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Holistic Home – How to Declutter and Take the Stress Out of Your Cleaning Routine


Love it or loathe it; cleaning must be endured to ensure our home stays safe, tidy, and free from germs. If you are in the latter category and the idea of cleaning your home leaves you cold, there are a few ways you can make it more bearable. Here are some ways you can take the stress out of decluttering and cleaning your home.

One Step at a Time

Being faced with a whole house to clean can be overwhelming, especially when it hasn’t had a deep clean in a very long time. The best solution is to take the process step by step; otherwise, it could all become too much, and you will lose faith. Work through your house room by room and analyze what needs to be done in each room. Take notes while you go so that you can compile a written cleaning schedule for future use.

Clear the Clutter

To make your job and future cleaning jobs more manageable, have a clear out of all the possessions you and your family do not use. Be ruthless and let go of sentimentality when it comes to throwing out things. In a spare room or unused area of your home, designate and label three locations – one for possessions to be thrown in the trash, another for taking to charity, and the last for stuff you wish to keep. Go around your home and assign clutter to an area until all rooms are clear of clutter.

Go Large

Clean large areas such as floors, walls, and ceiling first. Although large, they are pretty easy to clean if you have the right tools, and they make the most significant impact when clean. Kick start your intense clean by getting your carpets professionally cleaned. Doing so will ensure your home smells and looks amazing, and you will have a clean slate on which to kick off your regular cleaning regime. Find a company that offers customizable carpet cleaning services and can tailor their service to suit your requirements.


Keeping your home clutter-free will be easier if you have homes for all of your possessions, such as a key rack for hanging keys, boxes for toys, a boot room-style unit for shoes, hats, and gloves, and a coat stand. If everything is put back in its place, the home will stay clutter-free, and no time will be wasted trying to locate lost items.

Keep your kid’s room clutter-free and easy to keep clean by storing toys in labeled drawers or boxes. If your child can’t read, help them to know where each item goes by labeling it with a picture of the toy. Teach them from a young age to tidy up after themselves.

Stay on Top

Once you have done the extreme clean and tidy, ensure you write up a weekly cleaning schedule and stick to it. If you do 10-20 minutes each day, you will stay on top of it all and will never have to do a mammoth clean ever again.