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What Is Medical Marijuana? —  Treatments, Types, Uses, Laws, and Side Effects

“Pain is the most common indication for medical use of cannabis,” says Barth Wilsey, MD, a medicine specialist at the UC Davis Medical Center.

Pain is also the key reason we ask for a prescription. It can be from headaches, a long-term condition like nerve pain or glaucoma, or even a disease like cancer. If medicinal marijuana is legal in your state, and your doctor suggests it would help, you will receive a medical cannabis card. Next, you’ll be put on a list that allows you to purchase cannabis from an authorized seller—a dispensary.

Doctors may prescribe medical marijuana to treat:

  • Nausea from chemotherapy
  • Muscle spasms from multiple sclerosis
  • Seizure disorders
  • Weight loss and poor appetite from chronic illness like HIV or nerve pain
  • Crohn’s disease

In 2018, the FDA approved THC—the main psychoactive compound in marijuana—to improve appetite and treat nausea, as well as rare, severe forms of epilepsy.

Medical Marijuana — What Are THC and CBD?

Medical marijuana is the medicinal use of cannabis Indica or Cannabis Sativa plant to treat various conditions and diseases. 

For example, Death Bubba is a potent Indica-dominant cannabis strain. For those interested in the medicinal use of this particular cannabis strain, there’s no better option for a full relaxation than Death Bubba. Experts recommend it for stress, anxiety, and depression as it comes with sedative properties and mood-stimulating effects. Moreover, it’s an ideal choice for chronic pain spasms and inflammation.

For centuries, the cannabis plant was used medically to treat a variety of diseases around the world. Unfortunately, medicinal marijuana facts are still hard to find as strong opinions exist, both good and bad. Thus, we’ve summarized the medical uses and increasing research on off-label uses in this article.


Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), as mentioned earlier, is the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. It’s responsible for the “high” you feel when you smoke a joint.

Nabilone and dronabinol—two of the man-made drugs, which also happen to be synthetic forms of THC, are FDA-approved drugs to prevent vomiting and nausea in those receiving chemotherapy.


Cannabidiol (CBD) is another major compound in cannabis, except it’s not psychoactive. 

CBD is known to:

  • Relieve pain
  • Ease nausea
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Alleviate cancer-related symptoms
  • Reduce acne
  • Treat heart health
  • Treat loss of appetite
  • Treat symptoms of multiple sclerosis, etc.

CBD oil is created by extracting CBD from the cannabis plant. It is then diluted with a carrier oil like hemp seed or coconut oil. To purchase CBD, consider an online dispensary in Canada that boasts a large collection of CBD oil, concentrates, flowers, and edibles the country has to offer with the highest quality.

Medical Marijuana — What Are the Uses of CBD?

Medical uses of cannabis include both approved and studied uses and off-label uses. Medical marijuana is commonly used for pain, depression, anxiety, inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease, and muscle spasticity.

More studies and research are being conducted on CBD. Medical CBD, as explained earlier, is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, neuroprotective, anti-emetic, and antipsychotic. The CBD compound in medicinal cannabis proves to be neuroprotective in fetal hypoxia, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurodegenerative conditions, as well as movement disorders.

Many people use modern distillate vaporizers like a flyte pen in conjunction with the highest quality of marijuana concentrates to reduce stress, anxiety, nausea, and insomnia. It comes with all the benefits and healing properties of cannabis without the psychoactive.

Medical Marijuana — How Do You Get It?

To get medicinal marijuana, you must get a written recommendation from a licensed doctor. You must also have a condition that qualifies for medical cannabis use. Each state has a different set of qualifying conditions. As we already explained above, if your state requires you to get a marijuana ID card, you must acquire it so you can purchase cannabis at a dispensary.

Medical Marijuana — Are There Any Side Effects?

Medicinal marijuana side effects aren’t that critical when used at moderate doses and include:

  • Fatigue, and
  • Dry mouth

At higher doses:

  • Paranoia
  • Dizziness, and
  • Psychoactive effects (e.g., hallucinations, mood changes, etc.)

