Home Spiritual Dear Universe, Thank You For All The People I’ve Met – I...

Dear Universe, Thank You For All The People I’ve Met – I Could Learn From Them All


People believe in many things. Feel free to put your belief, your God, as a substitute of mine, and let’s all be thankful for once for all the people that have somehow changed or influenced our life. 

 Dear Universe,

You are magically wondrous and beautiful. Thank You for allowing me to cross paths with all the people I’ve met so far in my life because I could learn from all of them. 

Thank You for all my friends – those who were next to me when I lost my job and when I had to go through a bad breakup.

Thank You for all my friends – those who took words like loyalty, fun, honesty, and redefined them. Those who were a phone call away whenever I needed them and never let me sink. Those I could learn from and those I had to beware of. 

Thank You for all the people who posed as my friends, but when I really needed them, were never there. Those who were always up for a drink or for the movies, but when they needed to lend an ear and be there for me when I needed a shoulder, somehow magically ghosted. Those who saw I was drowning in sorrows and remained still and silent next to my pleas for help. 

Thank You for the right times and for the bad times to meet some people. Thank You for the right and the bad timings.

Thank You for those who loved me at my best, but not at my worst.

Thank You for loyal and supportive coworkers and backstabbing ones – they made me stronger, more resourceful. Thank You for the people that abandoned me and for those who were afraid to love me or they didn’t know how to. We were not meant for each other, and that’s the beauty of it. At first, it’s hard, but then it feels like a cleanse. Learning your lessons, overcoming the pain of losing the one person you wanted to spend your life with, letting go, prepares you for life. I realized I am much stronger with your help.

Thank You because You thought me how to learn to trust and love again. You taught me how to have faith again in love, in friendship, in life. Thank You for grabbing the control out of my bare hands at times, so I could finally learn to trust You.

Finally, thank You, for, despite the rollercoasters and the blizzards, You gave me people who embraced me the way I am. Who told me I should be unapologetic about who I am and who supported my goals, be they unrealistic or silly. 

Thank You for lifting me up after every fall – I learned that it’s for the best. We must fall to learn. We must fail to become stronger. But You taught me that that is not the end.  You taught me that the sky is always clearer on the other side, but if I keep looking at the other side, I’ll never be happy. So I let go, and I learned to trust You. I lay my faith in your majestic flow and I finally realized what You wanted me to realize – that for us to reach the inner happiness we have to go through windy roads and heavy storms. The road is not paved well, but it’s worth taking. 

So, my dear Universe, thank You.

Thank You for all the people and how good or bad they treated me. I could learn from them all and find the beauty from within. With your little, shiny stroke of help.