Speaking from a spiritual perspective, we all come to this world at the exact time and surroundings to learn a lesson and achieve a purpose in our lives. There is no coincidence in anything, even your personality.
And for the Universe to make sure that you will be striving for the ideals you were born for, the planets’ alignment played a role in enhancing one of the seven chakras in your energetic body that will lead you to the path of the challenges meant for you.
Depending on your zodiac, you can learn what chakra is your most powerful one and what that means for you and your life.
The solar plexus chakra, or the Manipura (meaning “City of Jewels”), is the chakra of one’s inner treasure and the chakra that allows us to connect with other people. It is a warm, nurturing, and fiery chakra that is yellow in color.
The solar plexus is the chakra of action, and the main challenge that comes to this chakra is the sense of shame and lowered self-esteem. No wonder Aries are usually those who like to protect their Selves from others and maintain their sense of self-identity. When in disbalance, this chakra will project an aura of laziness and a loss of will power.
The solar plexus chakra is a chakra that is connected to one’s passions, self-esteem and personal strength. This chakra determines our confidence and our place in the world and also our perception of it. The solar plexus chakra also is a chakra that speaks of balance – a balance in life, a balance of emotions, and a balance between the heart and soul. It is a chakra that brings harmony to all other chakras and also in interpersonal relationships.
The Aries sign which is connected to the solar plexus chakra is a strong sign because this chakra is a force chakra, but it is also a chakra that is very balanced and intellectual, but warm. People born in this sign with this chakra as their ruling chakra, are people who know who they are and are confident in their abilities. Integrity is a trait that is very meaningful to these people. They radiate with confidence and self-assuredness, but not in an arrogant way. And that is the reason why people accept them as leaders.
But, if the solar plexus chakra is not open, Aries people may be shy and passive. They will also become superficial in their emotions because they will have fears of rejection and abandonment issues. That’s why it is essential for these people to meditate or do yoga in order to regain their inner strength.
Although people in the Taurus sign are usually perceived as emotionless and materialistic beings, the governing heart chakra says something much different about them. The green Anahata (meaning “Unstruck”) stands as a bridge between our spiritual and physical Self and it radiates with empathy, love, and protective instincts.
The main challenge for a Taurus is grief and romantic disappointment, from which they guard themselves fiercely. People with a governing heart chakra are here to learn to forgive and be more compassionate, and when in disbalance, these people are more prone to showing anger and lust.
The Heart Chakra is the chakra that symbolizes love and affection. This is a chakra that connects us to our higher self. People born into the sign of Taurus are aware of things that are beyond their perception of the physical world. They are very spiritual and guided. They are also very intuitive and they even have psychic abilities.
People governed by the heart chakra are very friendly, open-minded, and loving people. They are the empaths in this world, always willing to help anyone in need. They are extremely forgiving and compassionate beings with warm hearts.
When the heart chakra is open, these people are very good at stabilizing relationships and bringing harmony to their life in general. If you are a Taurus and your heart chakra is open, then you treat everyone in a loving way. You are very kind and caring towards others and you are also kind towards yourself. You are in touch with yourself and you know what is good for you, so you are not afraid to say no to people and things that don’t serve your highest good.
If, however, your heart chakra is closed, then you are prone to experiencing feelings of emptiness and loneliness. You may also start feeling bitter or angry. People with closed heart chakra are thought to be very closed and distant when it comes to dealing with other people. They have a lot of suppressed emotions that they need to work through. They need to recognize their feelings and make a peace with themselves. They must learn to forgive themselves for what they have been through and remove the blockages that keep them from connecting with people in a real way.
As master of communication, Gemini is clearly under the strong rule of the throat chakra. Vishuddha (meaning “Especially Pure”) is the chakra of communication and the creative identity of the person and its color is blue.
The main challenge Gemini go through is facing the truth, as lying (even to oneself) is what makes the throat chakra swerve out of balance. The throat chakra serves as a means of expression of all other chakras and it is there to purify them through expression.
The throat chakra is assigned to people born under the zodiac sign of Gemini. This chakra is all about freedom, freedom of expression and freedom of choice. It is a chakra that is associated with properly communicating with others, i.e communicating with truth, honesty, and undertaking moral action. It is also a chakra that is associated with integrity and keeping promises.
When the throat chakra is open, that means that the person is aware of the language they use and the meaning and the impact of their words. A person with an open throat chakra communicates clearly and concisely. They speak in a kind and pleasant way. They communicate their thoughts, feelings, and desires openly and without fear of being misunderstood. They are also not afraid to be vulnerable when it comes to expressing themselves because they know that being able to show vulnerability is a sign of strength, not weakness.