Because marijuana has few of the same chemicals found in tobacco, it’s been brought to people’s attention that it may harm the lungs. The effects of inhaled cannabis on lung health are not clear, but there’s been evidence indicating the risk for bronchitis and other lung issues.

Marijuana may also affect coordination and judgment, which can lead to injuries and accidents. If used at a really young age when the brain is still developing, it can affect mental function and IQ.

Wrapping Up

When using medical marijuana, you may not know its potency, purity, or side effects. Only those who acquired a cannabis card from a certified doctor should use it. Keep in mind that doctors won’t prescribe cannabis to anyone under 18. We hope you found this article helpful.

How To Overcome Anxiety As A Nurse?

Imagine, if you will, that you are a newly graduated registered nurse. Getting that license was already a pretty heavy strain on you, mentally. But now you’ve got to go out and get yourself a job to make sure that your license pays off in the coming years. There is quite the shortage of registered nurses these days, but still… hospitals usually only want to employ registered nurses that have some sort of experience level. And you, fresh out of school, don’t have any of that yet. Just finding your first position can already be a pretty stressful situation.

Add to this that the economy hasn’t been working so well for young people as of late, and the fact that some are touting that there’s another recession coming up. It just seems like the perfect recipe for a whole lot of stress, now doesn’t it? And you’d be right to assume that, because life really is tough on newly graduated people in any industry. But it’s especially true for nurses, who have a very demanding job that requires them to be on their feet for long hours.

How To Deal With Anxiety?

In the US alone, there are around and about 40 million people who are suffering from some type of anxiety disorder. About 3 out of 4 of those people, will experience their very first anxiety attack before they have turned 22. In recent years, research has shown that young adults are continually experiencing increasing levels of stress, which have serious repercussions on their mental and physical wellbeing in the long run. The stress keeps them awake, forcing them to start a new day with an unrested mind, which leads to lower performances, which leads to lower results, which leads to more stress.

This day and age, you’re going to have to learn how to properly deal with stress, or it will eat you alive and destroy any quality of life that you think you still have. With nursing being a naturally very stressful occupation, you’ll do well to find a way of nipping that stuff in the bud before it even becomes a problem.

First of all, you’ve got to figure out how you can identify stress. So let’s set you off with a list of symptoms for you to recognize. It’s by no means exhaustive, so keep that in mind.

You might suffer from stress if you:

  • Are feeling like you’ve got no control over your worries
  • Can’t seem to concentrate yourself anymore
  • Are experiencing abnormal weakness or a feeling of being tired all the time
  • Are sweating a lot
  • Feel like your life isn’t going anywhere or something bad is about to happen
  • Are all tensed up, nervous and/or restless
  • Breathe rapidly and can’t seem to slow down your breathing
  • Tremble frequently and feel like you just can’t help it
  • Are having trouble falling asleep
  • Are experiencing issues with your metabolism

The more of these symptoms you are suffering from, the higher the chance of you suffering from an anxiety disorder right now. It can help to talk with a therapist about your problems. Should you have no interest in seeking out help with your anxiety, then there are many things that you can do all on your own in order to decrease your anxiety a little bit.

For instance, it will help you to ensure that you are eating right. A healthy, wholesome diet will nourish your body, which in turn will nourish your mind. You’ll find that as your body’s strength grows, your strength and ability to cope with stressful situations, will also improve. It will also help you to make sure that you go to bed in time and get enough sleep. For most people, this will be the regular 8 hours a night, although it varies from person to person.

Next to eating and resting well, it can also help to get physical exercise. Your body wasn’t made to sit and stand still or be in low intensity activities all day. Every once in a while, it needs to get some moderate to high intensity physical activity in order for it to do well. Use it or lose it, is what the rule of thumb is here.

Other tips for decreasing stress are listening to music, actively relaxing, doing some meditation, taking a walk in a green area, deep breathing and positive self talk. You’ve always got to keep your mind in the present. It’s pointless worrying about the past. Worrying about a future that is so far off, you’ve got no control over it, also won’t do you any good at all.

