Home Love & Relationships You Have Several Different Types Of Soulmates. Here’s How To Recognize Each...

You Have Several Different Types Of Soulmates. Here’s How To Recognize Each One

4 types of soulmates

Soulmate Meaning Explained!

A soulmate is not the regular type of partner you’ll meet. They come into your life, open up some aspects of your being, make you confront them, and then they eventually leave. In general, these relationships come with a turbulent note and are likely to end turbulently.

This is because the soulmate is not here for your regular fun and play. They come to tear down the walls you have built around yourself and reveal your vulnerabilities, so you can face them and perfect yourself.

The soulmate relationship doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic one. A family member or a friend can also be your soulmate. You will find your soulmate when you least expect it, and more people can be your soulmates throughout your life. (1)

When you feel that someone is your soulmate, he/she probably is. However, you shouldn’t get too clingy to that relationship, as the most common soulmate relationships are destined to end once you’ve learned the lesson from that bond.

There are different types of soulmates, and here’s how to recognize each:

1. Healing Soulmates

This kind of soulmate comes into your life with the purpose of teaching you some life lessons that are there to clear blockages from your past. They do so by mirroring you so that you can see your reflection in them and recognize your faults.

Healing soulmates arrive in divine accordance – exactly at the time when you are ready for the lesson they bring. The relationship can vary anywhere from friendship to an intimate one and will last until you’ve learned the valuable lesson it brings.

How to recognize one?

This type of relationship escalates fast. Your healing soulmate will show up in times when you’re dealing with damaging repetitive patterns and attempting to solve old issues.

How To Nurture This Relationship?

You should be aware that these relationships don’t usually last. Like with any other relationship, this one works only if you can respect each other’s personal space and exercise mutual understanding. The relationship may have a lot of ups and downs, but if we take into consideration all of the good and bad sides, it can be concluded that it is very fruitful.

2. Past-Life Soulmates

These are people you’ve already known in some of your past lives and this kind of relationship feels comfortable and easy. It’s because of that constant feeling that you’ve known the person for your whole life, even if you’ve just met him.

When you first meet this type of soulmate, there is an instant connection, and if you feel like you’ll be friends forever, you are probably right. Friendship with this kind of soulmate is not conditioned by distance and time, and it’s likely to last a lifetime.

With your past-life soulmate, you’ll feel the freedom to tell them whatever comes to your mind, as you’ll both feel accepted and comfortable with each other. What is curious about this kind of soulmate bond is that this friend will help you move forward in your life without any pain or suffering.

How To Recognize One?

Your past-life soulmate will appear in your life when you are truly yourself and don’t hide behind masks and walls. They will always have your best interests at heart, and they’ll never back down on their purpose to help you accomplish your ambitions and dreams.

How To Nurture This Relationship?

Keep in touch with each other. Time and distance don’t play a role in this kind of friendship. This kind of friendship lasts for a lifetime, no matter how long you’ve been apart from each other.

3. Karmic Soulmates

Like the past-life soulmates, these people are also connected to you through your past lives. However, the connection with this kind of soulmate is deep and karmic and can often be painful.

It’s because this relationship involves a lot of ego struggles, which teach you how to endure the ego pain and overcome it. The only resolution to this kind of relationship is to learn to overcome the suffering and understand your ego.

How To Recognize One?

The connection with a karmic soulmate is almost twin-like. When the emotions get intense, you will actually feel what they’re feeling. These soulmates are reincarnated to relieve some karma and break negative cycles.

How To Nurture This Relationship?

The purpose of this relationship is to help you overcome your ego. This means that you need to become more aware of what kind of energy you emit and the positive aspects that relationship has.

Focus on what is best for you and your soulmate and exercise unconditional love and understanding. Whenever your ego gets in the way, it will cause trouble, so make sure you are kind and loving with this type of soulmate.

4. Twin Flame Soulmate

Only one person in all existence can be your twin flame. This is what Plato has been referring to as ‘your other half. Twin flames are totally opposite of each other, and yet there is a strong magnetism between them.

Not everybody has the luck to meet their twin flame in every lifetime, and the relationship is very intense and turbulent. However, the relationship with a twin flame soulmate will always give you a sense of wholeness. The fact that you are so opposite from one another means that you are meant to learn everything about accepting both sides of reality and creating a sense of unity.

How To Recognize One?

