of complaints, so you have to be well equipped to face them.

It’s not always this malicious, however, and sometimes it was a mistake on their behalf, but one that had devastating consequences. For example, if you or someone you know suffered injury caused by hospital malpractice, you might understand that it wasn’t done out of malice, but taking the proper legal steps can not only provide you with compensation, but it could potentially prevent it from happening to others in your situation.

Accidents Happen

The very idea of blame is one that’s stooped in meaning. As soon as something happens, especially something that affects you negatively, it’s natural to look around for people to blame (even if that person is you) and rack your brain over why things didn’t go differently. The ultimate truth is that with the general chaos of life being what it is, accidents are bound to happen.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you should let everything go, sometimes action should have been taken to prevent something and subsequent steps need to be taken to make sure that it doesn’t happen again. However, when you’re trying to work out what happened, who’s at fault, and where to go next, it’s important to at least consider the very real possibility that there’s nobody at all to blame.

Thinking Rationally

Whatever the nature of the incident itself, a lot of the difficulty comes from thinking rationally. You might have a gut reaction, driven by the emotions of the time, and following that to its natural conclusion might lead you to a destination that’s quite different to what others think you should do. Taking some time to reflect is important, and this can help you to regain a sense of composure — even when the incident was emotionally charged — and that can help you to take informed action when deciding what to do next.