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Confusion And Sadness Are As Much Part Of Life As Clarity And Happiness Are

cycle of happiness

I sometimes feel like I’ve conquered the entire world and other times I feel lost. Sometimes I feel like I’ve got everything under control and other times I feel as if my whole life is falling apart.

When I am going through a rough time in life, I’m looking for ways to overcome the disappointment, confusion, anger, and sadness I’m dealing with. And when I’m happy, then I simply don’t find any problem with my life.

So, why do I perceive confusion and sadness as some kind of disease that needs to be cured while I perceive clarity and happiness as gifts of life?

Because the truth is that confusion and sadness are as much part of life as clarity and happiness are.

You see, life sometimes feels magical and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes everything in our lives makes sense and sometimes nothing does.

It seems that the universe, fate, or you name it, throws our way similar challenges, temptations, problems, and pains, and we never experience them at the same level of awareness. And we keep coming across the same challenges, temptations, problems, and pains until we learn the lessons which we need to learn so as to change, grow, and become better.

You see, as we grow older, we accumulate all kinds of things. And by “things,” I’m not only referring to pieces of furniture or objects we use at home.

Because as the years go by, we’ll have more goals, more expectations, more responsibilities, more desires, and more friends and acquaintances as well. And if we don’t know how to manage all these “things” or put a limit on them,  they will simply clutter our vision and we won’t be able to tell what really matters to us.

So, to avoid this, we need to remove everything from our lives that does not contribute to our happiness and goals. We need to get rid of everything that prevents us from living the life that we want to live.

And when it comes to the confusion and sadness we all experience in life, what you need to remember is that they are not a disease or a sign of weakness. And, undoubtedly, they’re not something you should be afraid of.

Instead, they are a physical, emotional, and spiritual necessity. They are an inseparable part of life. They’re what makes us feel alive. They’re the price we pay for love.

6 Phases Of Healing After Freeing Yourself From A Toxic Relationship With A Narcissist

A Toxic Relationship With A Narcissist

Being in a relationship with a narcissist is a difficult and painful experience. It’s being trapped in a tortuous maze with no way out. It’s being deprived of happiness and love.

Narcissistic individuals are like cunning and skilled hunters that know exactly when and how to strike. They closely observe their victims and attack them when they’re most vulnerable.

And eventually, when the new prey is caught in their trap, that is when the real torture starts.

The longer you stay in a relationship with a narcissist, the harder it becomes for you to remain conscious of your needs. It becomes difficult for you to preserve your sanity and maintain high self-esteem. It’s difficult for you to realize that the person you’re in a relationship with is gradually destroying your world.

And even if you somehow manage to free yourself from the trap of the manipulative narcissist, you still have to heal the countless wounds they’ve inflicted on your soul.

But, what you need to know is that YOU CAN HEAL. You can move on with your life and leave that painful, awful experience behind you.  

Here are 6 phases of healing after freeing yourself from a toxic relationship with a narcissist:

1. First things first, you need to decide to heal.

Undoubtedly, the relationship you’ve experienced was ugly and damaging, but what matters is that you managed to get out of it just in time. You managed to free yourself from the trap of the narcissist before it got too late.

So, the only thing that you need to do now is to decide if you want to overcome the emotional devastation, face your fears, and heal or stay miserable and heartbroken forever.

2. You need to free your mind, soul, and body from the toxicity.

When you’re in a relationship with a narcissistic individual, you go through emotional pain which is great and intense, so know that it’ll take you some time to get rid of the toxicity.

To speed up the healing process, turn to your friends and family for emotional and practical support. Your loved ones are the people who truly want to see you happy – never forget that!

 A Toxic Relationship With A Narcissist

3. You need to face your insecurities and fears.

Yes, the narcissist has disappointed you, hurt you, and broken your heart, but there’s nothing you can do to change that. So, instead of wallowing in despair and self-pity, accept the severity of the situation you are in. Face your fears and insecurities. Confront your inner demons and release them. Free yourself from the misery and pain of the toxic relationship.

4. Don’s suppress your feelings.

Bottling up your feelings will just destroy you more. So, instead of trying to hide your disappointment, anger, and sadness and pretending that you’re fine, let your feelings flow freely. Don’t be ashamed of them – embrace them instead.

Cry your heart out or scream at the top of your lungs if you have to, but never suppress your feelings.

5. Forgive yourself.

You’ll never be able to fully heal if you don’t forgive yourself. Yes, you allowed the narcissist to take advantage of you, hurt you, and suck the happiness out of you, but, hey – it wasn’t your fault. You know how they say, “We all make mistakes.”