Simply put, you will know it when you see it. Meeting this person in your life is what many would call love at first sight. It’s because you are meant to be together and evolve together for all lifetimes.

You’ll never want to be apart, even if you have quarrels and intense situations. Before long, you will start complementing each other’s personalities and grow to perfection.

How To Nurture This Relationship?

The most important thing you need to know about this relationship is that being willing to compromise and learn from one another is everything. You need to be honest and understanding, and most of all, you need to be open to change.

When you are together, you can overcome everything.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What Is A Platonic Soulmate?

Most people tend to confuse platonic soulmates with romantic soulmates. But these two are different. A platonic soul connection is one you can only have with a friend.

A platonic soulmate relationship is a deep and meaningful friendship. Your platonic soulmate is someone you’re connected with on a soul level, and this is something both of you can recognize upon first meeting.

Your platonic soulmate is someone you share many similarities with. You share similar likes, dislikes, desires, priorities, and goals. But you also share similar problems, failures, and pains. It’s like their life experiences mirror yours.

Your platonic soulmate is someone you don’t have any romantic feelings for, but you feel that you’re deeply connected at all levels.

Your platonic soulmate is your go-to person. They’re your best friend, your cheerleader, your partner in crime. They’re someone who is supposed to help you stay on the right track in life and grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. 

So, how do you know you’ve met your platonic soulmate?

In what follows, we’ve presented 10 signs that show you’ve found them.

1. They Accept You For Who You Are

They’ve seen you at your worst. They know all of your insecurities, fears, annoying habits, quirks, and whims, and they accept you just the way you are. They don’t use your weaknesses and imperfections against you. They don’t see your flaws as something that makes you feel or look less important. Instead, they see them as something that makes you special and unique, and they embrace and love you for that.

2. There Was An Instant Connection

Another distinct sign you’ve found your platonic soulmate is the instant connection you feel between you when you first meet them. You feel you’re connected on a deep emotional, mental, and spiritual level. You feel that your soul gets their soul. You feel they’re compatible with you at all levels. You feel like you’ve known them forever.

3. They Support You

They are always by your side in your good times and bad times. Whether you’re happy and celebrating your successes, having trouble pursuing your goals, feeling down in the dumps, or going through a rough time in life, they’re always there to offer you unwavering support and help.

4. You Understand Each Other

You simply “get” each other. You feel comfortable and free to be yourself around them. You have deep, meaningful conversations, and they make you feel heard and seen. When you’re feeling down or dealing with a problem, they can sense how you’re feeling and what you’re going through, even if you don’t say it out loud. 

5. They Inspire You To Want To Be Better

A platonic soulmate doesn’t come into your life to make you feel good about yourself. Instead, they enter your life to encourage you to grow emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Their mission is to show you your deepest fears and insecurities and help you overcome them. 

Your platonic soulmate comes into your life to offer you new perspectives on life, inspire you to learn new things about the people surrounding you and the world, and encourage you to reflect on your priorities, goals, and choices. They enter your life to inspire you to become the best version of yourself.

6. They Don’t Judge You

If they’re your true platonic soulmate, they’ll never judge you for your failures and mistakes. They’ll never criticize you for anything wrong you’ve done. They’ll never undermine your self-esteem by making fun of your insecurities and flaws. Of course, they might occasionally give you constructive criticism, but their intention won’t be to put you down.

Remember, your platonic soulmate is someone who understands where you are coming from, and they’d never allow themselves to judge you for your weaknesses or things you’ve done.

7. You Can Be Yourself Around Them

You feel comfortable and free around them. The insecurities and fears you’re ashamed or afraid to show to other people, you have no problem showing around your soulmate. 

You are also not ashamed to be vulnerable around them. When you are angry, you feel free to scream and yell. When you feel like crying, you cry without worrying that they might think you’re “too sensitive” or “dramatic.” When you’re around them, you are simply unapologetically yourself.

8. It’s A Deep And Meaningful Friendship

Unlike your other friendships, this friendship runs deep and has great meaning. You and your platonic soulmate feel comfortable discussing any topic together. Of course, you engage in small talk every once in a while, but for the most part, your conversations are deep, interesting, and intellectually stimulating.

9. Distance Means Nothing

Do you know those people you can spend weeks or months without talking to, and when you reconnect, you feel like nothing has changed? This is a telltale sign of a platonic soulmate.

