Home Anxiety Impact of Anxiety and Depression on Student Academic Performance

Impact of Anxiety and Depression on Student Academic Performance

Student Anxiety

The most significant impact of anxiety or depression on students and the ways through which it impacts their academic performance, especially in cases where it is not under control.

Students in high learning institutions have to be creative and find ways to deal with depression and anxiety. First and foremost, there is the pressure to perform well academically and score a high GPA. Failing to score impressive grades despite making so many sacrifices could make individuals depressed and stressed. Students are constantly encouraged to track their GPA scores using this link https://peachyessay.com/free-college-gpa-calculator/. Students also suffer from anxiety and depression because they are supposed to make many accomplishments within a short duration. In most cases, students often feel like there is so much to be accomplished within a short time. For instance, a student is supposed to attend all their lecture sessions, complete assignments, attend their part-time jobs, and still spare sufficient time to relax and meet up with friends and relatives. Performing all these activities daily can be so overwhelming. Students are encouraged to seek help from the right people and places whenever they have difficulty managing their assignments’ workload.

According to the researchers, depression and anxiety are two of the common challenges young adults often face when they gain admitted into high learning institutions. Unfortunately, cases of students suffering from depression continue to increase annually. Sadly, most students suffering from the two conditions rarely receive any form of treatment, and hence, such students do not get to enjoy their time at school. When incidents of depression and anxiety go unnoticed among students, it often puts their mental health at risk. It could also lead to behavioral and social problems, low self-esteem, poor self-care, poor hygiene, low academic performance, and behavioral and social problems. This article will discuss the effect of anxiety and depression on students’ academic performance. (1)

It could lead to poor eating habits

Generally, students should always strive to practice good eating habits. A common mistake most students make is skipping meals and expecting to concentrate on their studies. On the same note, most students prefer consuming junk foods, which are unhealthy for their bodies. Researchers believe that factors such as what a student is consuming could impact depression, anxiety, and stress. Therefore, students must strive to consume healthy meals regularly and pay close attention to the different ingredients in the food they consume. There is no doubt that what an individual consumes directly affects their mood.

It could lead to absenteeism in class

It would be challenging for students to concentrate on their studies, especially if they are stressed or depressed. Scholars believe that incidents of depression and anxiety often make it challenging for students to concentrate in class because it makes them experience a feeling of hopelessness and lose interest in the most exciting things. In other words, it is true that depression makes it difficult for students to concentrate because they no longer see the need to study. Parents and teachers should pay attention to students who miss their classes since it could be used as one of the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression.

It makes students seclude themselves

Once in a while, students are often required to hold group discussions. One benefit of group discussions is that they offer opportunities for the students to exchange ideas and interact. Students also get the chance to learn a few skills and ideas from their colleagues and acquire a different perspective. Unfortunately, students who suffer from anxiety and depression tend to seclude themselves from their colleagues. Rarely will you find such students actively participating in group discussions. Teachers are parents should offer special attention to students who seclude themselves. According to the researchers, avoiding social contact is a common sign and symptom for students suffering from depression and anxiety. Apparently, most depressed people often stop participating in events that would excite them. In an attempt to hide their happiness and pain, most depressed people tend to lock themselves inside their rooms and consume alcohol and junk food.

It makes students have sleeping problems

Generally, students are required to make so many accomplishments within a short duration that they rarely have sufficient time to relax and rest. Lecturers and parents should constantly remind students about the importance of sparing sufficient time to relax. It would be challenging to score excellent academic grades if you rarely spare enough time to rest or sleep. A common sign and symptom among students suffering from anxiety and depression are that they have poor sleeping patterns. Apparently, there is a close relationship between sleeping problems and depression. Unfortunately, individuals suffering from depression and anxiety have a high chance of experiencing insomnia. Lack of a sufficient amount of sleep could negatively impact an individual’s social and behavioral patterns. (2)

Weight gain or weight loss

According to the researchers, whereas incidents of depression and anxiety mostly affect a student’s emotional mindset and mood, it is vital to note that they could also have emotional symptoms. For instance, an individual might notice a sudden loss or increased appetite. On the same note, an individual could experience unusual digestive or stomach issues that could affect their appetite. Apparently, some people suffering from depression and anxiety often feel hungrier than usual and consume more food. The funny thing is that comforting food can sometimes feel comforting and could cause temporary emotional distress, emptiness, and sadness. On the contrary, depression, and incidents of anxiety could also lead to loss of appetite and, ultimately, unintentional weight loss. Unfortunately, a sudden weight loss could negatively impact a student’s health.

In conclusion, there is no doubt that incidents of depression and anxiety negatively impact students’ academic performance. Among the negative impacts of depression include: sudden weight gain and loss, causes sleeping problems, making students seclude themselves, and could lead to poor eating habits, among many other effects. Unfortunately, students suffer from anxiety and depression because they are supposed to make many accomplishments within a short duration. Parents and teachers should be cautious when dealing with incidents of depression and anxiety. The tips provided in this article will help parents and teachers easily identify signs of anxiety and depression.