Ensure You Are Comfortable At Work

Once you’ve finally managed to get your very first position, you’ll have to make sure that you are going to do everything that you can in order to feel as comfortable and at home at your work as you can. As a nurse, you’ll be spending lots of your time on your feet. So at least be sure that you wear good nursing shoes. These can be tennis shoes or they can be clogs. It depends on what kind of person you are and what kind of feet you have. To each his own. Just so long as you invest in the proper footwear.

Also, you’ll be wearing scrubs a lot as a nurse. Be sure to get your hands on some scrubs that make you feel comfortable. This means that they’ve got to fit you well, so you don’t feel constrained in them as you move about on the hospital floor all day long. They need to be the right size and they need to be the right fit. If you find yourself having to carry stuff from one place to another, then they’ve also got to have pockets, and so on. If you were a carpenter, you’d make sure to get a good hammer. Every craftsman (or craftswoman) needs to have his/her tools, otherwise it’s kind of hard to do a good job.

It’s important to set reasonable expectations for your own performance. If you are expecting too much of yourself, then you’ll let yourself down. Don’t compare yourself to people who have way more experience than you do. It’s not fair to yourself. In due time, you’ll build up more experience. Imagine being that experienced person and newly grads are coming in to learn the ropes. Would you want them to be stressed about the fact that you, with your 10 years of experience, are working 3 times as fast as them? Of course not. We’re all human beings. We’re all here to learn. Just do your best, and you’ll find that you won’t have anything to feel bad about.

Most of the people at your nursing job are going to want you to do a really great job, so they are willing to help you out with things. If you are experiencing a recurring problem that yields a lot of stress, then make sure to communicate this to one of your superiors. You have no idea how fast some problems can be made to disappear, if only you ask nicely. The people who are paying you, want you to be as effective as you can, so that they are getting the most out of their investment, which is you. Being able to communicate well is part of being an adult person.

Lastly, you can keep a journal of your day and the stress you have felt at certain times and in certain situations. This can help you better recognize what exactly it is that is pushing your buttons. This will be different for everybody. Some people will be afraid of making mistakes. Others will fear being outperformed by their peers. Yet others are having difficulty dealing with the hectic nature of the job. You can’t solve a problem if you don’t identify it first. So write it down.

Formulate A Stress Combating Plan Outside Of Work

Whatever you do, do not succumbs to the temptation of drowning your sorrows in alcohol or other types of ‘medications’. And I don’t necessarily mean drugs. Junk foods can be just as bad for you. Instead, come up with a solid plan to combat the stress. A plan that becomes a part of your life. A routine, much like brushing your teeth and walking your dog. Sign up for a yoga class. Or learn how to meditate.

If you are going the meditation route, then be sure to find guidance on it. You won’t do it right if you just sit in the lotus position and say ‘ohm’. You’ve actually got to learn meditation from somebody who’s been around the block. Trying to figure it out on your own, is a colossal waste of time.

Whatever your anti stress activity of choice is going to be, make sure that you carve out time for it. On busy days, it would be great if you could engage in a joyful activity for at least 30 minutes per day. But feel free to ramp those 30 minutes up to 2 hours on days where you’ve got the luxury of having more time, such as the weekends.

Summing It Up

We’re living in fast times. If you aren’t consciously minding your stress, then it will have you for breakfast. Learn to recognize stress in yourself. Then find a way to deal with it. Not just for one time, but for always. Stressful situations can always reoccur, and it’s part of being an adult to recognize this fact and to have the mental skills to cope with it.

Powerful Meanings and Messages of the Number 444

Have you ever noticed that certain words and numbers keep cropping up wherever you are? Perhaps you are reading a book and a number that you’ve just seen somewhere else jumps out at you. Or, you could be watching a film or TV, or browsing in a shop. Most people dismiss these recurring numbers as coincidence. However, there are some that have very significant meanings. These are ‘Angel Numbers’, and in this article we are talking about ‘444’ – a powerful and not uncommon number that many people report seeing.

Before we go on, it’s important that you understand seeing ‘444’ in unusual places is a good sign. It’s a sign that your guardian angels are with you, supporting you, and are sending you a message to let you know. 444 is one of the most important of all the angel numbers, so let’s talk about its meaning, and what you should do if you start to notice it regularly.

