Home Psychology
From anxiety and narcissism to relationships and romance, psychology gives us valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior. Explore the depths of the human mind with Curious Mind Magazine.
12 Subtle Ways To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating
Even with the knowledge that no lie stays hidden forever, you should not allow being made a fool of by the person you want...
The 1-Second Trick That Will Help You To Follow Through With Every Workout
Workouts can sometimes be challenging to the point of giving up. In fact, many people fail at following through a workout because of the...
According To Scientists, Parents Who Do These 7 Things Raise Successful Kids
The ultimate goal of every parent is to see their kids excel in life and become successful at whatever they decide to become. We...
Keeping Your Brain Busy All The Time Destroys Your Creativity, Research Finds
Creativity is not only about artistic thought, as many people falsely think. It is the ability to ‘create’ something new out of the things...
3 Psychologically Proven Ways To Easily Maintain Your Calm During An Argument
Nobody likes arguments. Not because they do not lead to constructive ends, and not because we care enough to say what is bothering us...
A Psychologist Gives The Best Advice On How To Rewire Your Brain To Let...
The amount of negativity we allow in our minds is what makes the difference between us being optimists or pessimists. Negativity is a poison...
5 Pieces Of Advice On How To Raise a Feminist Son
The term “feminism” tends to evoke negative reactions lately, especially if it is attributed to a parenting style. There has been much discussion about...
10+ Signs You Are an Introvert, Even if You Don’t Think You Are One
Do you often feel that your energy comes from within rather than the outside world? If the answer is yes, then you might be...
Here’s Why You SHOULD Be Friends With People Who Swear A Lot, According To...
Psychologists Kristin Joy and Timothy Jay say that people who regularly swear are more likely to be smarter than those who don’t swear. Moreover,...
How To Reverse The Psychological Trauma From Your Newsfeed
These last two years have been a total storm for all of us. The news got from bad to worse by the day, and...