Home Curiosity How To Get Into The Mood For Sexual Intercourse

How To Get Into The Mood For Sexual Intercourse


Throughout various stages of our lives, our sexual ibidio can go up or down depending on a wide range of external factors, including stress levels, health status, work, current events, motherhood / fatherhood, personal relationships etc. 

However, when a case of little to no sex drive strikes, then it can often leave you wondering why it has happened to me and what can I do in order to get my mojo back. If the latter is a question that you have been pondering recently, then keep reading to find out how to get into the mood for sexual intercourse.

Minimize Life’s Stresses

Even if your libido is still high, it is important for your overall health to reduce the amount of stress that you are experiencing in your life. However, if you are sturgglingto get into the mood for sex, then one of the biggest factors is likely to be the fact that you are overly stressed out. This is because our sex lives are not only affceted by our hormones, but also a wide variety of social and psychological factors. Taking better care of our mental health and well being can actually help out massively when it comes to helping us get into the mood for sexual intercourse. 

Some of the things that you could possibly do to relieve your stress levels include spending some time out to read a book, socialise with friends and family, enjoy a relaxing bath, or even do some exercise

Go To Bed Early

Having a good night’s sleep so that you are well rested and have the energy to actually partake in sexual intercourse come the end of the day is an effective way of gettin yourself back in the mood for sex.

To do this, disengage with any form of technology at least one hour before going to bed and create a bedtime ritual for yourself, such as having a relaxing hot bath or listening to some calming music – doing this will get you in the right frame of mind for sleep.

Open A Dialogue

Despite it being uncomfortable for many people, talking to either your partner or just other people can help in getting you in the right head space to engage insex. Although this may be difficult in some circumstances, especially if children or other family members are present, this can be done by texting or giving the occasional whisper. 

However, you do not have to resort to sending nude photos of yourself or crude messages, but simply ones telling your significant other what it is that you enjoy about sex with them. Doing this is likely to start a conversation, that although not x rated, is still likely to get you switched on.

Become More Intimate

Intimacy can be built with a partner without having to resort to having full blown sex. Try communicating with them beyond the usual “how has your day been?” when sitting down with one another in the evening. 

Performing fun activities together that appeal to one another’s love language is a great way of bringing intimacy back into a relationship. There are a number of things that we can do to inspire a great level of thoughtfulness and intimacy that does not necessarily involve sexual intercourse or sexualacts. Doing so will encourage you to seek out other forms of intimacy.

Do Some Exercise

By partaking in regular bouts of exercise, you will find yourself being a lot less stressed out and, in turn, much more relaxed. In addition to this, improving the shape of your body is likely to make you feel more confident to show it off to people. 

In order to become intimate with someone and, ultimately, to engage insexual intercourse, you must at first be confident with your body and yourself in general. Whilst exercising will give your libido a much needed boost, if you exercise together with your partner, then you never know what may happen. 

Read Some Erotic Fiction

Gone are the days of Mills & Boon books being the only bit of erotica available to read – this has now become mainstream and is big business. With both books and podcasts available, you are pretty spoiled for choice, and can even keep your choice of listening hidden from everyone else.

Some of the reads go way beyond just really hot sex, although here is a lot of that in there, and actually have engaging storylines and characters that will keep you coming back for more. There are even smartphone apps available with full listings of erotica novels, soyou never have to read or hear the same story twice.

Perform Mutual Masturbation

Whilst sometimes you may not be in the right headspace to engage in full blown sexual intercourse, you may actually be comfortable enough to masturbate in just your own presence. It can also be fun to ask your partner to perform mutual matsurbation or atleast both do it together at the same time.

Doing this is actually really sey and is an effective way of helping to build intimacy levels with one another. To learn more about masturbating and the sex toys that can help to take doing this to the netxlevel, visit the Get Frisky Australia website.

Become More Tactile

Something as simple as a touch during the day may be enough to inspire either yourself or your partner later on in the day. For instance, you could try stroking their leg whilst sitting watching the television with one another or even play with their hair. This is not something that strictly has to be done to a partner, doing these same things to yourself can actually have the same effect.

If you feel comfortable enough, thentry touching yourself intimately whilst in the bath or shower – you may actually really enjoy it. Getting naked may help to encourage more touching and even if it does not, it will make you feel more comfortable with your own body and with showing it to other people. When our sex drive is low, we start to feel uncomfortable and insecure, so doing this will help with that.