So, instead of blaming yourself and trying to change your past, accept the truth and forgive yourself.

6. Distance yourself completely from them.

The no-contact rule is the only rule you need to respect once you free yourself from the toxic influence of the narcissist.

What you need to know is that they will never stop. They won’t let you remove them from your life that easily. They’ll try to lure you back into their trap in any way possible. They’ll shower you with compliments, they’ll tell you grandiose stories, and they’ll make big promises.

And the only thing you need to do is to ignore all of this. Because that’s the only way you can heal and remove them from your life completely.

Pistanthrophobia or The Fear of Trusting People – 10 Clear Signs This Fear Is Destroying Your Relationships

Pistanthrophobia or Fear of Trusting People

Do you often worry about what your partner is doing and who they are with? Do you often find yourself imagining all kinds of worst-case scenarios and assuming that they are being unfaithful to you? Do you believe that no one around you is worth your trust? (1)

Well, if you’ve answered all of the above-mentioned questions with a yes, then chances are that you may have pistanthrophobia. (2)

Pistanthrophobia: Definition

According to Macmillan Dictionary, pistanthropia is “fear of trusting people due to past experience and relationships gone wrong”

Pistanthrophobia: Meaning

Pistanthrophobia is a fear of relationships, i.e fear of getting hurt by a partner in a romantic relationship. This is an excessive fear that is irrational and persistent and it is a fear about an activity, situation, or person.

Oftentimes, the person suffering from pistanthrophobia has no real reasons to feel afraid because they are not in real danger. However, someone with the condition will do anything to avoid the situation or the person that triggers their fear and anxiety at all costs. Therefore, this type of phobia can have a damaging effect on a person’s life by disrupting their relationships and lowering their self-confidence.

“Pistanthrophobia is the fear of trusting others and is often the result of experiencing a serious disappointment or painful ending to a prior relationship,” says Dana McNeil, a licensed marriage and family therapist.

The people suffering from this kind of phobia, feel that they can’t trust anyone. They fear getting involved with someone and then getting hurt in the process. These people fear having their hearts broken and going through the same sadness and trauma that they once went through. So, they avoid getting into a relationship in order to protect themselves and protect their heart from future pain.

However, when someone does everything to avoid relationships, they also stop themselves from experiencing the joy and happiness of being into one. And if this is the case, then they are prevented from realizing that the first traumatizing experience is not an indicator of the future ones.

“They tend to exaggerate the probability of something going wrong, which is typical for people with anxiety,” Dr. Herskowitz explained. “They overestimate the probability of the worst-case happening.”

Some of the worst fears that people with pistanthrophobia have are being seen as unworthy, being cheated on, or being abandoned. These people don’t engage in a romantic relationship, and even when they do it is always on the surface level i.e not expressing their emotions or revealing personal details about them.

Pistanthrophobia: Symptoms

The symptoms of this condition are similar to the symptoms of other phobias. However, people having pistanthrophobia have more specific issues when it comes to dealing with other people and getting into relationships. The symptoms of pistanthrophobia include:

  • Trembling and sweating;
  • Shortness of breath;
  • Rapid heartbeat;
  • Excessive and persistent fear and panic which is also irrational considering the incident in question;
  • A strong urge to escape the triggering person, object, or situation;
  • A withdrawn and guarded nature;
  • Anxiety and a strong desire to get away from uncomfortable conversations in relation to dating or an intimate partner;
  • Being unreceptive and cold to anyone who tries to flirt with them;
  • Avoiding deep conversations with a potential love interest.

“These behaviors are all considered unsafe to a pisanthrophobe, and they are hypervigilant about letting themselves participate in behaviors that have a potential to lead to vulnerability out of a fear that the connection could lead to a deeper relationship,” saysDanaMcNeil, a licensed marriage and family therapist.

What causes pistanthrophobia?

Just like any other phobia, pistanthrophobia is usually triggered by an event or a person. There are many people who have had traumatic experiences regarding a past relationship in which they were betrayed, rejected, and heartbroken. As a result, they face the horror of having to experience yet another hurt and that is the reason why they avoid getting into a relationship at all costs.

The fearful feelings occur because of the person not being able to forget the traumatic experience and being constantly overwhelmed with thoughts of hurt, betrayal, anger, sadness, and rejection that they can’t open their heart and trust again.

Pistanthrophobia is defined as the fear of trusting others. So, if you’ve had many difficult and painful experiences in which you got hurt by other people, then it makes sense that you might have a hard time trusting other people.

If you were betrayed and hurt by someone who meant a lot to you in the past, it makes sense that you might have difficulty opening up to others and building healthy, happy, and successful relationships.