On the other hand, when the throat chakra is closed, then there is a blockage that manifests in people having a hard time expressing themselves and openly communicating their thoughts and wishes. These people may suppress their feelings and avoid communicating with other people. They are not revealing themselves to others and therefore, they can’t form close connections with other people. They need to open their throat chakra if they want to get rid of their superficial way of dealing with people.
Governed by the Moon, the intuitive and mystical Cancer has their indigo-colored Third Eye as the most active chakra in their system. The Ajna (meaning “Command”) is the chakra of insight and it allows the individual to see the bigger picture and the connection between everything.
Illusions are the biggest challenge for people who have their Third Eye as a dominant chakra, as they can lead to false perceptions, prejudice, and subjectivism. The Third Eye possesses the power to literally command the energy and reality around you, should you activate it and use it properly.
The Third Eye Chakra is all about perspective and perception. It is a chakra that deals with judgment and a clear vision of things. This chakra is thought to be connected to the divine and that’s why it is often referred to as the chakra that is the spiritual eye of every human being.
When this chakra is opened, it signifies that the person trusts their gut and they are in touch with their intuition. It also means that they can look at the different sides of a story and see the situation from all of the different angles and empathize with all of them. Therefore, these people don’t make rapid decisions. They are always analyzing a situation before making a final judgment and decision. That’s why these people can accept other people’s opinions and perspectives with an open mind even though their own views may be completely different.
If, however, the forehead chakra is closed, then it is believed that the person has troubles with concentration and also has difficulties seeing things clearly for what they are. These people tend to lose a clear perception of things and therefore start relying on other people’s beliefs. Therefore, they need to distance themselves from other people’s influences and by practicing meditation to begin to regain their concentration and perception of reality.
Governed by the highest spiritual aspects, the violet Crown Chakra, also known as Sahasrara (meaning “Thousand Petalled”) is the chakra of higher knowledge and learning. It offers divine wisdom, spiritual connection, a sense of oneness, and the ability to tap into the Universal consciousness.
This chakra’s main challenge is attachment, and when in disbalance, the Leo will turn to their self and become consumed by their ego, as they lose touch with the Universal consciousness and the Oneness.
The Crown Chakra is associated with a person who is very conscious and aware of the world. They are also very wise and they are in full knowledge of themselves and what is sacred to them. That’s why they form connections with others that are very deep, meaningful, and special. These people are fully knowledgeable of their limitations and their destructive patterns and so, they are constantly working on themselves and their healing.
This chakra is also connected with our limitations and its transcendence, whether the limitations are personal or bound in time and space. It is a transcendental type of awareness that opens all the other chakras and connects us to the Universe. It also makes us feel blissful, enlightened, and ecstatic. It lightens up our inner wisdom and our divine self.
When a person’s crown chakra is imbalanced, they can feel disconnected from their spirit. They can also become very cynical and sarcastic. They can also feel deep disconnection from their body. On the other hand, when the crown chakra is blocked, the person can feel lonely and isolate. They can lack direction in life and have difficulty connecting with people.
The healing of the crown chakra can be done in many ways with meditation being the most effective method of healing and balancing this chakra. It can further help if during your meditation you start visualizing a violet or white lotus flower unfurling because a lotus flower with one thousand petals is the symbol of this chakra.
The laborious Virgo is governed by the blue-colored Throat Chakra, just like the Gemini. The Vishuddha (meaning “Especially Pure”) affects Virgo mostly in the purification process of oneself and the healing powers it brings.
The honest and critic side of Virgo is also an aspect of the throat chakra, and this expression comes from their meticulous analysis. The biggest challenge for those under the influence of the Throat Chakra is lying (to others and to oneself).
The Throat Chakra, as its name suggests, is the chakra that is responsible for the way we express ourselves. This chakra also represents our growth process, how much we have grown as a person in terms of communication and expression of our thoughts, feelings, and desires.
When the throat chakra is opened, it means that the person is very communicative and expressive. They speak their mind in a clear way. They also talk very kindly and nicely to others, showing their empathic side. People with an open throat chakra are also excellent organizers which makes them perfect for the corporate world. They know what to say and when. Their oratory skills are what will move them forward and up the corporate ladder.
On the other hand, if the throat chakra is closed, that means that the person is an introvert. They have trouble expressing themselves. They are also distant and shy. They often feel helpless and unable to do anything about their problem with expressing themselves. On the flip side, there are also people with an overactive throat chakra. These people speak a lot and tire other people. They are also one of the worst listeners because they only want to talk about themselves and they never stop.
This is the reason why these people should remain calm and truthful in every situation. They should also practice meditation to feel better and also follow the golden rule of communication, i.e. to think twice before they speak.
Just like the Taurus, Libra are also governed by the green Heart Chakra, also known as Anahata (meaning “Unstruck”). The heart chakra is the bridge between the spiritual and physical Self and is governed by love, compassion, and protective instincts.
