Home Curiosity 6 Ways How We Can All be More Eco-Conscious in Everyday Habits

6 Ways How We Can All be More Eco-Conscious in Everyday Habits

Save Planet

The Eco-conscious Revolution is upon us. This generation of children is the first to grow up in a world where climate change is not just an idea, but a tangible reality. As young adults, we have seen and felt the effects of human pollution on our natural environment for years. We’ve watched as the ice caps melt, seas rise and forests disappear; witnessed how these changes affect communities from rural Africa to Alaska, California, or Bangladesh. Luckily, we can all do our part to be more environmentally conscious. From changing our daily habits to becoming more active members of the green community, there are simple ways we can each help save the planet today and for future generations. This article will outline six of those simple yet effective changes we can all make to become more eco-conscious in our everyday lives:


1. Switch to Eco-friendly Bathroom Necessities

The first and most obvious change we should be making is switching out our bathroom essentials for more eco-friendly alternatives. From shampoo and conditioner to toothpaste and facial wash, there are plenty of ways to transition our bathroom regimens into kinder, more gentle products. There are many eco friendly loofah alternatives, shampoo bars, and other products on the market today. For example, you can do an easy switch by purchasing a shampoo bar instead of a bottle of traditional shampoo. Not only will this eliminate the need to buy single-use plastic bottles and containers, but it will also save you money and water in the long run. 

2. Recycle

One obvious way to be more eco-conscious is recycling. We all know that we should recycle, but how many of us actually do? When you throw recyclable goods into the trash can instead of the recycling bin, it’s like throwing money away. Not only will recycling help keep landfills more manageable and produce less waste, but some communities also offer incentives for recycling. You can find out if your community offers any rewards for recycling by looking up your local laws and ordinances.


3. Switch to Renewable Energy Sources

Switching to renewable energy sources is another simple way we can help save the planet. It’s really easy to switch, too. Whether you choose to use solar energy to power your home or make smaller decisions like switching to LED lightbulbs, the opportunities are endless. Using renewable sources of energy will not only make your home more eco-friendly but help to bring down our dependence on fossil fuels which are non-renewable and harmful to the planet.

4. Donate Used Goods

There are many organizations around the country dedicated to recycling, reusing, and giving away used goods. It’s important we remember that it’s not just individuals that are affected by the effects of climate change, but our communities as well. Many organizations collect used goods to benefit people who are disproportionately affected by their environment’s damage including low-income families. Donating used goods will not only help your community but keep these items out of landfills too!

5. Eat Less Meat

Whether you’re a vegetarian or not, eating less meat is certainly beneficial to the health of our planet. The animals we eat for food require a lot of resources to raise, feed and transport. Not only this, but the methane they release into the environment is harmful to our ozone layer. Many people argue that going vegan or vegetarian has a negative impact on your health; however, you don’t need to go full throttle into either lifestyle in order to help make a difference. Just by omitting meat two to three days per week, you will already be reducing your carbon footprint and helping the environment. 

6. Save Water

Last but not least, another simple way to be more eco-conscious is saving water. This is often an overlooked solution, but not utilizing our water supply has a huge impact on our environment. Whether you are nourishing your lawn or refraining from taking long showers, every drop counts. One way to save water is taking shorter showers; this will not only reduce your water use but also save you money. You should also reduce your use of plastic water bottles and opt for reusable ones instead.

There are many ways we can be more eco-conscious in our everyday lives. We can start by transitioning to eco-friendly bathroom necessities, recycling, and using renewable energy sources. We can also donate used goods, eat less meat, and save water. By making small changes in our daily habits, we can all do our part in helping to preserve our planet.