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Why Women Leave Men They Love: What Every Man Needs to Know

When we hear the word “love”, we all think of different things. For some, it means attention, while for others it means spending time with the person you admire. Whether we agree or disagree with these definitions, one thing is certain.

Love is not something that can be forced. Rather, it should feel unforced and smooth sailing. That is not to say that we ought to expect perfection and no bumps along the way. However, it does mean that we should not feel heartache every step of the way.

By no means should we just sit there and expect everything to work out unexpectedly. It requires work and effort. Nevertheless, when it is not what we signed up for, heartache usually takes place, leaving us feeling shattered and in wonder.

No matter the situation and circumstances, no matter the amount of love in certain relationships, they do sometimes end. You can try sowing it back together, but once something is broken, women will leave eventually.

Although there are various reasons why they choose to do so, the main ones still stand loud and clear.

  1. Change can be one of the biggest reasons women decide to leave.

Men and women function differently in times of change. While men may overspend on vehicles or similar figurines, women take a different path, especially during menopause. Instead of throwing themselves in shopping sprees, they tend to coup up and need comfort.

Change can be scary for everyone. However, going through a life crisis such as illness, menopause, and economic struggles can really affect a women’s mindset and worth. It is during these times that they need the most nurturing and attention.

There comes a time when they no longer feel wanted or attractive. Once this shift starts to happen, women need the full support of their partners to move past the obstacles. If she does not receive this type of care, she will leave without blinking twice.

  1. Being present is one of the most crucial things in a relationship.

If there is one thing a relationship needs to survive, it is physical presence. Moreover, this does not involve being in a women’s life just for the heck of it. It means actually listening to her, wanting to know how she feels and what she is going through.

Once she feels neglected, she will slowly pull away. In a world full of independent women, men are no longer a “necessity”, but a desire and someone who understands.

If you enter the comfort zone and think it is perfectly acceptable to always be wandering the streets looking for something better to do, you are in trouble.

Women choose partners who will support them not so much on a financial level, but on an intellectual and emotional level.

Once a woman has realized that you are taking her for granted, she will call it quits eventually. It may take some time, but be ready. We no longer live in a society where women are still only expected to bear men children, cook and clean.

In a world where women work just as hard as men, no woman will allow someone to just mope around and be of no use. This is not in the literal sense, but rather in the “desire to stick around”.

  1. When she knows your next move, it may be high time to spice things up.

Men have been known for their habit of getting used to things the way they are. They tend to fall into a place they feel comfortable and sense no need to try new things. Mind you, this does not change as time progresses. It only gets worse.

Men like to play it safe and this could not be more of a turn off. Women, on the other hand, are quite different in this respect. They need more spontaneity and hints of love and appreciation.

The more you go into details, the better. The little things matter to women, especially at an older age. Women have never done boring, nor will they ever.

  1. If she feels alone, it might be entirely your fault.

Men are believed to be less emotionally stable than women are, but this does not excuse the fact that they are present without actually being present. Do not confuse being there with actually being there.

Women like to express themselves and want to be heard. If she can make you feel like you are her whole world, then men, you should be able to make time to listen to her. If a woman feels neglected, she will leave.

  1. Acknowledgement is a crucial part of a healthy relationship.

Women do most of the housework, cleaning, cooking, shopping and taking care of everything else, so the least men can do is listen. This is all women really want, anyway.

They need to be heard and understood. The more a woman shares, the better. It is a sign of pure trust. Communication is key to any relationship, so the more you hear, the better. Women will rarely ask for something, but when they do, men should listen.

  1. Do not put sexiness on the backburner.

As we have already stated, women are individuals who not only need to feel loved and appreciated, they also need to feel sexy. Unlike men, women need more intimacy and steady footsteps. Women need to feel alive and wanted.

Doing the same thing every day will not stimulate a woman. Rather, it will bore her to death. The more surprises, the better. Women do not only leave when they are lonely. They also leave when they are bored.

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Source: http://www.justiceschanfarber.com/

A Harvard Psychologist Says: People Judge You Based On 2 Criteria When They First Meet You

To judge another human being is simply in our nature. We all judge when we meet someone for the first time. Therefore, first impressions are very important. Are you curious to find out on which criteria people base their judgment?

A Harvard psychologist reveals that there are 2 most important criteria that people pay attention to when they meet someone for the first time.

Amy Cuddy, a Harvard Business School professor, and her two colleagues, psychologists Susan Fiske and Peter Glick, have been studying first impressions for 15 years and have come to a conclusion that there’s a pattern in these interactions. 

In her new book “Presence”, Cuddy explains that, when someone meets you for the first time, they instantly think of these two questions:

  • Can I trust this person?
  • Can I respect this person?

Basically, people judge you whether you’re a warm person or a competent one, respectively. Ideally, we wish to possess both of these qualities.  

Depending on the situation, people think that either the warmth or the competence of the person is important.

According to Cuddy, when it comes to professional context, more people consider competence a more relevant factor than warmth. And certainly, when one is applying for a post they want to present themselves as smart and talented enough to succeed in handling your business.

