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Tips to Prepare for Your Retirement


Getting ready for retirement requires good preparation to ensure a happy lifestyle in your golden years. Financial security in retirement won’t happen on its own. You will need to plan and commit yourself to see the best results. Financial security also won’t happen overnight. You build it up over years to reach a point where you can retire comfortably.

Start Saving and Keep Saving

You want to begin your savings as soon as possible. Stick to your goals and keep pushing toward financial security. Saving, in fact, feels like a rewarding habit as you watch the value of it grow over time. Starting small will have the greatest impact because you won’t be put in a dire financial strait if you put a little away at a time. Saving in this way works more like a marathon than a sprint. You put away a little at a time, and it will soon add up to more than you expected. Make saving for retirement your priority where you set a plan with milestones and stick to it.

Consider Selling Your Life Insurance

Depending on your goals, you may find it worth it to sell your life insurance to fund your retirement. You can often collect between 20 to 25 percent of the value on it. Many people understand how a death benefit won’t do much to assist them personally. Especially if they have solidified their partner’s security with other methods, they may no longer need the plan, and they could sell it to earn the money off it. You can review a guide that will outline the entire process of viatical settlements and how this option may benefit you.

Understand your Needs

You should have a good idea about the needs that you will have before retiring. Retirement costs an expected 80 percent of your pre-retirement income. Those who make $50,000 per year will need $40,000 per year to make it and cover the cost of retirement. This depends on how you plan to live on in retirement. 

For example, those who spend more may need 90 percent, and those who can live frugally may only require 70 percent. It depends on what you need to maintain a healthy standard of living. You might set goals for specific ages and keep yourself on track with it. Keep in mind the possibility that you will have to live in a retirement home at some point and know what things to look for as well as the costs associated. This will give you a baseline knowledge for what to expect if this becomes your reality. 

Don’t Touch Your Retirement Savings

It may sound obvious, but many people fall into the trap of touching their retirement savings too early. You will lose interest and principal on it when you do this. In fact, you may have to pay a 10 percent penalty if you take it out before you reach 59. Along with that, you may face withdrawal penalties and lose your tax benefits. Even if you switch jobs, leave the savings invested in your current retirement plan. In some cases, your new employer may offer better benefits through their plan. You might roll them over to your other employer’s plan, or you can roll it over into an IRA. Keeping your retirement cash in good standing will allow you to retire sooner.