Home Curiosity Different Types of Wrongful Death Cases: Explained

Different Types of Wrongful Death Cases: Explained


Wrongful death cases are a type of lawsuit that can be filed by family members or legal representatives on behalf of someone who has passed away. Wrongful death lawsuits can occur in many different ways, such as due to car accidents, medical malpractice, or defective products. The goal is usually to get compensation for any financial losses incurred as well as non-financial damages like grief and mental pain. It’s important to know your rights if you have lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence so you can take action quickly. 

Here we will explain what wrongful death cases are and how they work so you will better understand your options when it comes time to pursue justice for those who died too soon.


Traffic accidents

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of wrongful death cases. If you were driving and someone else hit you, causing your loved one to die, you could file a wrongful death lawsuit. The same is true if your loved one was a passenger in another car that was in an accident. In Michigan, the law says that the “estate” of the person who died can file a wrongful death lawsuit. This includes the deceased person’s spouse, children, parents, or any other blood relatives. A Michigan wrongful death lawsuit for a car accident can seek damages for things like medical expenses, funeral costs, and the loss of income your loved one would have earned if they had lived. Having a legal representative during these hard times can help you cope with the administrative challenges and have the time to properly mourn your loved ones, without stressing out too much over the obligatory court and insurance meetings. 

Medical malpractice

When a wrongful death lawsuit is filed concerning medical malpractice, there are a few things that need to be established. There needs to be evidence that the doctor or medical professional was negligent in their care of the patient. The negligence must have been the direct cause of the death of the patient. In addition, the family of the deceased must show that they suffered damages as a result of the death. These damages can include emotional distress, loss of income, and funeral expenses.

Product liability

If a person dies as a result of using a defective product, their family can file a wrongful death lawsuit against the manufacturer or seller of the product. There needs to be evidence that the product was defective and that it caused the death of the individual. Proving that the product was defective can be done in a few different ways. For example, if there was a design flaw with the product, or if the manufacturing process resulted in a dangerous condition. The process for filing a wrongful death lawsuit for a defective product is similar to other cases, such as car accidents. The family of the deceased must be able to prove that they have suffered damages as a result of the death and these damages can include things like medical expenses, funeral costs, and loss of income.

Vehicular manslaughter

If someone is killed as a result of another person’s negligence while operating a vehicle, the family of the deceased can file a wrongful death lawsuit against the driver. To win this type of case, it needs to be proven that the driver was negligently operating their vehicle and that this negligence led to the death of the victim. For example, if the driver was speeding, or if they were under the influence of drugs or alcohol. These processes may involve witness statements, as well as expert testimony to support the case.

Workplace accidents

Workplace accidents can be due to company negligence in many ways. For example, if the company is not providing proper safety equipment or training, or if they are not enforcing safety protocols. If you have lost a loved one in a workplace accident, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the company. To win this type of case, it needs to be proven that the company was negligent and that their negligence led to the death of the victim. This can be done by showing that the company did not provide proper safety equipment or training, or by proving that they were aware of a dangerous condition but did nothing to fix it.

What to do when you lose a loved one due to a wrongful death?

If you have lost a loved one as the result of wrongful death, it is important to contact an experienced attorney. They will be able to help you determine if you have a case and guide you through the process. It is also important to remember that you are not alone. Many people can offer support during this difficult time. 

As stressful as it may be, going through a legal battle can help you get the closure you need and may also result in financial compensation. 

When filing a wrongful death lawsuit, it is important to gather as much evidence as possible. This evidence can be used to support your case and help prove that the defendant was negligent. 

Witness statements

Witness statements can be very helpful when trying to prove that the defendant was negligent. They can provide first-hand accounts of what happened leading up to and during the accident. In addition, they can provide information about the victim’s state of mind leading up to the accident and any injuries that they may have suffered. It is important to note that witness statements can be used in both criminal and civil trials. 

Expert testimony

Expert testimony can be helpful when trying to prove that the defendant was negligent. An expert can provide testimony about the cause of the accident and how it could have been avoided. They can also provide testimony about the victim’s injuries and how they may have been caused. 

Medical records

Medical records can be helpful when trying to prove that the defendant was negligent. They can provide information about the victim’s injuries and how they may have been caused. In addition, they can provide evidence of any treatment that the victim received and how much it cost. 


Photographs can be helpful when trying to prove that the defendant was negligent. They can provide a visual representation of the scene of the accident and the injuries that the victim suffered. 

Video footage

Video footage can be helpful when trying to prove that the defendant was negligent. It can provide a visual representation of the accident and how it happened. In addition, it can provide information about the victim’s state of mind leading up to the accident.

Receipts for funeral expenses

Receipts for funeral expenses can be helpful when trying to show the financial impact of the death of the victim. This type of evidence can also be used to prove that the death was caused by the negligence of the defendant. They can be also added to the wrongful death lawsuit as a form of damages. 

Loss of income documentation

Loss of income documentation can be helpful when trying to show the financial impact of the death of the victim.  This type of evidence can be used to prove that the death was caused by the negligence of the defendant. They can also be used to show that the victim would have continued to earn an income if they had not died. 


As you can see, there are several different ways to file a wrongful death lawsuit. If you have lost a loved one and you believe that their death was due to someone else’s negligence, it is important to speak with an experienced attorney. They will be able to advise you on the best way to proceed and they will help you get the justice that you deserve.

Each state has its wrongful death statute, which lays out the specific conditions under which a wrongful death lawsuit can be filed. In general, however, these lawsuits can be brought when someone is killed as a result of the negligence or intentional act of another person or company.