Home Love & Relationships Telltale Signs That You Are Still in Love With Your Ex

Telltale Signs That You Are Still in Love With Your Ex


No matter how much time has passed since the breakup, there may still be a few signs that you are not over your ex. If you are finding yourself thinking about them constantly, missing their company, or wishing you could go back to the way things were, then it’s likely that you’re not quite done with them yet. Here are a few key signs that you may still be in love with your ex:

1. You Can’t Stop Thinking About Them.

This one might seem pretty obvious, but there’s more to it than just being lost in thought from time to time. If you can’t get your ex out of your head, then it’s a pretty clear sign that you’re not over them. Thoughts about them may pop into your head at random moments throughout the day, and you’ll find yourself constantly comparing other people to them. 

Often, when you think about them, you might dream up scenarios where they send you a sign that they miss and love you too.

2. You Want To Talk About Them All The Time.

If your friends and family tell you off for talking about them so much, then it’s probably indicative of one thing – it’s clear as day that you are still in love with your ex. If you catch yourself talking about your ex to your friends and family, then it is likely that you are not completely over them. 

There comes a time when we have to acknowledge that our relationship has come to an end and focus on ourselves instead of the past and present.  It’s okay to cry but just remember – holding on to the past is not going to help you at all. Although, this may be an indication that you want him or her back, if that’s the case, then you can read these 8 ways to win your ex-girlfriend back. Otherwise, you can remember her for good, and move on. 

3. They Display Strong Emotions For You

If your ex is still passionate about you and is constantly trying to find ways to make things work, it’s a clear sign that they’re still in love with you. Even if they don’t always succeed, their efforts are a testament to the fact that they care about you deeply. If your ex isn’t as emotionally expressive as they used to be, that could be a sign that they’re trying to move on. 

If you’re still not sure, pay attention to how they react when you mention your new partner. If they seem genuinely happy for you, that’s a good sign. But if they get defensive or act like they’re still hurt by what happened, then it’s likely that they’re not completely over you.


4. They Compare You to Their New Partner

If your ex is constantly comparing you to their new partner, that’s a clear sign that they still think about you a lot. No one is immune to the charms of a new relationship, so it’s natural for your ex to compare you to the person they’re trying to become serious with. 

If their new partner is so great that they can’t be compared to you, then your ex may just not be interested in giving the relationship a chance. It’s normal for someone to get defensive when their partner feels threatened, so pay attention to how your ex reacts when you mention your new partner. 

If they seem indifferent, then it’s possible that they’re over you. But if they get defensive or act like they’re threatened by your new partner, then it’s likely that their feelings for you haven’t faded yet.

5. They Stalk You on Social Media

If your ex is constantly checking out your social media profiles to see what you’re up to, that’s a sign that they’re still interested in you. Your ex might find it difficult to control their feelings if they’re constantly reminded of everything you’ve been up to lately. If your ex doesn’t have any desire to know what you’ve been up to, then they may have moved on already. 

It can be easy to stalk someone on social media without even realizing it, so pay attention to how your ex acts when you mention that you’ve seen them online recently. If they seem indifferent, then it’s possible that they’re not interested in rekindling things. But if they get defensive or try to hide what they’re doing behind their back, then it’s clear that they still have feelings for you.

6. They Try to Reconnect With You

If your ex is trying to reconnect with you, that’s a clear sign that they still have feelings for you. Your ex might be reaching out to you because they miss the way things used to be between the two of you. If your ex is trying to get back into your life for the wrong reasons, then they might end up hurting you in the end. It can be difficult to tell if someone only wants to reconnect with you because they miss you or simply because they’re lonely.

If your ex seems like what they’re after is something casual, then it’s possible that their feelings aren’t as strong as they used to be. But if they’re trying to get back into a serious relationship with you, then it’s likely that their feelings are still there.

It can be hard to tell whether or not you still have feelings for your ex-girlfriend. If you’re not sure, these signs will help you figure it out.