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From anxiety and narcissism to relationships and romance, psychology gives us valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior. Explore the depths of the human mind with Curious Mind Magazine.

12 Subtle Ways To Know If Your Partner Is Cheating

Even with the knowledge that no lie stays hidden forever, you should not allow being made a fool of by the person you want...

Do You Know What MAKES YOU SO SPECIAL? Here’s How To Find Out:

There is a beautiful quotation that goes like this: “yesterday I was clever and I wanted to change the world, today I am wise...
indigo children adhd

The DARK Truth: They Diagnose Indigo Children With ADHD To Stop Them From Evolving

Indigo children They are often considered as the generation of children who will help in the advancement of humanity to a higher level. However,...

The Dark Side Of Emotional Intelligence: How Manipulators Use It For Evil (And How...

Emotional intelligence is a wonderful gift that many should possess in high quantities. However, people who are able to master emotions can rob others...

They Put Pre-School Children In A Nursing Home! Here’s What Happened!

Nursing homes can be very lonely places for elderly people, contrary to popular belief. In fact, elderly people sometimes face severe isolation and some of...

How To Answer Questions On An Exam When You Don’t Know Anything!

We all remember the teacher’s advice: “Write everything you know on the subject and don’t leave an empty space”. But what should you do...

This Is Why Strong Girls Get Attached So Easily

Have you ever met a guy who got attached after the first kiss from a girl he liked? Do you know any man who...
Effects of Silence on the Brain

Effects Of Silence On The Brain – It Is Much More Important To Our...

There was a marketing campaign by the Finnish Tourist Board back in 2011 that used silence as a marketing product. They released photographs of...

6 Easy Steps To Becoming The Best-Liked Person Everywhere  

Work, school, friendships, everything in life today comes down to one common thing – building good relationships. Although some people are just born with...

7 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You

Respect is one of the essential ingredients of any healthy, meaningful, and happy relationship. When partners respect each other, they tend to feel more...