However, when it comes to people’s judgment, the truth is that warmth, or trustworthiness, is the most important factor.

“From an evolutionary perspective,” Cuddy says, “it is more crucial to our survival to know whether a person deserves our trust.”

This statement makes sense if we go back and think about the ancient times when for a caveman it was more important if his fellow man was going to kill him and steal his belongings than whether he was competent enough to find wood and build a good fire.

And while competence is considered as an important value which a person can possess, Cuddy explains that competence is evaluated only after trust is established. According to her, focusing too much on presenting your strength can have a negative result.

For instance, MBA interns who are so often concerned about showing how smart and talented they are, regularly skip social events, never ask for help, rarely socialize and as a result, come off as unapproachable.

This type of people may have high hopes but yet somehow they stay unemployed. 

They won’t get a job offer because they appear as untrustworthy and unreliable simply because they don’t let people know them better, see that they are a warm person too, and begin to trust them.

Cuddy says: “If someone you’re trying to influence doesn’t trust you, you’re not going to get very far; in fact, you might even elicit suspicion because you come across as manipulative. A warm, trustworthy person who is also strong elicits admiration, but only after you’ve established trust does your strength become a gift rather than a threat”.

Bear this advice in mind whenever you are about to go on a job interview or meet someone for the first time. Talk to them freely and openly and let them see you as a person worth trusting. It may change your life for good.

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Source: businessinsider.com

What’s Your Sign? 12 Native American Astrological Signs & Their Meanings

Do you know how Native Americans saw the world? Throughout time they have held sacred the connection between nature, animals and men. Yes, everything was pure and sacred, every object from the nature has a life, has a spirit and a name.

When it comes to their zodiac, you can pretty much guess that it will be connected with nature elements, with animals to be exact.

The word zodiac originates from Greek word zōdiacus which means ‘circle of animals’ and the word horoscope originates from the Greek words hõra and scopos meaning “time” and “observer”.

What does this mean? Well, in ancient times (since there was not much to do with free time) people will observe the stars and animals. In certain periods, some animals acted weird and they would do some pretty strange things.

This is how people connected the animals and the stars, thus creating the horoscope. So how did the Native Americans observe the nature? There are 12 signs in their zodiac and each sign is connected with an animal. Let’s see which ones:

Otter (January 20th – February 19th)

The otter is a symbol of life. It’s very quirky and unusual. It is very difficult to figure somebody out that was born in this sign.

They are very friendly, creative, witty by nature and independent. They are also very perceptive, intuitive and attentive and everything they do is unique.

They look at things differently than others and sometimes deal with solving the problems. The otters are sympathetic, they will always help a friend in need with sensitivity and undivided attention.

They are also honest and extremely courageous.

Wolf (February 20th – March 19th)

The wolf is a creature with a high sense of loyalty and strength. Unlike the stereotypes of being a loner, Native Americans thought that the wolf is very sociable creature and incredible communicator.

The wolf can be highly mysterious. However, people born in this sigh are deeply emotional and passionate.

They are highly intelligent and cunning, which makes them very good observers and listeners.

Falcon (March 20st – April 19th)

The falcon is the symbol for higher knowledge and success, it has the sense to be a leader. People even call the falcon the natural born leader since they have the ability to see clearly even in foggy situations.

They are extremely confident, supportive and persistent, but sometimes they can be very stubborn, intolerant and impatient.

Beaver (April 20th – May 20th)

The beaver is very strategic and cunning. It is the engineer. People born in this sign are just like the animal-they have many strategies in their heads in order to achieve their goals.

Besides being hardworking, they are witty and brilliant.

However, they know be possessive and nervous. Also they can become quite authoritative and wish to control every situation.

Deer (May 21st – June 20th)

The symbol for love and grace, peace and beauty, the deer is the muse for the Native American’s zodiac. People who were born under this sign have a huge sense of humor and can make everyone laugh.

They are quite sharp and intelligent to the point where they can make everybody involved into a conversation.

Most of the times they are moody and they can become quite lazy, demanding, selfish, impatient, and undependable.

Woodpecker (June 21st – July 21st)

Woodpecker is the Native American animal symbols for balance, progress and determination. They are empathic listeners and caring parents. People born under this sign are very amazing parents and passionate lovers.

They are also highly protective and supporting, consummate listeners, very devoted to the loved ones.

They sometimes can be little bit hard headed, which causes for them to feel possessive behavior, anger and jealousy.

Salmon (July 22nd – August 21st)

The Salmon is a natural motivator, creative, smart and has an electric personality. People born under this sign are deeply focused, determined and enthusiastic about achieving their goals.

Their enthusiasm and confidence can be transmitted to others since they are easily infectious. They are surrounded by a lot of friends since they are known to be very helpful, generous and loving.

Setting up goals and purpose for everything is in their nature so if this is absent, they could be very depressed.

Bear (August 22nd – September 21st)

The bear is the symbol for free spirit in Native American zodiac. It is the quiet one and people born under this sign are hard to figure out. They are  methodical, pragmatic, intuitive and are the best business partners.

