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A Useful Guide to Know What You Should and Shouldn’t Buy When Expecting a Baby

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The arrival of a baby is one of the most joyous occasions in a family’s life. Yet, for new parents, it can also be one of the most expensive. Between cribs, clothes, gear, and toys, there are plenty of items to buy when you’re expecting. However, not all purchases are necessary – or wise, and will only put a strain on your budget unnecessarily. To help guide you through what you should and shouldn’t buy before your little one arrives, we’ve compiled a list of must-haves and optional buys, along with some general advice on how to get through the first months/years.

baby bag

Preparing for the Early Years

A lot of people get a bit scared when they’re about to become parents, and that is completely normal. It’s the beginning of whole different life for you, and you start to think about all the things that can go wrong and worry about your baby in advance. It’s important to seek out advice, whether it be by talking to other parents or reading up on some parenting tips online that will help you make it through the early years, it will help you have peace of mind – being better prepared. There are so many items on the market for babies, that it can be difficult to decide what to purchase and what is not necessary. Here are some tips on what to buy and what not to buy when preparing for your baby’s first years: 

What you Should Buy:

  1. Diapers – It is advisable to have a large stock of diapers, as your baby will go through a lot of them.
  2. Baby wipes – These are a necessity for cleaning up messes.
  3. Clothing – You will need a lot of clothing as babies grow quickly. It is best to buy a few pieces at a time, so you can spread out the cost.
  4. Formula – If you are not breastfeeding, you will need to purchase formula for your baby.
  5. Bottles and nipples – If you are not breastfeeding, you will need to purchase bottles and nipples for your baby.
  6. A crib, mattress, and sheets – A crib is a must-have for a newborn baby. Make sure to get a waterproof mattress protector and sheets to go with the crib.
  7. Toys – Babies love playing with toys, so it is important to have a good variety of them. Choose safe toys that are developmentally appropriate for your child’s age.
  8. Pacifiers – Pacifiers can help soothe a fussy baby. Just make sure to wait until your baby is at least six months old before using them, as they can cause problems with teeth development if used too early.
  9. A baby carrier – A baby carrier can be helpful for carrying your baby around when your hands are full. When choosing, see that it’s comfortable for you, as well as for your baby.

What You Shouldn’t Buy: 

  1. Crib bumpers – Crib bumpers are not safe and can increase the risk of SIDS.
  2. Baby walkers – Baby walkers can be dangerous and should not be used. They can cause babies to fall downstairs and in other dangerous places.
  3. Teething rings – Teething rings and comforters are not necessary and can actually increase the risk of SIDS.

baby brush

Optional Stuff You Probably Won’t Need

There are a lot of things expecting parents need to buy when they find out they’re having a baby. However, there are also a lot of things that can be put off until later, or that you may not need at all. Here are a few optional items you may want to consider before spending your money. 

  • A baby bathtub. Babies can be washed in the sink or in the shower until they’re about six months old, so you may not need to buy a baby bathtub until later on. It might be an unnecessary expense.
  • A baby carrier. You may not need a baby carrier until your baby is a bit older and can support their own head.
  • A stroller. You may not need to buy a stroller until your baby is a bit older and can sit up on their own.
  • Furniture for the nursery. You may not need to buy furniture for the nursery until your baby is born, and you can measure their crib size.

This article provides a useful guide to what you should and shouldn’t buy when expecting a baby. By knowing what to buy, you can save yourself time and money and also avoid last-minute scrambles. Additionally, you won’t have to worry about buying items that won’t be used or that won’t fit your needs.