Home Health Life After Addiction and Rehab: What to Expect and Tips for Recovery

Life After Addiction and Rehab: What to Expect and Tips for Recovery


What can you expect from life after addiction and rehab? Find out what happens next and learn some tips for success during your next chapter in recovery.

We’ve all seen it in the tabloids before: a celebrity who has a history of drugs and alcohol abuse checks themself back into a rehab center. 

We shake our heads, wondering what went wrong. 

Relapse isn’t just something that famous celebrities go through. Relapse is a very common part of addiction. In fact, 40 to 60 percent of people who are recovering from addiction relapse at some point. 

Luckily, there are strategies you can implement that will help you prevent yourself from relapsing. 

Check out this guide to learn what to expect during life after addiction and the top tips for a safe recovery. 

Don’t Assume All of Your Problems Are Gone 

Alcoholism is a chronic brain disease that cannot be cured. Therefore, it’s a mistake to assume that when leaving rehab, all of your problems will go away. 

After leaving rehab, there are a lot of adjustments you’ll have to make, and it may take a while for your friends and family members to get used to the new you. 

You also can’t expect things to go back to just the way they were before your addiction hit you. 

After leaving rehab, it’s going to take you some time to get your life back on track. You may need to find a new job, make new friends, and build a new social life. 

So, be patient with yourself and keep in mind that recovery is an ongoing journey.

Put Together a Post-Treatment Plan 

Whether you’re moving into a halfway house (click here to learn “what is a halfway house?”), entering an outpatient program, or returning home, it’s important to have a plan in place to maintain your sobriety. 

Here are some things that should be included in your plan:

  • Who you plan to connect with for support (ie, health care professionals, counselors, friends, family members, support groups, etc)
  • How you’ll practice and maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • How you’ll manage situations that may trigger you to drink alcohol 

If the rehab program you entered offers post-treatment support, we highly recommend taking advantage of it. This type of care is typically overseen by trained professionals, and it may include the following:

  • Support groups
  • Individual therapy or group therapy
  • Medication
  • Recovery check-ups
  • Employment services

If the program you entered does not offer these services, you can ask them for a referral. 

Tips for a Succesful Recovery 

In addition to creating a post-treatment plan, here are some tips that will help you have a successful recovery:

  • Find sober friends
  • Focus on work and hobbies
  • Build a support network, such as AA
  • Help others who are struggling with addiction
  • Eat right and exercise

The more you focus on getting your life together, the less likely you’ll be to relapse. 

Life After Addiction: Are You Ready?

Now that you’ve read about life after addiction, you’ll be better prepared to step out into the real world. 

Also, if you liked this article, be sure to browse our blog for more addiction-related tips and tricks.