Home Spiritual Let Us Pray: 5 Must-Know Tips for Saying a Guardian Angel Prayer

Let Us Pray: 5 Must-Know Tips for Saying a Guardian Angel Prayer


Are you trying to get better at prayer, so you can live a better life? Read this article to learn tips for saying a guardian angel prayer.

“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you” Jeremiah 29:12. Prayer is an important part of life, so it is detrimental that you do it the best that you can.

Guardian angel prayer should be done throughout the day. If you are unsure how to go about this prayer, here are 5 must-know tips for saying a guardian angel prayer:

  1. Beg for the Grace

We are all beggars before God. In a letter to the Romans, St. Paul said that we don’t know how to pray, but the Holy Spirit can help.

You must turn to the Holy Spirit and beg for Grace. Beg for the gift of true prayer, you must desire to pray. Asking to learn how to pray is the first step to truly saying a prayer to your guardian angel.

  1. Clean Up

Praying well comes from being conscious and right with God. There are damaged and broken relationships with God that can be fixed. Cleaning up refers to letting it all out so you can truly focus on a relationship with God.

Say your confessions, clear your conscience, and restore your friendship with the Lord. Clean up, let it out. Then you will be able to speak with God more intimately through prayer.

  1. Time

Prayer may seem demanding at times, but it is necessary for a relationship with the Lord. To be able to pray to your guardian angel means making time.

Your guardian angel is always with you, don’t forget to talk to them! Here are specific times you should pray to your guardian angel:

  • Greet your guardian angel when you wake up and beg for their company throughout the day
  • Beg your guardian angel to enlighten you before a prayer
  • Ask your guardian angel for protection when you go somewhere, you can recite the Angel of God Prayer as you are leaving
  • Recite a short prayer throughout the day
  • Thank your guardian angel before bed and ask for assistance throughout the night

Habits are easy to make, so make a habit of saying your prayers. This is the best habit that can be formed. Prayer to your guardian angel means finding multiple times throughout the day.

  1. Place

You can pray anytime and anywhere, but finding specific times and places for prayer is recommended. Someplace quiet where you will not be disturbed is best for the Catholic guardian angel prayer.

Create an atmosphere that will foster prayer to the guardian angel.

  1. Use Images

Prayer to the guardian angel means properly using images. The Catholic Church says you should make use of sacramentals such as paintings or statues of biblical figures. 

Your sanctuary can include images of angels and more. Prayer corners and spaces are better with the use of images.

Guardian angels work tirelessly to be there for you. You pray for everything, including wishes. Angel prayers for your every wish can come true by using more images.

Begin Your Guardian Angel Prayer

Your guardian angel is there for you through it all if you pray properly. Use these tips in your guardian angel prayer to get closer to the Lord.

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