444 and Guidance

The number 4 – on its own – is a very important number. If you consider what it can refer to – the seasons, the four elements of earth, air, fire and water, and on the 4th day, God created the sun, moon and stars. 4 is a number that signifies creation. Numbers are, in many belief systems, considered to be especially powerful. 4 is one that carries a great deal of mysticism. So, what is the 444 meaning?

We’ve all had those repeated experiences where we turn to look at the clock and it always says the same time: this is very common with 4:44, whether it is daytime of night-time. What does it mean? As we mentioned above 444 is an angel number. It is a message from your guardian angel that they are trying to communicate with you. What are they trying to tell you?

What the Angels are Trying to Say

If you see 444 repeatedly – it does not have to be everywhere and all the time, you may just see it a couple of times on, for example, the same day – the angels are advising you that there is a big change coming in your life. The number signifies the end of a journey and the beginning of a new one. It means that something has happened that will affect your life greatly, or is about to happen. It’s also a number representing spiritual awakening; you are, thanks to the angels, about to see things in a new light.

What this change could be we cannot specify. It may be that someone is leaving your life or has recently left, or that some major changes to your day to day life are about to come into play. It is not anything you should worry about, as by showing you the number 444, the angels are reassuring you that they are around, watching over you, and are ready to guide you onto this new path.

But the angels cannot do everything! You need to do your bit and take steps to uncover what the changes may be – it may be something or someone you have yet to notice or understand – and to embrace all that needs to be embraced to help things along. The angels have told you that they are there for you with unconditional support, love and guidance, so take that on board, be reassured, and discover a new path to spiritual awakening and worthwhile change.

Seeing 444 is not coincidence; it’s a sign from the angels that you are about to experience something important, so take your time, and they will help you.9

Twin Boys With Down Syndrome Are Inspiring Social Media Users

twins with down syndrome

Parents have a tendency to post tons of cute photos of their toddlers on social media.

Well, parents Julie and Dan McConnel are undoubtedly no exception to this. Their twin boys Charlie and Milo are social media stars.

These adorable twin boys live in Nampa and they both have Down syndrome. 

Having children with this condition can be challenging for parents, but Julie and Dan were undoubtedly ready and fearless to take the journey that now resembles the most colorful and wonderful adventure.

Charlie and Milo are proof that being different means being unique. And the McConnel family certainly knows how to embrace uniqueness in a way which steals people’s hearts on social media.

The McConnels frequently post pictures and videos of the twins on their Facebook profile, which has thousands of followers. One photo was captioned “Even with the same birthday, having shared the same room (womb😆) for the first 9 months of life and having the same diagnosis, Charlie and Milo are as different as any two little boys could be! And we love that about them!

“Let’s all celebrate differences, ok? It is our differences that make the world beautiful!”


The reason Julie and Dan have decided to share photos of their twin boys on social media is that they want to help erase the stigma attached to this condition. While it’s true that there’re many challenges involved with raising children with Down syndrome, there is even more joy to be found in the journey too.

Mom Julie said in a statement:

“My hope is to attract families that are receiving a diagnosis of Down syndrome for their child because that can be really scary. I hope that people will find us, and see that this is what life can be like. It can be fun, it’s full of love, it’s not scary. We have no regrets, and there is so much joy in our lives, and I hope that people will see that.”

The McConnel family’s goal is to establish a community for those parents that don’t know as much about Down syndrome so as to help them understand this condition and realize how much excitement and love it can provide.


6 Valuable Lessons You Can Learn From Being Single

You’ve been single for 5 years and your family and friends are constantly putting pressure on you to begin dating again? Well, guess what? – There’s nothing wrong with you.

Just because the majority of your friends and family think that being in a relationship is the only way you can feel truly happy and fulfilled doesn’t mean that rolling solo is a bad thing.

Just to get things straight – I’m not saying that relationships don’t have their own value. All I’m saying is that you don’t need another person to be the main source of your happiness and sense of fulfillment.

What you need to always remember is that being single doesn’t equal loneliness. It doesn’t equal disappointment and misery.