The Bear has also have patient attitude, an enormous heart, and an intellectual and inquisitive mind. Although it is very patient and tolerant, there is a boiling point for bear’s tolerance as well.

Raven (September 22nd – October 22nd)

The symbol for balance in the Native American zodiac, the Raven is the charming one that best knows to balance the extremities of two sides. People born under this sign are very sharp and eager to get what they want and what they need, thus they are often referred as the best businessperson.

They are very social, adaptive, charming and patient and intuitive in relationships. They avoid to quarrel and share good relationship with almost everybody.

Snake (October 23rd – November 22nd)

The snake is the symbol for the spiritual in Native American zodiac. The people who are born with this sign are closely attached with the spirit world.

These people can be extremely caring, very loving, and supportive to the needs of others, making them excellent lover.

They are known by their abilities in the medical world, they are excellent healers at a spiritual, physical and emotional level.

Owl (November 23rd – December 21st)

The symbol for wisdom in the Native American zodiac, the owl is very good at imparting advice when it comes to life and its meaning.

The owl is warm and easy going and is perceived by the Native Americans as friend to the world, but sometimes it needs to be pushed to go full speed.

However, they can become very extremely selfish in their thirst for fulfilling their self-centered goals.

Goose (December 22nd – January 19th)

The goose is the peacekeeper, very methodical in its way of living. People born in this sign are very ambitious and reliable. Their main goal is to succeed.

Driven by the desire to succeed, these people are the best workers and great business leaders.

They can be highly generous and kind towards their family and the loved ones.

These people are highly talented in many things and are best known for their seriousness and practicality when it comes to work and assignments.


Yeap! France Becomes The First Country To Ban Plastic Plates And Cutlery

France has become the first country in the world that has passed a  law to ban disposable plastic cups and plates.

The new French law will require all disposable tableware to be made from 50% biologically-sourced materials that can be composted at home and that number will rise to 60% by January of 2025.

The law, which comes into effect in 2020, is part of France’s “Energy Transition for Green Growth Act,– a wide-reaching law which is an ambitious plan that aims to allow France of mitigating the impact of climate change. The act was adopted last year.

Catalyzed by the COP21 Climate Change conference held in Paris last December, France hopes to become a world leader in environmental and energy solutions

According to the French Association of Health and Environment (ASEF), one hundred and fifty single-use cups are thrown away every second in the country which reaches a number of 4.73 billion per year.

Only 1% of them is recycled, and the main reason for their recycle is that they are made of a mixture of polypropylene and polystyrene.Objections to plastic as a material are well known. The plastic does not biodegrade and only breaks down into smaller and smaller particles, which pose a significant danger for wildlife which cannot always distinguish it from food sources, especially in oceans.

According to environmental activists, the use of millions of barrels of oil that are used in manufacturing plastic bags and utensils play a significant role in climate change.

The French President François Hollande said that the ban is part of a larger push intended “to make France … an exemplary nation in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, diversifying its energy model and increasing the deployment of renewable energy sources” starting, it would seem, with the knives and forks that are distributed at fast-food restaurants as well as the coffee cups in vending machines.

Although some ecologists’ organisations are in favour of France’s move on imposing the ban, others argue that it has violated European Union rules on free movement of goods.

For example, Pack2Go Europe, which is a Brussels-based organization representing European packaging manufacturers, says that the organization will keep fighting the new law and it hopes that this idea wouldn’t spread on the continent.

The secretary general of Pack2Go Europe, Eamonn Bates, said: “We are urging the European Commission to do the right thing and to take legal action against France for infringing European law. If they don’t, we will.” 

Mr Bates believes the ban might make the situation worse as people may misunderstand the extent of degradability

“[The ban will] be understood by consumers to mean that it is OK to leave this packaging behind in the countryside after use because it’s easily bio-degradable in nature. That’s nonsense! It may even make the litter problem worse,” he said.


Source: http://www.independent.co.uk

California Couple Inherits 50-Year-Old Bunker Beneath Their New Home

The Californian family Otcaseks bought a house that had “an unusual feature”: a large, concrete-lined hole in the backyard. The only information they had about this hole it that it was a fallout shelter from the Cold War Era.

However, they weren’t told what could be down there after all these years so they didn’t know what to expect when searching the hole.

When they opened the hole they saw that there’s a rusty 15-foot ladder leading below. The ladder looked as though it hadn’t been used for decades.

At the defeat of Nazi Germany and the end of World War II, the Soviet Union and the United States were vying for control of Europe. Although the remaining Allies gave their best efforts, the Soviets were gaining more power and they were developing their own nuclear weapons.

Those nukes were very much like the ones the U.S. had used to decimate Nagasaki and Hiroshima and win the war. The mere presence of these weapons of mass destruction resulted in starting a war of posturing and propaganda which lasted throughout most of the 20th Century.

During the 20th century, many countries started building fallout shelters or underground bunkers for high-ranking government officials. If a nuclear attack occurred in one of these countries, the president, his family, and his cabinet, along with many senior army and navy officers would be ushered into these bunkers to keep them safe so that they can rebuild in the aftermath. As a result, many American civilians got the same idea and built their own shelters in case of a nuclear attack.

