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Cannabis Addiction Treatment: Is Rehab necessary?


Due to societal pressures, Cannabis is often one amongst the toughest substances to do away with. The increasing social reception of Cannabis contributes to the current statuesque in the same way it pays towards alcoholics not needing to quit. Many folks with an addiction rarely feel they need some sort of intervention, and the people who are closely associated with them might not see it as a controversy either; this does not mean that those self-same individuals would not benefit enormously from Cannabis addiction treatment.

There are many folks who use Cannabis on an ordinary basis and have all the typical symptoms of an addiction. These are those who cannot control their use irrespective of the implications.

Those who receive treatment for a Cannabis addiction are largely individuals who have chronically used Cannabis Day after day. These are individuals who have tried to quit on their own over and over but were unable to break the habit. In this feature, we look at whether or not Cannabis is truly addictive, how using it affects the brain and how you can get rid of a possible addiction.

Is Cannabis Addictive?

Physiological dependence, which develops because the brain and body adapt to weed, maybe a common feature related to numerous instances of Cannabis addiction. Those who develop a dependence on Cannabis may, over time, begin to emanate a lesser amount of their own endocannabinoid neurotransmitters and become desensitized to their effects of them.

Should this happen, heavy Cannabis users may experience withdrawal symptoms after they slow their cannabis consumption or stop consumption altogether.
People with Cannabis use disorders every so often develop a major physical necessity on the drug, in other words, the person’s system has become so dependent upon the presence of the drug to function normally.

When the person stops taking Cannabis or reduces the dose, they will usually undergo withdrawal symptoms like irritability, trouble sleeping, hungers, loss of appetite, and restlessness. Dependency habitually develops in conjunction with tolerance, within which the user must use growing amounts of Cannabis to attain the required effect or experience less of an impression if they still use the equal amount of the substance.

How Does Cannabis Use Affect the Brain?

Recurring cannabis use carries certain risks. A person who regularly uses Cannabis could also be at higher risk of developing a cannabis use disorder. Cannabis is additionally related to other physical and mental dangers. With the increasing effectiveness of Cannabis’s average concentration of its primary psychoactive element, these risks are also elevated for users.

Cannabis’s psychotropic components affect the brain through a series of chemical exchanges. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the primary intoxicating substance found in cannabis. THC is equivalent in chemical structure to present cannabinoids within the body, like anandamide. This resemblance allows THC to connect to the brain’s cannabinoid receptors and disrupt the endocannabinoid system’s normal operational ability.

THC also stimulates the discharge of larger-than-normal amounts of dopamine, which is partially answerable for its enjoyable high.
THC affects a user’s brain in areas that control mood, memory, thinking, and concentration.

 Cannabis’s effects could also be desirable for a few people and include:
• Elation.
• Feelings of calm or relaxation
• Distortions in sensory perception
• Transformed sense of your time 
THC’s effects on the brain don’t always produce pleasurable effects. Its disruption of the brain’s normal pathways of communication may sometimes cause distressing effects such as:2
• Cognitive impairment.
• Diminished coordination and response time.
• Increased anxiety.
• Paranoia.
• Acute psychotic features, like hallucinations and delusions.

In spite of the prevalent notion that Cannabis is entirely safe or freed from any addictive potential, there is undoubtedly evidence to suggest otherwise.

Treatment Centres for Cannabis Addiction

A lot of people who develop an ongoing addiction to Cannabis over time are able to give up without the need of going to a full-sized treatment centre. On the other hand, for those in an environment that makes it on the face of it impossible to stop using Cannabis, a residential treatment centre may help to take the individual away from the environment in which cannabis is being used. Most treatment centres in the UK provide cannabis addiction rehab programmes.

Getting Off Cannabis

Even though Cannabis may not be substantially addictive in the same way as other drugs such as Heroin or alcohol, the psychological addiction can be controlling. Behavioural disorders, such as gambling addictions, are perfect cases of the power of psychological dependencies.

Does the National Health Service Provide Cannabis Addiction treatment?

Even though the NHS does not make provision for inpatient rehab programmes related to cannabis addiction, there are a number of outpatient services readily available through the NHS and charities. The NHS in occasional circumstances may make financial provisions for treatment and rehabilitation, but then again it is typically set aside for those besieged with life-threatening addictions and dependencies.


More and more people than ever hold the opinion that Cannabis is acceptable or suitable. A recent poll disclosed that the bulk of UK citizens favour legalizing Cannabis. This insight likely pays to the assumption that Cannabis is not addictive.

Even though many people are passionate about Cannabis and don’t exhibit physical symptoms of addiction and will not function in the same manner than someone under the influence of Heroin or Meth, it doesn’t mean they don’t have a dependency.

Misconceptions about the addictive nature of Cannabis shouldn’t stop e those that need treatment from receiving it.
Additionally, the presence of tolerance or dependence is not sufficient enough to form a diagnosis of Cannabis addiction. But then again, there are strong indicators that challenging use is already underway—the sort of use that would ultimately result in the event of a substance use disorder. 

The biggest characteristic indicator of an addiction is obsessive use in spite of adversative effects. The person finds it tough to manage their use of the drug while it is causing problems in their life, like trouble with relationships, work, school, or the law. Should an addiction to cannabis persistently interfere with any of the above, then one would need to consider rehabilitation for a possible addiction to cannabis.