In fact, being single allows you to learn how to do things on your own and cope with change. It allows you to learn how to enjoy your own company. It allows you to develop skills you might have forgotten about. It allows you to find ways to improve your life. It allows you to learn how to take good care of yourself and love yourself.

Here are 6 valuable lessons you can learn from being single:

1. You don’t need a partner to validate your existence.

The only person who has the responsibility to see value in you is YOURSELF. Unless you embrace and love yourself the way you are and unless you’re aware of your strength and qualities, no other person’s acceptance or fascination with you can make you feel worthy.

2. Your happiness depends solely on you.

You’re the only one who can be responsible for your happiness. Other people should make your life happier and more exciting than it already is, but you should not completely rely on them for feelings of contentment, safety, or anything else.

The truth is that other people can get tired of you and leave whenever they want. So, relying on them for your only source of happiness and sense of fulfillment does not really sound like a promising idea.

Valuable Lessons You Can Learn From Being Single

3. Being single provides you with the time to explore and understand yourself.

Being single allows you to learn many new things about yourself. It allows you to look inside yourself, find what your insecurities and fears are and face them. It provides you with the time to determine what your main priorities in life are. 

Being single allows you to devote your time and energy to pursuing your goals and passions. It provides you with plenty of time to understand yourself and search for ways to become the best version of yourself.

4. Alone time is recovery time.

Alone time allows you to rest and recharge your batteries. It allows you to reflect on your feelings and the emotional wounds your previous relationships have inflicted on you. It allows you to reach down and find the inner strength to overcome your pains. It allows you to do the things that fill you with joy and positive energy. It allows you to nurture yourself and your soul.  

5. Being single doesn’t mean you’re deprived of love.

Because love is everywhere around you – you just need to know how and where to look. There’re people around you that truly love you and care about you. People who accept you and cherish you for who you are. People who want you to be happy. And all you need to do is to recognize those people and once you do so, make sure you never let go of them.

6. Last but not least, being single allows you to master the art of loving yourself.

Being single can teach you that you don’t have to feel guilty about prioritizing your own needs over those of others. It can teach you that practicing self-care and self-love doesn’t mean you are selfish.

Being single can teach you that comparing yourself to other people is meaningless and absurd since we’re all beautiful and special in our own unique way. It can teach you how to embrace your weaknesses and imperfections. It can teach you that you should never settle for anything less than you deserve.

It’s Time To Bring Home Economics Classes Back To School Curriculums Because Our Children Lack Fundamental Life Skills

economics class

A lot of parents and even teachers are complaining that what’s being taught in schools nowadays isn’t very practical in the real world. And this is not far from the truth.

Today’s students can solve complex mathematical problems or write a Shakespearean-style sonnet, but they still lack the skills necessary to cook a meal or fix things.

Undoubtedly, children can learn to cook, sew, build and fix stuff, and manage their basic finances at home with the help of their parents and grandparents. But, schools can do a far better job of providing young girls and boys with practical life skills that can help them live as independent and confident human beings.

Of course, school subjects, such as English, Science, Math, and History are all important – no one can deny that, but Home Economics serves to teach students the skills necessary to survive in the real world.

After all, what life skill matters more than knowing how to feed yourself and your family?

That’s the reason why Home Economics classes need to be reintegrated into school curriculums. Students need to be provided with the fundamental skills necessary to take care of themselves as well as their loved ones and handle their finances.

And undoubtedly, the skills students can learn in Home Economics classes last a lifetime.   

The Life Lessons That My Dear Taught Me to Be Happy with Myself

You should know those bad things in life are never really personal. My mother taught me that the dude who cuts your line does not really want to cut your line per se. It is just that she or he wants to get in front of life and you are just the unfortunate soul who has to bear the brunt of the same. You would see how life changes for the better when you stop taking things personally. Your life would become a lot better and your relationships will improve in a dramatic manner as well. Even if something is indeed personal if you treated it like it was not your life would be a lot better for it.

