
Home Stories

Girl Who Sacrificed Her Friend To The ‘Slender Man’ Found Mentally Ill

Anissa Weier and Morgan Geyser attempted to take the life of their classmate in what they believed would save their families from the Slender...

13 Short Horror Movies You Can Watch In 20 Minutes Or Less

These horror movies may be short, but they are intense and terrifying. So, plug in your headphones, turn up the volume ...and switch off...

Know the Dos and Don’ts to Get Rid Of Unhealthy Skin Plights

We live in a world where the environmental conditions are deteriorating day by day and it’s increasing the woes of human health. Although the...

I’m Not Insane (I Promise)

Nightmares. I have had a problem with them since I was in middle school. The worst thing is, you can’t possibly assume when you...