The Otcaseks explored the bunker and found water, canned food, clothing, and medicine, as well as paper products and books. It contained almost all the items that someone would need to survive in the event of a nuclear attack. It was even more remarkable that all the items were still wrapped in their mostly untouched vintage packaging.

The original owner of the bunker, Alvin Kaufman, was a nuclear engineer working for the U.S. Government. That’s the reason he came up with the idea of building this bunker- he decided that he wanted to protect his family from the ever-looming threat of nuclear war and thus built a safe refuge for them.

Alvin Kaufman built the shelter with enough room for a family of four. According to his daughter Debra, Alvin offered to build one giant fallout shelter for all of his neighbors to share. Sadly, he was turned down: even amidst the growing fears of an imminent nuclear attack.

Debra went od describing the shelter, saying that it contained several sleeping areas, a water tank, and an air filter that could be cranked by hand.

The Otcaseks began searching the inventory and the first item they found was an old Arrow brand Argyle sweater. Argyle, has been used to decorate everything from socks and sweaters, to robes and kilts. The Arrow brand clothing still makes shirts today but the styles have been slightly updated.

The Kaufman family also made sure to keep a great deal of cooking and preservative products. This stack of Saran Wrap, Reynolds Wrap, and plastic baggies were all perfectly designed to store food. Even ithat these products have greatly improved over the years, the vintage packaging would be worth a fairly decent amount of money in this day and age.

In the bunker there was also a container that contained all manner of long-since-expired medications from sleeping pills, medication for nausea, ointment, and an assortment of nondescript orange tablets in various bottles littered the bottom of the case.

Beside the medications, the Kaufmans also brought along a First-Aid kit that contained foot powder, bacitracin ointment, and absorbent cotton gauze. Kits of this kind were the most common feature of Cold War Era Fallout shelters and some would even contain sutures and sewing kits to be used in the event of a grievous injury from and attack or afterwards.

Some other necessities were also stocked into the shelter such as a tin of cookies sat on a shelf next to two packages of Multi-Purpose Food. California restaurateur, Clifford E. Clinton  created this powdered protein mix in 1946. Clinton had reached out to his friend Dr. Henry Borsook, who was a biochemist, to develop a food substitute that would provide proper nutrition at a very affordable price.

Dr. Borsook worked on the project for about a year before he developed Multi-Purpose Food (MPF) which is a high protein food supplement that only cost three cents a meal. The affordability of MPF allowed Clinton to found the not-for-profit organization, Meals for Millions which over the following decade distributed 6.5 million pounds of MPF to relief agencies in 129 countries.

The bunker also carried some entertainment- Kaufman packed nearly a dozen issues of Analog Science Fiction and Fact Magazinein order to keep the family at least partially entertained during their potential stay in the bomb shelter.

The American Sci-Fi magazine, which was first published in 1930, was best known for publishing many stories that would become classics including stories by Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, and John W. Campbell.

The Otcaseks also found a roll of old Kleenex paper towels which was first created in the 1920’s as a way to remove cold cream and makeup. However, the Kleenex paper towels soon branched into a number of different products, including Cottonelle, Huggies, and VIVA.

Another interesting item that was found in the shelter was a package of Dixie Paper Cups. They were first made in 1907 as a way for trains to easily serve drinks of cold water to their passengers on long drives. Originally they were called the “Health Kup”, and these small, paper cups paved the way for all that came after them.

Jars and cans of ground coffee of several different varieties were sitting ll around the room, mostly on shelves and tables and most of them had never been opened. Some of the items have been ravaged by time like the rusted one pictured here.

It seems that the Kaufmans had a love for the flavored bean and knew that if it came to nuclear war, they’d need enough to keep them sane as they waited out the fallout together.



50 Things You Should Do Before You Die

1.Bathe in The Blue Lagoon Geothermal Spa

The perfect place for relaxation is the Blue Lagoon Geothermal Spa in Iceland. Not only that the spa is rich in minerals it also has healing properties.

2. Hang from Toronto’s CN Tower

Are you into extreme sports? If so, you should visit Toronto’s CN Tower. It used to be the tallest building in the world. You can either climb the tower or you can do the EdgeWalk. Don’t worry about safety, there are guides to keep you safe.

3. Zip-Line With Family or Friends

Looking for fun? Try zip-line with family or friends. Many companies are offering this kind of experience and you can do it on very different locations. It’s up to you to decide which one to choose.

4. Eat in an Undersea Restaurant in the Maldives Called IthaaNot only you will try the best cuisine in the world, you will also have the opportunity to see the underwater world up close and feel like a part of it.

5.Watch the Sunset From Oia, Santorini, Greece

If you wish to see the perfect sunset, visit Oia, a little town on the Thirean islands in Greece. It’s a very romantic place and perfect place for proposal. So, don’t miss this opportunity if you plan to get married.

