With Simply Insurance you can get quotes and apply for life insurance policies that do not require you to undertake a physical medical examination. You are able to quickly obtain a quote without the need to enter any of your personal details, just the information that the insurance companies require. The price of the quote, along with your approval for the policy is sent directly to the email address that you entered – there is no waiting around involved.
The good thing about obtaining life insurance this way is that you can do it super quick and at the last minute, whilst still being provided with affordable rates. There is no need to wait around the usual 30 days to get an answer so you can start your coverage straight away. However, for this, you pay a premium. Despite this, if you are one of those individuals who do not want to deal with the fuss of having to have an actual medical examination or wait around for approval, life insurance with no exam required is the way to go.
Although no actual physical examination is required, a MIB check is still conducted in order to see what your previous history with insurance companies looks like and whether or not you have applied for life insurance with any other companies recently. An MVR check is also done, which looks into your driving history to see if you have any DWIs or DUIs. Finally, a prescription check is performed to cross investigate whether the statements that you have made in your application regarding your health match up with your prescriptions.
Simply Insurance is a fully approved and licensed insurance agency that makes its money from either advertising policies for insurance companies or through commission when referring customers through to their services. Despite of this, all of the information provided on their website is completely impartial and has your best interest at heart. Some of the insurance companies that they deal with include Ethos, Bestow, AAA Life Insurance Company, and Sagicor Now.
Their policies are available to anyone between the ages of 18 and 75 years old. The maximum amount that you can be covered for is $10,000,000 and the lowest is $25,000. No physical medical examination is required in order to take out life insurance, although the maximum coverage for this is $1,000,000. Policies are available for both smokers and non-smokers. The process of applying for insurance cover is a simple one and simply requires an e signature. There is no waiting time involved and the company partakes in an accelerated underwriting process.
Their policies are available to anyone between the ages of 21 and 55 years old. The maximum amount that you can be covered for is $1,000,000 and the lowest is $50,000. Their policies are not available within the state of New York. No physical medical examination is required in order to take out life insurance. Policies are available for both smokers and nonsmokers. The process of applying for insurance cover is a simple one and simply requires an e signature. There is no waiting time involved and the company partakes in an accelerated underwriting process. Policies are available for as short as two years of cover.
AAA Life Insurance Company
Their policies are available to anyone between the ages of 18 and 75 years old. The maximum amount that you can be covered for is $250,000 and the lowest is $25,000. Coverage terms range as long as 25 years and 30 years. Their policies are not available within the state of New York. Policies are available for both smokers and nonsmokers. The process of applying for insurance cover is a simple one and simply requires an e signature. There is no waiting time involved and the company partakes in an accelerated underwriting process.
Sagicor Now
Their policies are available to anyone between the ages of 18 and 65 years old. The maximum amount that you can be covered for is $1,000,000 and the lowest is $50,000. The company is present in 23 different US states. Policies are available for both smokers and nonsmokers. The process of applying for insurance cover is a simple one and simply requires an e signature. There is no waiting time involved and the company partakes in an accelerated underwriting process.
When applying for no physical life insurance with one of the above companies you will be simply provided with one of two answers. These are yes, your application has been approved or no, your application has been denied. If approved, this means that your beneficiaries are fully protected should you become incapacitated or die and given a large lump sum payout. This can be used by them to pay for the expenses of child care, to pay off a mortgage, pay for general living expenses, pay off a car note, use it as a form of income replacement, pay off a credit card, invest, pay for the expenses of sending kids to college, paying taxes, and paying off any other sorts of expenses.
The price that you can expect to pay if you are male for a no medical exam life insurance policy that pays out $1,000,000 ranges between $47 per month for a 20-year-old and $118 per month for a 44-year-old. For a smaller payout of $100,000, the same 20-year-old male pays $10 a month and the 44-year-old pays $17 a month. These rates tend to be slightly cheaper for females, as they typically suffer from fewer health problems and live longer. Do note that these prices are rough estimates and may be different from the ones that you are quoted.
Indeed, even among the individuals who have bought and kept life coverage during their more youthful years, there is an inclination to underestimate extra security during the retirement years. When the home loan is paid off and the retirement account is completely subsidized numerous individuals dishonestly accept it is protected to wipe out life coverage. Indeed, the expense of medical services, medicine, and helped living has expanded far in overabundance of the overall economy, leaving your mate or friends and family at more serious danger than any time in recent memory.
A professional writer with over a decade of incessant writing skills. Her topics of interest and expertise range from health, nutrition and psychology.