Never make anyone feel bad

You need to treat everyone with respect and dignity and this includes you as well. This is something my good friend Bill always told me. The part of not treating others poorly is pretty obvious but you may not always realize that you are always insulting yourself in the garb of modesty. With introspection, you would realize that it is something that has never benefited anyone, least of all you.

If you stop getting better you stop growing

This is really true for your mind as well as your body. You need to have the mind of a beginner and you should always be pushing the limits.

You should never stop learning in life. It is only when you are flexible – physically and mentally – that you would feel like a young person and you would be happy in life. If you really wish to expand your physical and mental flexibility you should try yoga. It is an excellent way to achieve this goal. I actually learned this from the life of a pro wrestler named Diamond Dallas Page.

Everything is basically a lie

It is natural that you are always debating about various things in life. You are debating whether they are true or not. It is better to stop doing that. Rather you should imagine all these to be lies.

In this case, choose a lie that would make you take some action. It may sound like a strange thing to do but you can be sure it would work.

Learn when to give up

There are times when giving up makes sense and it is simply because you are wrong in holding onto something. There are certain times when the act of holding on makes sense. This is when you know what you are doing is right but at the same time, you also know that it is going to be really difficult to succeed. In some of these cases, you may not also know where you are heading with it.

In these cases, you should definitely persevere. However, if you know that you are wrong and are not quitting just because you do not want others to think of you as a quitter it is time to let go. The way the life of my father turned out taught me this!

Failure can be good at times as well

It is expected that you would have heard this number of times in your life. The question that needs to be asked over here is are you at all proactive about the same? Just think of the last few projects that you did and how successful you were in those.

Now, did you do anything new with them? If you did well in all of them it means that you have not been stepping out of your comfort zone of late. You need to go bigger with your work every single time. There is a chance that you may fail but you would learn a lot too. You should stay motivated in tough times.

Actions speak the loudest

It is pretty self-explanatory when you come to think of it. My good friend Adam says that you should let your work do all the talking for you. You should not have to tell people what you have done, your work should be able to do it on behalf of you.

In fact, if you wish to get something in life this is surely the best way to go about it – take steps to go get it. It is true that talking and planning are important as well but if you do not take any action you are basically wasting your time doing all this.

Be kind

This is something that I have learned on my own having been on the receiving end of harsh behavior from basically everyone in my life. You need to know and understand that no one in this world has an absolutely easy life. You never know the kind of situation other people are in.

It is only when you put yourself in others’ shoes that you realize the kind of situation they are in.


If A Guy Is Genuinely In Love With You, He’ll Never Give Up On You

never let go

Does he really love me? Well, here’s the truth: If he truly loved you, you wouldn’t be asking yourself this question.

Yes, I know it sounds harsh, but it’s the truth. When a man is genuinely in love with you, he’ll never give up on you.

That’s the reason why you need to stop asking yourself why he’s been avoiding committing to you. You need to stop asking yourself why he sometimes makes you feel like you’re his second option. Like he just sees you as a temporary fling and nothing more.

Stop tormenting yourself with such stupid questions since there’s only one answer to all of them and it’s pretty simple: He is not into you.

Yes, you read it right – he is not into you. He is not confused. He is not trying to heal old wounds. And he doesn’t “need more time” to open up to you.

Instead, he knows perfectly well what he wants, and it’s not YOU. He just wants pieces of you. He just wants you to satisfy his desires. He wants you to make him feel loved. He wants to have control over you.

I know that deep down in your heart, you know he’s not the right person for you. You know he’s not ‘The One.’ You’re just too scared to admit it to yourself.

You’re afraid to admit to yourself that he isn’t intimidated by your strength, your freedom, your craziness, and your personality. You’re afraid to admit to yourself that he’s just making excuses. Because if he was genuinely in love with you, he’d ignore everything to fight for your love. He’d do everything in his power to ensure you stay in his life forever.

You must find the strength to accept the ugly truth. You must pluck up the courage to admit to yourself that he doesn’t feel about you the way you feel about him. You don’t matter to him the way he matters to you.

You must understand that no matter how bad your pure, warm soul is yearning for his love, you’ll never make him love you the way you love him. Because love can’t be forced. Love always happens naturally.