6.Attend the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona Spain

Talking about festivals, San Fermín Festival has very unique celebration. Apart from enjoying music and fireworks, you can participate in the Running of the Bulls. Yes, that’s right! You can have the pleasure to be chased by ferocious bulls, or you can just enjoy the fun.

7. Throw Tomatoes at La Tomatina

This is a festival you definitely must visit. Don’t miss the chance to get bombarded with over-ripe tomatoes in the streets of Buñol in Valencia. Tip- wear old clothes and be careful of your mobile phone.

8. Be Part of a flash Mob

Don’t be one of the passers-by, join the flash mob, participate and feel the excitement. Just out of fun, try it!

9. Play Golf on the Old Course at St. Andrews

The Old Course of St. Andrews is one of the oldest golf facilities in Scotland. For all those who are golf lovers, this is the place where you can have the perfect game and get in touch with the history of this game since this is the place where the game was born.

10. Cage-Dive with Crocodiles

If you are an adrenaline addict, I can assure you that this experience will be worth it. In this extreme adventure you can meet crocodiles face to face. But hey, don’t worry, the cages are built to resist the attacks so you will be safe.

11. Party at Mardi Gras

One of the best attractions in New Orleans is Mardi Gras. It is one of the biggest carnivals where you can see a lot of parades, floats, picnics, music. You can try a lot of different food, meet new people and have lots of excitement.

12. Explore the Great Pyramids of Giza

The Great Pyramids of Giza are considered to be the oldest structures in the world. So if you wish to experience history, Giza is the place to visit.

13. Stand Atop the Eiffel Tower

Be prepared for a long wait for the lift since this is the most wanted view in all of Paris. The spectacular view of the city is breathtaking, especially at night when you can see all of Paris in lights.

14. Swim in the Devil’s Pool

Ready for more thrill and adventure? You are going to love the Devil’s Pool near Victoria Falls. It’s believed that this pool was cursed by an Aboriginal and some people claim they have seen ghosts in the water. Sounds daring?

15. Party at the Rio Carnival

Carnivals are the best places to have fun, enjoy music, food and other kinds of entertainments. If you wish to spend good time and have fun, you definitely must visit the Rio Carnival.

16. Become a Space Tourist

Ever wondered how the Earth looks like from outer space? Well, if you have enough money you can afford yourself a tour into space and experience this exciting space adventure.

17. Swim in the World’s Largest Swimming Pool

The largest swimming pool in the world, which is equal to 20 Olympic sized pools, is San Alfonso del Mar in Chile. It also holds the record of being the deepest pool in the world. Simple floating in the pool can bring you great pleasure.

18. Dance in the Rain

Feel the magic! Dance in the rain without the fear of getting soaked. You can do it on your own, or you can spread the happiness and invite friends to join you. You will not regret it, I promise!

19. Buy a Round-the-World Air Ticket

One of the things that you shouldn’t miss to do is to travel around the world. Yes, I think of the whole world. Pack your bags and travel around, experience the diversity and the beauty of this amazing world.

20. Visit the “Real” Santa Claus in Finland

Christmas is the most magical time of the year. If you haven’t had the opportunity to meet the ‘real’ Santa Clause, you definitely need to go in Finland where you can meet him in person. Santa Claus in Finland works not only for Christmas but every day in the year you can enjoy his company.

21. Ride The ‘X Train’

What a better way to arrive to Vegas from L. A. than the X Train? It will make sure that the journey remains a party throughout; you can enjoy lounges, bars, internet, flat screen TVs etc.

22. Send a Message in a Bottle

 Out of fun, write something and put it in a bottle. Release the bottle in the sea and maybe one day someone will find your message.

23. Learn to SailThe skill to sail might in handy one day. If you wish to be different than the others you might consider learning how to sail since this is an impressive skill, not everyone knows how to sail.

24. Learn to Speak Another Language Fluently

You never know when this skill can be useful. However, learning another language is a must, plus it gives you more reason to travel and helps you for better job position.

25. Spend a Night in a Tree House

Every child dreams of having a tree house. If you had this kind of dreams and you didn’t manage to fulfill them as a child, you might try doing it as an adult and spend at least one night in a tree house.

26. Fly First Class with Emirates

Emirate’s first class accommodations will make you feel like you are in a five star hotel in the skies. Once you try it, you will never wish to go back in business class.

27. Literally Reflect at the World’s Largest Salf Flat Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia

It’s a must! The large area, clear skies, and the exceptional flatness of the surface make the Salar attractive for tourist and it’s a breathtaking experience.

28. Stay in an Overwater Bungalow

It doesn’t matter if you visit a luxury or a modest overwater bungalow, as long as you feel the magic of staying in one. Create memories that you will remember forever.

29. Swing on the Edge of the World in Ecuador

You must try the swings that are hanging from La Casa Del Arbol in Baños, Ecuador. They will most certainly make you feel like you’re on top of the world.

30. Add a Lock to the Pont des Arts Bridge in Paris

This pedestrian bridge in Paris, which crosses the River Seine, is famous for the love locks. Although the locks have been removed, you can still visit the bridge and put a graffiti lock on it and seal your love.