The selfless nature of Libra proves just how loving and caring a person can be, and their endless compassion toward everything and everyone around them is just another sign of how powerful their Heart Chakra is. The main challenge for people under the command of the Heart Chakra is the ability to forgive and overcome grief, which can lead to anger and lust if not handled properly.
The Heart Chakra is governed by the planet Venus, the planet of love and relationships. It is a planet of being emotionally open and awakened. People born under the sign of Libra are people who love beauty. They love beautiful things. They love the arts. They love having peace and harmony in their lives. Every Libra radiates with calmness and peaceful energy.
The heart chakra is a balancing chakra between the upper and the lower chakras and therefore, these people also remained balanced through their interactions with other people. They know how to relate to anyone and also, they know how to maintain peace and balance in their life.
Having an open heart chakra means that you understand the meaning of relationships and you know how to maintain a healthy balance. You know how to create deep connections with others and that’s why you are thought to be the social butterfly. If, on the other hand, your heart chakra is closed, then you may encounter difficulties maintaining healthy relationships. You may feel as if though you can’t stay in a relationship and create a deep bond because you are always fighting due to your closed heart chakra.
The Sacral Chakra, also known as Svadhisthana (meaning “The Welling Place of the Self”), is the chakra of emotions, feelings, sexuality, creativity, and the inner child and its color is orange. It is the most sensual chakra in the system and the birthplace of creativity and our playful nature.
People governed by the Sacral Chakra see the world mainly through feelings, and they radiate with and communicate through feelings. The main challenge for these people is the feeling of guilt and the loss of the inner child.
The Sacral Chakra is the center of sensations, pleasures, emotions, sexuality, nurturance, and movement. Its purpose is to let go of things and emotions and thus to create flow. This chakra is a very sensitive chakra because it is connected to feelings. Every person has a right to feel and no one should say that having feelings is a sign of weakness.
People born under the star sign of Scorpio are in touch with their emotions. They are very conscious and aware of what are feeling and why. They are also great at finding the root of their emotions. When someone challenges their right to feel, they become disconnected and numb. And if they block their feelings for a long time, then they can lose their identity and lose themselves in the process.
When this chakra is open, then the person is emotionally intelligent, nurturing, able to express their emotions, able to experience pleasure, able to change and set clear boundaries, and able to move on and let go of things that don’t serve their highest good. If the sacral chakra is closed, then the person may be experiencing fear of sex, fear of pleasure, rigidity in their attitudes and body image, fear of change, and also a lack of excitement, passion, and desire.
Like the Aries, Sagittarius is also governed by the yellow-colored Solar Plexus Chakra, also called the Manipura (meaning “City of Jewels”). This chakra is the seat of our personality and our Self, and it serves to connect with other people. This is why Sagittarius people don’t find it hard to connect with anyone they know and reveal the most of their personality in the shortest of time.
The Solar Plexus is the chakra of action and willpower. The main challenge for people governed by it is the sense of shame and lowered self-esteem, and when in disbalance, they start being lazy and lack the necessary willpower to perform in life.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is the chakra that is connected with spirituality. Also, it is a chakra of passion and adventure. So, people born under the sign of Sagittarius are very passionate beings. Also, they are very restless and are constantly moving and trying new and exciting things. They are guided by their impulses and live their life recklessly and fiercely.
The solar plexus chakra attracts harmony in our lives and this chakra makes us accept our circumstances no matter how hard they may be. This chakra is also connected with a person’s personal power and strength. It increases one’s self-esteem and makes them aware of their abilities. It also gives them the courage to seek new things that will make them happy.
But, if the solar plexus chakra is closed, then the positive energy that surrounds these people is also off. Therefore, they may feel drained and as if the weight of the world is on their shoulders. They may feel hopeless and lose their zest for life. Their self-esteem and confidence also suffers which further makes them desperate, sad, and hopeless.
If you are experiencing these difficulties, then you need to heal and realign your solar plexus chakra. To do this, you need to do something out of your comfort zone, something courageous that will remind you of the power that is within you. That way you will regain your boldness and your daring energy.
The base chakra, also known as Mooladhara (meaning “Root Support”) is the chakra of our physical manifestation and identity and its color is red. People governed by its power are rather materialistic and their primary concern is the material, worldly dimensions, and possessions.
Which is more, these people are very sensible and grounded, and this allows them to take solid and well-planned steps in their progress while projecting an air of security and stability. The main challenge for people governed by the Root Chakra is fear and lack of essential physical conditions.
When the root chakra is open, then people follow their instincts with great strength and determination. They feel very confident and secure with their moves. A person with an open root chakra is a person who has a great perception about everything that is going on around them which makes them very insightful and aware. When the root chakra functions well, then the person has great inner strength and they can offer comfort and support to other people who need their guidance.