When someone is your platonic soulmate, you can be miles away from each other, but you can still feel the strong connection between you. When you communicate with them through texts or calls, you can still get each other. And yes, you may miss one another terribly, but you know that neither distance nor time can break the bond the two of you have.

10. They Make You Feel Fulfilled And Positive

Do you know those people that can make you feel physically and emotionally drained the moment they start talking to you? Well, your platonic soulmate can never make you feel that way. Your platonic soulmate makes you feel emotionally fulfilled and happy. They bring positive energy into your life. It’s hard to explain why this is so, but it’s probably because you’re deeply connected.

Who Is INFPs’ Soulmate?

INFP is one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types. INFP stands for introversion, intuition, feeling, and perception, which means that INFPs are introverted, highly intuitive, sensitive, caring, and perceptive.

INFPs carefully choose the people with whom they’re going to share the intensity of their feelings. In their relationships, they are caring, supportive, and nurturing. They value trust, depth, commitment, and authenticity in their relationships, and they’re intensely loyal to their partners once they commit. 

The majority of INFPs believe in the concept of a soulmate. They believe there’s someone out there who can make them feel complete and deeply connected with them. INFPs crave something deep, meaningful, and special. They want to be in a relationship that makes them feel alive, energized, and passionate. They want to be in a relationship with someone they are sure that’s the person who deserves their love, trust, and loyalty. They’d never settle for one-sided relationships.

INFPs perceive their soulmate as someone that can be their partner and friend. Someone that understands them and accepts them for who they are. Someone whose soul can connect with theirs. Someone who is not ashamed to wear their heart on their sleeve. Someone who can build a deep and meaningful relationship with them like no one else can.

One flaw that INFPs have is that they tend to idealize and romanticize their partners. They tend to attribute to them qualities they don’t really possess. What the INFP needs to understand is that their soulmate isn’t supposed to be perfect and that regardless of how imperfect their partner may be, this doesn’t mean they’re not right for them.

When it comes to what the INFP looks for in a partner, they need someone that won’t give up at the first sign of trouble. Someone who will stick around when things get difficult.

The INFP doesn’t want someone who is only interested in who they are on the surface. Instead, they want and need someone who wants to reach the deepest corners of their soul and see who they really are. Someone that is curious about where they’re coming from and what makes all of their feelings and thoughts. Someone that wants to see their deepest insecurities and fears without judging them and help them overcome them. Someone who doesn’t think they’re “too sensitive” or “weak” when they start crying in front of them. Someone that doesn’t criticize or judge them when they let all their quirks and whims come to the surface.

The INFP needs someone that is willing to listen to and understand them. They don’t want a person that just pretends to listen to them while their mind is wandering off who knows where. They want someone who shows interest in what they have to say and understands them on a deep level.

The INFP doesn’t want a soulmate that has experienced the same things they have. They don’t want a soulmate who shares the same likes, dislikes, interests, mistakes, and failures. Instead, they want a soulmate who can teach them new stuff. A soulmate who can inspire them to work on themselves and grow emotionally and spiritually.

The INFP needs someone who is always by their side. Someone who doesn’t leave at the first sign of trouble. Someone they know they can always rely on. Someone who is always willing to offer them unwavering support and help. Someone who is willing to fight for them no matter what.

If we take into consideration all the qualities INFPs look for in a partner, it turns out that the ENFJ personality type is the most compatible personality type for them. 

The dominant function of INFPs is Introverted Feeling. The most suitable partner for them is someone whose dominant function is Extraverted Feeling, such as the ENFJ personality type. INFPs and ENFJs have many things in common. For example, they value authenticity in a relationship and want to be with a person with whom they can connect deeply. In addition, both personality types have great communication skills, which means they’ll have a plethora of different topics to discuss together.

INFPs and ENFJs also share similar values in life, which makes it easier for them to create harmonious, meaningful, and long-lasting relationships.

The main difference between these two personality types is that INFPs are introverted, and ENFJs are extroverted. However, these differences can add depth and meaning to the relationship. Both types will perceive each other as possessing essential abilities, traits, and skills they’d like to develop in themselves. They’ll also encourage each other to see life from the other person’s perspective.

And last but not least, INFPs and ENFJs value commitment the most. Once the INFP or ENFJ commits, they’re intensely loyal to their partner. They perceive their romantic relationships as something that they should fight for and that should not be abandoned the first time something goes wrong.