31. Dine at an Undersea RestaurantTry a different kind of culinary experience, eat in an undersea restaurant. You can enjoy both the cuisine and the serenity of the environment. 

32. Experience Zero Gravity

If you wish to float like and astronaut and fly like a superhero try experiencing zero gravity. A lot of corporations have this kind of offers and you should take the chance and try it.

33. Become a Fighter Pilot for a Day

A lot of airports offer this kind of flight experience. If you ever dreamed of becoming a ‘Top Gun’ you should seize the opportunity fulfill your dream.

34. Go Flyboarding

Another extreme sport to try is flyboarding. It’s a combination of water skiing, wakeboarding, snowboarding and acrobatic diving. Take a deep breath and go!

35. Ride a Gondola in Venice, Italy

You have not felt Italy unless you have taken a gondola ride through the canals of Venice. It is the main mean of transport and it can be very romantic.

36. Ride an Elephant

Elephant ride is a very popular tourist activity in Asia and Africa. In many ways, the elephant ride is equivalent experience to swimming with dolphins.

37. Bungee Jump From Royal Gorge Bridge

Bungee jumping anyone? Try the Royal Gorge Bridge in Colorado. It is a suspension bridge which will definitely give you the best bungee jumping experience.

38. Make a Call From a London Phone Booth

One of the thing to try when in London- make a call from the London phone booth. These old fashioned phone booths are part of the history of the city.

39. Skydive

It takes a lot of courage to try skydiving. But be brave, take a leap of faith and jump! You can do it alone or tandem, either way it’s very exciting and fun!

40. Cage Dive With Great White Sharks

Meet in person the majesty of the ocean’s number one predator, the Great White Shark. Don’t worry about safety, the cages are designed to keep you safe from shark attack.

41. Drink Beer at Oktoberfest in Germany

If you are beer lover, the world’s largest public festival is a must. Almost six million tourist visit the Munich Oktoberfest which lasts for two weeks.

42. Visit the Great Wall in China

A place that is worth to visit is the Great Wall in China. It’s still hard to believe this was built by simple human endeavor even after you’ve seen, touched and walked the wall.

43. Forgive and Let Go of Grudges

Be happier and let go of grudges. Forgive those who made wrong to you and move on. Who needs to remember bad things in life? Move on and be happy.

44. Walk Behind a Waterfall

Can you imagine a better way to cool off on a hot summer day than in the mist of waterfall? Not only that it’s magical, walking behind a waterfall can be stunning.

45.Swim With Dolphins

Dolphins are very clever and energetic animals. Don’t miss the opportunity to swim with them and enjoy their company.

46. Travel Somewhere New Every Year

If you wish to visit the world you will need more time so you should visit at least one new place every year. To shorten the list faster, if you can afford it, you can visit more than one different place.

47. Name a Star

Yes, it’s possible. For a low price, you can name your own star and if you wish you can give it to someone as a gift. Interesting, right?

48. Prepare a Care Package For the Homeless

Do something nice for the homeless. Bring a smile on someone in need and give them little hope in this world.

49. Host an event in the Sky

Host a business dinner in the sky! Now this will be a meeting that no one will ever forget. Just make sure your guests aren’t afraid of heights before you plan the event.

50. See the Fairy Pools in ScotlandOne of the most magical places in Scotland that attracts a lot of tourists is definitely a place you must visit.


This Is What Triggers Your Anxiety, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Everyone has different reasons for feeling anxious and those reasons can vary drastically from person to person.

However, there are some triggering reasons for anxiety and stress based on your zodiac sign.

Still, these reasons are general and might vary from person to person.


(March 21st to April 19th)

You are filled with a lively nature and on days when you are not feeling like yourself, you will still want to be on the go. You fail to realize that life can and will function without you.

Not being in the zone to be on the go is basically what triggers those anxious feelings in you and that makes you feel a bit overwhelmed, out of shape and stressed beyond measure. What you need to do is give yourself a break.


(April 20th to May 21st)

Your greatest reason for anxiety is when the sense of stability is out of your life in some way. Also you get anxious when you are unable to meet deadlines and when you fail to meet someone on time.

You often make the problems much worse than they actually are in your head and you can get very anxious if someone makes you feel like you are not good enough.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

You have a high tendency to take the little things in life too serious and this causes great anxiety. You need to calm your mind and not form permanent feelings and emotions about temporary things.

Sometimes you may focus on the negative side of things due to your dual nature, but bear in mind that everything has a positive side as well.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

It is important for you to feel safe and calm so when someone invades your privacy and tries to control you it causes you anxiety.

You can’t take criticism and you can’t stand when people are staring at you. You need to refrain from taking things to heart so easily and feel free to tell people what you think and how you feel.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

You wish to be in control and so loosing it can fill you with anxiety. You set definite goals and go for it so when you lose track of things you get very anxious.

You need to stop worrying too much and follow someone else’s plan. Things will work just fine.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

You are known to be the ideal perfectionist and that is the reason to overthink things more than twice. When things don’t work your way you start overthinking and analyzing thus causing yourself anxiety.