If, however, the root chakra is closed, then it means that the person is experiencing a great deal of troubling energy. A person with a closed root chakra is nervous and full of fears. They may be shy and feeling lost. They are anxious and insecure. So, they need to heal their root chakra and the best way to do that is by trying to let go of their anxious thoughts and fears by reminding themselves that they do not have control over what will happen tomorrow. They only have control over how they react in the present moment.
Just like the Capricorn, Aquarius is ruled by the red Root Chakra – also called the Mooladhara (meaning “Root Support”). This chakra allows them to govern over their territory, maintain control, and project a sense of warmth and security.
The root chakra is the chakra of our physical manifestation and identity and is the most material chakra of all seven. The balanced Aquarius has the power to maintain a strong connection with every living creature and with nature while living their life with reason, passion, and joy. The main challenge for people ruled by the Root Chakra is fear and poor living conditions.
The Root Chakra is a chakra that brings stability through responsible actions and hard work. This chakra cuts off everything that doesn’t serve us, thus making us stable and grounded individuals. This chakra also eliminates the fickle energies around us because it doesn’t like irresponsibility.
People born under the star sign of Aquarius have good taste when it comes to how they should be living their life. They are responsible, but they are also fiery and passionate. They are also master manipulators when it comes to creating the life they desire. They know how to turn things in their favor and get what they want using their wit, imagination, and creativity.
Like the Scorpio, Pisces are ruled by the orange-colored Sacral Chakra-Pisces chakra, also known as Svadhisthana (meaning “The Dwelling Place of the Self”). This is the most emotional chakra, and it governs over feelings, creativity, the inner child, emotional consciousness, and sexuality.
This is why the emotional and creative nature of Pisces is their strongest side. When they feel free to express their emotions and creativity, as well as their sexuality, Pisces are most in their element. However, their biggest challenge is the sense of guilt, which can disrupt the Pisces Chakra and cause them to lose their inner child and deny themselves of the pleasures of life.
The Sacral Chakra is all about spirituality, expansion, faith, philosophy, creativity, and optimism. These people are people who are very sensitive and intuitive. They trust their instincts and they have a very strong sense of intuition. Their gut feeling is powerful and when they follow it, they never make a mistake.
People born under the zodiac sign of Pisces are very social and communicative. However, they prefer deep and long talks over casual and superficial ones. They want intensity more than anything.
If the sacral chakra is open, then these people are able to live their life and enjoy every moment of it. They are open-minded and energetic. They are in touch with their emotions and their inner self which makes them able to connect with other people on a deep level and develop strong relationships with them.
If, on the other hand, the sacral chakra is closed, then the person is a manipulator, playing a lot of mind games. They are jealous and envious of the success of others and they want to bring them down. They have an inferiority complex and that’s why they get frustrated seeing other people win in life.
Use Of Crystals To Boost Your Chakra
Crystals have healing properties, like black tourmaline meaning getting rid of negative energy. Black tourmaline is a very powerful gemstone, also called as Schrol. The health benefits of wearing black tourmaline include strengthening the immune system, improving blood circulation, good skin health, and better metabolism.
Below are other crystals and their health benefits:
- Rose Quartz: This precious gemstone nurtures emotional health and a great stone commonly used in meditation to boost chakra. It helps slow the aging process and increase fertility. Rose quartz is a perfect gift for anyone and for any occasion.
- Green Jade: The benefits of green jade stone include balance and harmony for your heart chakra. Wearing green jade chakra assist in good physical and emotional well-being. By having a healthy heart chakra, yourself and the environment are balanced.
- Opal: Opal connects your base to your crown chakra. It stabilizes your mood, enhances meditation, and stimulates connection with the spiritual world. The watery depths of water opal can be used for scrying, assisting transitions out of the body, which is a temporary vehicle for your soul.
Holistic Medicine To Boost Your Chakra
Holistic medicine involves using alternative therapies or non-traditional and non-pharmaceutical means to treat signs and symptoms of diseases, such as chronic pain. With holistic medicine, your body and soul can benefit from various therapies, thereby boosting your chakra and your overall health.
Check out these holistic therapies to help you boost your chakra:
- Acupuncture: This holistic therapy can help relieve the signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis, including pain, muscle spasticity, bladder problems, numbness and tingling, and depression. Acupuncture also provides pain relief among MS patients. However, it is best combined with other pain-relieving therapies for it to be more effective.
- Mind-Body Therapy: Choose challenging mind-body exercises, like yoga. This helps condition the mind, thus increasing pain tolerance.
A professional writer with over a decade of incessant writing skills. Her topics of interest and expertise range from health, nutrition and psychology.