Home Curiosity Checklist: 7 ideas for a proper vacation

Checklist: 7 ideas for a proper vacation


In our article, we tell you how to properly rest on vacation to gain strength for the whole coming year.

Change the scenery

If you want to have a memorable vacation, go on a trip. A person will not be able to avoid hiding from new experiences and impressions in unfamiliar surroundings.

The trip does not have to be expensive: a hotel can be changed into a hostel, a guide – on the map, the plane – on the bus, if there is a suitable route. Many museums and parks have student discounts, so don’t forget to get your student ID.

Get some sleep

Healthy sleep helps to maintain immunity and well-being. During the vacations, of course, you cannot sleep for a year ahead: a good night’s rest should be every day. But during vacations, you can adjust a comfortable regime of the day, accustom yourself to doing things during the day, rest at night, and get up in the morning. It is desirable to go to bed and get up at the same time, to take at least 8 hours of sleep a day for an adult. Sometimes it’s better to think about who will write my essay for me than to torture yourself at night, depriving you of a healthy night’s sleep.

Take a break from gadgets

The computer, smartphone, and Internet are the indispensable assistants of students. The endless flow of information is tiring, and the opportunity to chat with a friend on social networks devalues communication.

Put away your smartphone, tablet, and laptop to enjoy the silence and the entertainment our parents used to do: read a book, play board games with friends, go in for sports or find a new hobby.

Get involved in sports

If the school year was so stressful that textbooks and homework occupied all your free time, it’s time to change the vector of activity and take a good stretch. Moderate exercise is good at any time of year, but it’s easier to pick up a new habit during vacations.

Try different activities and choose something that will fit into your traditional schedule as the school year begins. Alternating physical and mental activity will have a positive effect on memory, concentration, and performance.

Find a new hobby

The vacations are a great time to learn a new language or learn a useful skill. Do something that you have been putting off for a long time because of lack of time. New experiences and positive emotions will help your body to recover after a tiring year.

Get out to the countryside

Doctors and scientists recommend taking a walk every day: first, walking can be equated with a sporting activity, and second, fresh air saturates the body with the necessary oxygen. You need to choose the right places: parks, squares, riverside promenades away from factories and plants.

On vacation you can get out of town: walk through the woods or groves, have a picnic with friends or relatives, go hiking or canoeing.

Get a part-time job

If you can’t just sit around and the activities we have listed aren’t enough to keep you busy all day, get a part-time job during the vacations. Look for part-time or hourly jobs, as students should have some rest during the vacations.