You are your own and worst enemy. You need to trust more that things will be okay.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

You have difficulty understanding that life is not always fair.Justice means the most to you in life so if you feel a sense of injustice it really stresses you out. It is okay to give in sometimes and simply accept the situation as it is.

Remember that you are just human and you can’t change what humans are not able to change. Over Complicating things is never helpful anyway.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

You can be a bit selfish and you care mostly on your own well-being. Lack of love and attention as well as not having enough privacy or quiet triggers anxious feelings in your mind.

You have to realize that not everyone is supposed to love you or care about you, so don’t expect everyone to respect your boundaries.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

You have free spirit and you hate the rules, judgment, criticism and other people’s expectations. You have trouble meeting the deadlines and sitting idle and leading a monotonous life makes you very restless and anxious.

You should ditch the things and people who bring you down and focus on your happiness.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

You put too much pressure on yourself. Being a workaholic, you set high expectations and hard-to-achieve goals and get depressed when you fail to do reach them.

You can get really stressed over the tiniest thing. You have to take it easy. Nothing is perfect so try to ease a bit.


(January 21st to February 18th)

You like to keep it cool but the everyday routines of getting things done will not allow you to do that. Multitasking is the root to your stress and anxiety.

Keep in mind that once in a while you need to slow down and relax, try dealing with things one at a time.


(February 19th to March 20th)

You do not like to spend a lot of time among the crowds and are afraid of public speaking. You surely are smart, witty, humorous and highly creative but getting it all out in the open is not always the course you wish to take.

Exposing it all makes you very anxious.Since you can’t avoid the people, you have to learn to be a bit more social and spend a lot of me time to restore your energy.

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Victory! U.S. Bans The Sale Of African Elephant Ivory

The U.S. organization  Fish and Wildlife Service announced a near-total ban on the commercial trade of African elephant ivory last week since African elephants are projected to go extinct within the next decade.

The organization said that it was only a matter of time before the ban was implemented, as the public wishes to stop the trade with animals and they want to protect the endangered mammals.

“Since we proposed this rule in 2015, we received more than 1.3 million comments from the public, demonstrating that Americans care deeply about elephants and overwhelmingly support African elephant conservation,” said director Daniel M. Ashe.

At the Africa Elephant Summit in Botswana, Africa, conservationists presented some alarming figures about the elephants, pointing  that they very well may go extinct within the next 10 years if something drastic isn’t done.

“This species could be extinct in our lifetime, within one or two decades, if the current trend continues, In five years we may have lost the opportunity to save this magnificent and iconic animal,” stated Dune Ives, senior researcher at the philanthropic organization Vulcan.

China, which is the largest importer of illegally poached African elephant ivory, has received immense pressure in recent years to crack down on the trade.

In response, Chinese government and largest social media site tightened measures to reduce the illegal import and trade of poached ivory.

The elephant’s future is entirely dependent on persuading The Chinese (and to a lesser extend other Far Eastern countries such as Thailand and Vietnam) to end this illegal trade in what only rich people buy and nobody needs.

There are encouraging signs that the message is finally getting through, but it is going to be touch and go for Africa’s steadily dwindling herds,” said  Brian Jackman, Telegraph Travel’s safari expert, at the Africa Elephant Summit in Botswana.According to the USFW, after China, the United States is the second largest ivory market in the world.This has resulted in an elephant being killed every 15 minutes for its tusks and nearly 100 elephants are murdered each day for their tusks.

Under the new guidelines, ivory can be sold if it was brought into the United States before it was listed as endangered or if the elephant died of natural causes, as long as there is documentation.

The new rules restrict those sales to genuine antiques, such as ivory statues, artwork or chiseled chess pieces, that have been lawfully imported, as well as items like musical instruments that were made using less than 200 grams of ivory.

One major exception to the rules will allow musicians to buy and sell instruments with small amounts of ivory, and also they can carry them on international flights.

This issue came up after a previous order from Mr. Ashe made it nearly impossible for musicians to travel with instruments that contained elephant ivory, since they were not able to obtain the proper permits.

“We still have much to do to save this species, but today is a good day for the African elephant,” said director Ashe.


NASA Says: We DIDN’T Change Your Zodiac Sign, Astrology Isn’t Real!

Did you know that there are actually 13 astrological signs instead of 12?  This means that 86 percent of all people were born under a different sign.

This is old new yet Capricorns, Sagittarii, and everyone in between flipped out and incorrectly blamed NASA.

However, the space agency would like everyone to know that they didn’t actually change anything.

On their webpage, NASA posted detailed explanation about the changes in the zodiac. First things first, they gave explanation on astronomy and astrology. According to them, the former is a science that intelligent people devote their lives to, and the latter is hooey.

Astronomy is the scientific study of everything in outer space. Astronomers and other scientists know that stars many light years* away have no effect on the ordinary activities of humans on Earth.

