Home Health What Is Low-Level Laser Therapy?

What Is Low-Level Laser Therapy?


Hair loss affects around 35 million men and 21 million women, so it’s no surprise that science is hard at work to discover new ways to help restore hair loss. If you are balding or experience hair thinning, you have probably spent some time trying to find ways to grow back your hair. While a quick Google search for hair loss products can bring up millions of results, one in particular that has grown in popularity is low-level laser therapy or LLLT.

So What Exactly is LLLT?

Get ready for a mini science lesson (no quiz at the end, so relax). LLLT is essentially a cold laser technology that stimulates blood circulation in the scalp to help restore hair loss. Low-level laser technology was originally developed to help combat the effects of cancer, but scientists soon discovered that the test mice were growing back their shaved hair at a rapid pace, while using the laser technology. This discovery led to clinical studies and product development that brought the power of laser light to those suffering from hair loss.

Today, LLLT technology is used in a laser cap design, which allows for optimal scalp coverage and better results. To get more in-depth, here are some of the ways that low-level laser therapy can help restore hair loss:

  1. Increase blood flow
  2. Boosts the delivery of oxygen to your scalp
  3. Reduces the production of DHT
  4. Boosts stem cell growth in your hair follicles

Low-level laser therapy has also undergone several clinical studies and was found to be both safe and effective for use, though you should do your research when determining what laser cap is right for you. (1)

How to Find the Right Laser Cap

Not all laser caps are created equal, so there are some things you should look out for when deciding which laser cap is best for you. Since this technology is popular, there are a lot of options on the market, and not all of them are of the best quality. It’s best to find a laser hair growth cap that is FDA cleared and third-party tested so you know the product is regulated and safe. You should also pay attention to the number of laser diodes the product offers. The more laser diodes, the more scalp coverage you get- which ensures even application of the laser light. Look for 272 laser diodes, if possible, and skip LED lights as they do not work in the same way.

There are several different models available, so finding one that is lightweight and portable should be added to your search list. Some laser caps require that you use the technology while sitting and connected to a wall charger, so be sure to look for options that fit your lifestyle.

Does LLLT Actually Work?

This is a great question. Sure LLLT sounds good in retrospect but does it actually serve up results as promised? Each laser cap is different, but for most, results are typically seen within 6-9 months (and sometimes as early as 4 months). The truth is that hair loss takes time, so anyone who promises faster hair growth than that is probably not completely honest.

Most hair growth products take 6-9 months to work based on the hair growth cycle. Your hair grows in different phases; a growth phase, resting phase, and a shedding phase. Each of these phases takes months, weeks, and even years to go through, so hair growth moves with your hair cycle. What hair loss therapies like LLLT help with is stimulating a healthier scalp and hair follicles, so your hair moves from the shedding phase and is more efficient in the hair growth phase.

Can you use Other Hair Growth Methods with LLLT?

Absolutely, in fact, it is recommended. Hair growth is a holistic process that requires lifestyle changes along with hair growth therapy. Since LLLT is non-invasive, you can easily use hair growth vitamins, minoxidil, and other methods of hair growth with your laser cap to increase results.

What are Other Ways to Grow Back Your Hair?

If you are not ready to invest in laser hair growth therapy, there are some other ways you can work to restore hair growth, like getting exercise, reducing stress, and eating healthier foods.

Some of the best foods for hair growth are:

  • Eggs
  • Avocados
  • Berries
  • Peppers
  • Fatty fish
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Greek yoghurt

Along with these healthy foods, work to add in daily exercise promotes positive mood and increases blood circulation. You can also focus on stress management, as excessive stress can lead to a hair loss condition known as telogen effluvium. Try meditation or yoga to relieve stress and create a healthy internal environment for sustainable hair growth.

Regardless of what hair loss protocol you choose to use, just focus on being consistent and patient. Hair loss can be really hard to deal with, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. Just know that it takes some time to see results, so don’t get discouraged and keep moving forward on your hair loss journey.

About the Author

Tiffany Fuller is a writer with a passion for holistic wellness, working for illumiflow, a revolutionary brand dedicated to helping you fight hair loss.