You need to accept the fact that you two aren’t meant to be together.

You’re meant to be with a man who will love you honestly, deeply, and unconditionally. A man who will show you what true love really feels like. A man who will show you that relationships don’t always have to be hard and painful. A man who will never string you along and take you for granted.

You’re meant to be with a man who will bring out the best in you. A man who will believe in your ability to achieve anything you set your mind to. A man who will support your goals and ambitions.  A man who will be aware of your worth.

You’re meant to be with a man who will treat you and love you the way you deserve. A man who will be the reason behind your smile, not the reason behind your disappointment or sadness.

You’re meant to be with a man who will be willing to make compromises and step out of his comfort zone to make you happy. A man who will be willing to sacrifice his own happiness and needs for the sake of the relationship. A man who will fight every evil to make you feel safe. A man whose greatest fear will be losing you. A man who will never give up on you.

7 Foods to Avoid as an Athlete

A nutritious diet is a key to an athlete’s training and performance. The kind of diet that they possess at times is the spark that they need to perform at a certain level and have an edge over other competitors. Food has become a very component of the training and research into what foods are a healthier choice for athletes is fast picking up pace. Among the foods that the athletes should avoid, we have put together a list of seven foods that the athletes should definitely take off from their diet.

Diet Soda

A can of diet soda to quench thirst can be very harmful to the health of the athletes. Foods that contain artificial sweeteners are preferably avoided by the athletes. Diet soda with high content in artificial sweeteners and caffeine can adversely affect the health as they lead to weight gain and can lead to the development of digestive problems. They are also rich in calories and can give the feeling of a filled stomach and thereby depriving an athlete of healthier food.

White Bread

Carbs are essential for athletes as they are important for their strength building. However athletes usually avoid foods with carbs like white pasta, rice and white bread. The issue with white bread that it is made from refined flour. The white refined flour gets devoid of essential fiber, wheat germ and vitamin B while being processed. It loses it nutritional value and some studies also indicate that it can raise blood-sugar levels and increase risk of type-2 diabetes.


Athletes should be very conscious of the foods that can hinder their performance and that can interfere with their nutritional requirements. Alcohol is one such beverage that the athletes should avoid. A higher intake of alcohol has many adverse effects on athletes. For instance, it slows down muscle recovery, decreases sprint performance and weakens motor skills. Alcohol is also linked to dehydration which can lead to an increased risk of injury or heat stroke.

Bad Meat

Proteins are an essential component of an athlete’s diet. Meats are rich in proteins which give the athletes good source of energy, especially with regards to strength and bodybuilding. The question may then arise as to how meat can harm athletes? At times meats are highly contaminated. This can be due to environmental reasons or due to the antibiotics or other treatments that the animals are given for faster growth. These types of meats can be highly dangerous for the athletes as it may contain substances that actually may come under the category of banned substances. For instance bad meats may contain Clenbuterol, a drug banned by the Doping Agency. Unknowingly an athlete may eat such bad meat and he/she can then test positive for this banned substance. Therefore athletes should be very wise and critical about the meat that they eat. However there are many products available in the market that claim to help you pass a drug test. One of such products is Clear Choice Sub Solution. If you dread a drug test, see this page to know if this solution can help you pass a drug test.

Flavoured Yogurt

Yogurts are good for the health generally. However it is usually the flavoured yogurts that the athletes should definitely avoid. Flavoured yogurts have a good quantity of sugar. Particularly those yogurts that have fruits or granola as add-in are very rich in sugar. Consumption of these flavoured yogurts can hinder an athlete’s fitness. It can prevent one from having a lean physique. Because of the high quantity of sugar, it can also increase sugar levels in the blood which results in an increased appetite leading to overeating.


Caffeine benefits athletes in some aspects and some studies suggest that smaller amount of caffeine improves performance. On the contrary, black caffeine can actually be a food that an athlete should avoid because of the negative impact that it has on the athletes’ health. Black coffee can cause heartburn and also lead to building stress. A lot of caffeine intake encourages the release of stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine and nonrepinephrine. These hormones adversely affect heart rate and blood pressure levels and thereby lead to tension building. Coffee is also known to have dehydrating effects on the body and therefore athletes should avoid intake of coffee.

Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn is highly unhealthy for an athlete. For many it is a comfort snack especially when you are chilling out and watching a movie. This popcorn is rich in sodium and its packing is even more harmful. The packing contains harmful Perfluorooctanoic acid in the bag which has toxic elements. Filled with high amount of unsaturated fats and high sodium content, the popcorn does not help the athletes in any way whether it is to do with workout or recovery.

Well, good health is central to any athlete. The food that you intake and at the same time the food that they avoid are central to your performance and training.

A Job Agency Toronto is the Ultimate Solution

A Job Agency Toronto is the Ultimate Solution for a Job Seeker

Job agencies are getting popular in Toronto day by day and a huge number of companies have started to hire their services to fill various vacant positions. Keeping that in mind, more and more job seekers have also registered themselves in their database so as to rest assured about hearing positive news sooner or later.

However, if someone isn’t aware about how these agencies work and why he/she should search for a reliable job agency Toronto, then here is everything important to know about:

Purpose of Existence

The major aim of job agencies in Toronto is to find suitable candidates for companies who need temporary or permanent workforce. They are responsible to understand job description and screen candidates in their database to shortlist a few of them.

After finding potential candidates, the recruiters forward resumes and profile to employers for further hiring procedure. After a successful interview, job seekers can figure out whether they are going to get a job or not.

Types of Recruitment Processes

Considering the fact that companies have different requirements, recruitment agencies employ various methods to screen and recruit candidates. Let’s have a look at each of them:

  1. Recruitment and Selection

They are the type of recruitment where a job agency Toronto searches for permanent candidates for the clients. Their job starts when a client approaches them for hiring and ends as soon as a candidate is employed successfully. Recruitment and selection is one of the best methods for job seekers who are looking for permanent positions. They help companies, with limited resources, to avoid overspending on finding new workers.

  1. Project Sourcing

There are several names for project sourcing; co-sourcing, project work, outsourcing, secondment and contracting. It is a type of recruitment in which, a company is looking for temporary workforce to execute different projects. Candidates are permanently employed by the company while employed on various projects.

Project sourcing is favorable for freelance experts/employers who have specialized knowledge of working on different projects. The best part is that, new workers have better opportunities to learn new skills and gain a lot of experience.

  1. Interim

This staffing methods works for short-term projects. A job agency Toronto used to search employees on behalf of a company who needs to meet their seasonal or short-term project needs.

Practically, interim is completely different from how project sourcing works, because:

  • Interim focuses on immediate implementation of the work while project sourcing works best for long-term and medium projects.
  • Interim emphasize on filling general positions based on limited specialized skills and knowledge. Whereas, project sourcing focuses on certain positions requiring specialized knowledge.
  • Staffing agencies have temporary relationship with candidates. Once they successfully place them on desired positions, this relationship comes to an end. Project sourcing ensures permanent employment at the project sourcing company while interim work is actually temporary. It requires employees to search for a new job after completing the first one.

Why Should Job Applicants Hire A Staffing Agency?

When it comes to searching for a new job, a job agency can assist in the following two ways:

  • Recruiters may personally contact job seekers after finding their resumes or profile.
  • Job seekers can contact an agency to let them find a suitable job as per their profile.

Once they are certain about letting these agencies work for them, job seekers can enjoy the following key benefits:

  • These agencies are free to hire. They actually work on request and get paid by companies for every successful placement. In other words, job seekers don’t have to pay for anything!
  • Staffing agencies have extensive knowledge about the job world and are in a better position to figure out which employer is best for a particular candidate. They used to have a lot of exciting opportunities for everyone.
  • Staffing agencies have a huge network that allows them to quickly find the right match for job applicants as well as employers.
  • E best part is that these agencies have access to all types of jobs no matter if job seekers can see them or not.
  • Each agency works on a different recruitment process. Most of them keep candidates updated through their feedback and prepare them for future interviews and other stages.

All in all, job agencies are one of those resources that help job seekers as well as companies to meet each other and bring the best out from the market through mutual efforts.