Astrology is something else. It’s not science. No one has shown that astrology can be used to predict the future or describe what people are like based only on their birth date. Still, like reading fantasy stories, many people enjoy reading their “astrological forecast” or “horoscope” in the newspaper every day,” the agency explains.

“Here at NASA, we study astronomy, not astrology. We didn’t change any zodiac signs, we just did the math. Astrology is something else,” NASA says. “It’s not science.

No one has shown that astrology can be used to predict the future or describe what people are like based on their birth dates.”

In fact, the Babylonians are the ones to be blamed for the mistake because they were lazy! When they came up with the zodiac signs, they left one out on purpose and used 12 signs instead of 13.

This was more convenient because it fit their calendar of 12 lunar cycles per year. But that means everyone who’s adopted their astrological calendar and associated personality profiles in the millennia since have been wrong.

NASA pointed out the error and offered up a correction. The new zodiac calendar has some big changes since not only there are 13 signs now, the dates have changed in some cases.

The space agency updated the calendar to reflect the actual amount of time the sun spends aligned with each constellation, which has changed since the Babylonian’s time thanks to the Earth’s tilt.

For example, Scorpio only takes up seven days of the year and the new sign, Ophiuchus, takes up 19 days.

“The constellations are different sizes and shapes, so the sun spends different lengths of time lined up with each one. The line from Earth through the sun points to Virgo for 45 days, but it points to Scorpius for only 7 days.  

To make a tidy match with their 12-month calendar, the Babylonians ignored the fact that the sun actually moves through 13 constellations, not 12. Then they assigned each of those 12 constellations equal amounts of time.

So, we didn’t change any zodiac signs…we just did the math,” the article says.

And what does this mean for you? Well, here’s what the ~new~ star sign dates look like according to NASA’s calculations:

Capricorn: Jan 20 – Feb 16

Aquarius: Feb 16 – March 11

Pisces: March 11 – April 18

Aries: April 18 – May 13

Taurus: May 13 – June 21

Gemini: June 21 – July 20

Cancer: July 20 – Aug 10

Leo: Aug 10 – Sept 16

Virgo: Sept 16 – Oct 30

Libra: Oct 30 – Nov 23

Scorpio: Nov 23 – Nov 29

Ophiuchus: Nov 29 – Dec 17

Sagittarius: Dec 17 – Jan 20


Strong Women Would Rather Be Alone Than Waste Time With Assholes

Let’s not mince words here, dating can be fun and amazing. However, more often than not, it is just a waste of time. Can you count all the failed relationships in your life? I’m sure that most of them ended because of a jerk who didn’t call you back or stopped respecting you.

The truth is: You don’t need that!

You don’t need to wait for someone to call you or ask someone to respect you. You don’t need a person who will lie to you or a person who wants you to change.

I know, he is gorgeous and sexy and you know that nobody is perfect so maybe you could just give him one more chance. He’ll change, you say to yourself. But the reality is: he probably won’t! Everyone has flaws, but cheating and lying are choices. Choices that he made consciously. You don’t need that.

Everyone has flaws, but cheating and lying are choices. Choices that he made consciously. You don’t need that.

From my experience, it looks like most of the available good-looking guys are jerks. That’s why I decided not to take the risk and I’m staying single until I’m sure that I’ve found a genuinely great guy. And honestly, I enjoy being single.

It’s great to do whatever you want every single day. Nobody judges me when I spend hours doing my nails or stay at home during the weekend just to watch reality shows.

And another thing – I don’t miss a guy in my life. I realized that looking for the right guy is not so important as it seemed to me before. Now I know that being alone is not the same as feeling lonely. You can feel lonely even if you are in a relationship. Being alone is liberating!

I don’t need another cute guy who will turn out to be a douchebag. I don’t want that! I want to be myself and do the things I like. I feel free to explore and conquer the world!

Nothing can stop me now. After many experiences with douchebags, no guy can fool me into going along that road again. I know that all of them are fun at the beginning, but that doesn’t prove that they are good guys.

That is why I address this text to all the girls who had a jerk in their lives. You don’t deserve that! You are powerful, free-willed and independent and you can be whatever you want in your life.

You don’t need a guy to succeed or travel the world. Especially not an asshole who puts out the fire in you.

Don’t allow to be fooled by the puppy-eye look or the sweet words. You know what he did to you! Don’t let him do it again.

Don’t be afraid to be alone. You don’t need dating to be happy. Happiness is much more than that! It’s feeling comfortable and free.

Even if you choose to date, do it carefully. Do it bearing in mind that you have everything you need – yourself. And don’t forget that all the other guys also seemed perfect at the beginning.

Enjoy living life by yourself. Time goes by very quickly and you don’t want to waste it, do you? At the end, you want to be sure that you’ve had everything you wished for and not feel sorry that you wasted your nerves, energy and time on someone who simply wasn’t worth it.

Always remember that if you don’t love yourself, the others won’t love you either. By loving yourself I mean enjoying life freely and not sacrificing yourself for someone who doesn’t even respect you.

Be strong and fierce, because you have to be, in order to succeed in today’s world. And you don’t need anyone for that.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection” – Buddha