Home Spiritual Simple tips to mindfulness, meditation and spiritual guidance

Simple tips to mindfulness, meditation and spiritual guidance


It is never too difficult to improve your outlook, motivate yourself to achieve those goals and to keep yourself feeling happy and healthy. With that in mind, give yourself the power to connect to your mind and soul with these easy and effective ways and be able to tap into your higher spirit. Let’s explore together, as organic clothing by Om and Ah.


There is no easy way to take your mind off daily stresses but there are ways to assist it. Mindfulness can be the key to unlocking a healthy mind; the ways to do it may vary, but it helps to start experiencing life in the moment, without feeling as if you’re caught up in the troubles of the past. Write down goals on paper, and make goals for each week. Take time to inhale the fresh air from the comfort of your garden or balcony. Ensure you’re giving yourself some quiet alone time to reflect and repeat your positive affirmations in your mind, and tell yourself the things you’re grateful for. 

Write lists of gratitude, and be patient with yourself, as things don’t happen overnight. Don’t judge others, focus on your own life journey and start to implement these tips every day. Once you feel in a routine with your guided mindfulness, then things will start to fall into place and feel a little more natural for you. Those quiet evenings away from social media will also be a huge bonus. 


Take those deep breaths and start learning to switch your mind off. Sound tricky? It is, but it’s achievable, and once you’ve cracked it, you’ll find you can start incorporating guided meditation into your daily life a lot easier. How to meditate varies; from listening to gurus or from just starting to follow your own breath in a quiet room, there are many variations. The benefits of meditation are less anxiety, better sleep quality and generally improved mental health when practised often. To begin with, start in a relaxed position, either sitting or lying down, close your eyes and breathe slowly, focusing only on your breath. Continue this for a minute, gradually increasing the time over the days and weeks. It may not be a quick fix, but it can be a valuable tool.

Spiritual Guidance 

Learning to understand spirituality and how our bodies respond to mindfulness and meditation is not going to be easy. It’s vital to look at other elements of spirituality, such as psychic readings, which will guide you and be the helping hand to your mindfulness. You can begin to understand what the universe has planned for you, how your astrological chart and star signs may affect you and how the planetary alignment may affect moods and career slogs. Give yourself time for personal spirituality.

It is a long journey but by using spiritual guidance, you can learn how to prepare yourself for the coming weeks, whether that is understanding that you should re-evaluate certain relationships or even learn to undertake your new tasks at work with an open mind. Make things work for you. The power is in your hands.