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20 Life-Changing Guidelines From The Native American Code Of Ethics

The native Americans were a proud and wise people and they truly lived in accordance and in perfect symbiosis with the natural world. Their code...

Understanding the Power of Prayer

When you think of the power of prayer, what comes to mind? Understand just what it means and how to incorporate it into your...

People Are Capable Of Super Human Abilities Using This Ancient Technique

The ancient civilizations hold many mysteries and extraordinary techniques hidden from plain sight. And it would be no wonder to assume that not everything...

The Truth About Why Native Americans Keep Their Hair Long

What’s your hairstyle? Do you like your hair long or short? Back in the old civilizations, hair was considered to be a very important...

How My Life Coach Helped Me Start My Life Over

A couple of years ago I turned the big forty (40) and all of a sudden like a ton of bricks everything came crashing...
Positive energy

The Power of Positive Affirmations in Spiritual Writing

Positive affirmations are statements that are designed to replace negative or unhelpful thoughts with positive and uplifting ones. They are used to create a...

The Power of the Angelus Prayer: Deepening Your Spiritual Journey

The Angelus prayer holds a sacred place in Catholic spirituality, offering a profound opportunity for connection and reflection. The Angelus prayer invites us to...

Talks to my mother in the afterlife

After my 85-year-old mother's stroke, her life changes. The previously independent woman became a  helpless person. Worries, fears, and hardships plagued them. But these...
333 mean in love

What does 333 mean in love? 9 Angel Number Meanings

We all have never seen God but still, believe in him. We pray because our intuition says, that deep down somewhere there is power....
Angel Number 222

Angel Number 222 Meaning For Your Life

Have you noticed that you keep seeing the number 222 everywhere you go during your day-to-day life? If you keep seeing the same repeating...