Home Love & Relationships Timing Is Everything: Love Will Find You When You Least Expect It

Timing Is Everything: Love Will Find You When You Least Expect It

Timing Is Everything: Love Will Find You When You Least Expect It

We’ve all been to that dark place. That dark place of not being able to find love. I know how you feel. 

I, like you, have had my dreams crushed. You know that gut-wrenching feeling that melts your spirit? It’s what loneliness does. It’s what not being enough or feeling that way does. 

You are wondering, are you ever going to find love?

You are wondering if you’ll ever be enough?

You are wondering if love will ever find its way to you? 

But here is the thing about love. 

It won’t always happen when you are ready for it. It won’t happen when you crave it. It won’t happen when you are looking for it. 

Love will come when you stop chasing after it and just let go. It will stumble upon you when you least expect it. 

In moments when you least expected to find it. In moments when you’ll feel hopeless and tired of trying. In moments when you’ve given up and sealed the door to meeting new people. 

Love will enter through walls’ cracks and through locks or under the door, swooping like the wind. It’ll take you by surprise, it’ll take you off guard. 

All your senses will awake, you’ll be star-struck. You’ll fall in love with the person you never thought you will, and it will work. 

Love will put her arms around you, and it will surround you with her warmth. Warmth sprinkled with magic and hope. Once love gets a hold of you,  it will change everything you once were and everything you once believed in.

So be patient. Wait for that person who will change your entire life. Wait for that person who will make you feel safe and when you talk, they will only look at you with a glowing smile on their face.

Wait for that person who will hold your hand no matter what and will never let go. Wait for that person that makes it so easy. Wait for the person that makes it clear why it never worked with anyone else. 

Because when two people are meant for one another, their relationship is smooth, natural. They get each other.

So don’t give up on love. 

Because love never gave up on you – you just don’t know it yet. It’s a matter of timing.