What you need to know is that pistanthrophobia can greatly interfere with your relationships. So, if you don’t want your pistanthrophobia to gain total control over your life and wreck all of your potential romantic relationships, first you need to identify whether or not you have it and then face it.

Here are 10 clear signs that your fear of trusting other people is destroying your relationships:

1. You’re constantly overthinking everyone around you.

Whenever you meet someone new, you tend to think that they’re not being honest with you. You’re analyzing their behavior and trying to find out what their hidden motives are. Sometimes you’re even unable to pay attention to their words since you are too busy overthinking their suspicious character.

2. You find it hard to believe that trustworthy people exist.

You’re convinced that every person you meet is going to hurt you one way or another. No matter how good to you someone is, you think that it’s only a matter of time before they take advantage of you and betray your trust in them.

Clear Signs Your Fear Of Trusting Other People Pistanthrophobia

3. You think that you’ll be single forever.

You keep complaining to everyone around you that you’ll never find someone you’ll be compatible with and with whom you’ll be able to build a healthy, happy, and lasting relationship. And the worst thing is that you truly believe in this.

4. You easily get jealous.

You’re so insecure about where you stand in your partner’s life that you easily get jealous over the smallest and most trivial things. You’re constantly worrying about whether your significant other is being entirely faithful to you.

What you need to understand is that irrational and extreme jealousy has the power to destroy even the strongest relationship.

5. You perceive everyone as potential liars in disguise.

Whatever someone tells you, you never trust them. You sense a lie behind every word they say to you. When someone gives you a compliment, you can’t help but think, “Oh, what a terrible liar he/she is.” It’s like you’ve been programmed to think and perceive people that way.

6. Murphy’s law is one of your most favorite laws.

Murphy’s law which is typically stated as: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong,” is something you firmly believe in. You believe that you weren’t meant to love and be loved.

But, what you always need to keep in mind is that when it comes to attracting love, happiness, and good things in life, thinking positively is an important prerequisite.

7. You need to be constantly reassured of your partner’s love for you.

You always need your partner to reassure you about how much they love and care about you. You feel and behave this way since you want to be 100% sure that they aren’t going to hurt you.

When your partner tells you, “I love you” and showers you with attention and affection every single day, and spends the majority of their free time with you, you feel like you can get rid of your suspicions completely.

8. You have pledged that you will never trust anyone again.

You were betrayed and hurt so many times in the past that you’ve made a decision to never trust anyone again.

You’re trying to protect yourself from getting hurt again. And you simply can’t stop thinking that others are liars, cheaters, and manipulators who are only interested in taking advantage of you.

But, what you need to remember is that unless you start thinking and perceiving others differently, you’ll never be able to build a harmonious, happy relationship with someone who could actually prove to you that trustworthy individuals do still exist out there.

9. You demand too much in your relationships.

When you begin dating someone, you can’t expect them to pledge undying love right away. You can’t expect them to spend every minute of their free time with you. You can’t expect them to forget about their friends, goals, and interests in their life and make you their number one priority. Sadly, this is what you’re constantly doing.

10. You’re too quick to break off relationships.

When you’re the type of person who easily gets jealous and who has a hard time trusting others, chances are that you tend to break off relationships too easily as well.

You simply don’t believe in giving second chances. Even if your partner hasn’t done anything wrong, if you get suspicious about something related to their behavior, you don’t bother at all to justify them. You break up with them without a second thought.

5 Ways to Overcoming Pistanthrophobia

For those suffering from this condition, there is good news – Pistanthrophobia can be cured. Even though it may take some time, there is a way that a person can heal from their trust issues and stop being scared of relationships. Below is a list of 5 ways to do that.

1. Get real with your triggers

Every person has something that triggers them and makes them feel anxious and afraid. You should try to find what your triggers are and then focus on minimizing them as much as you can. You should get real with your triggers and know that sometimes the danger does not exist and it is only in your head.

2. Start healing yourself

If you jump from one relationship to another, then you don’t leave enough space for you to heal from your traumas. Moreover, getting into relationships before you are healed will leave you feeling emotionally drained and heartbroken. So, give yourself time to grieve and heal because every trauma requires patience and consistency in order to overcome it.

3. Seek therapy

A therapist will offer you insights and tools to help you get to the core of your problem and overcome it. They will also help you regain trust and remove your fears from getting romantically involved with someone. A therapist can also help you regain the confidence to get back onto the dating scene and start meeting new people.

4. Remove your emotional baggage

Leave the past in the past and start trusting again. Begin a new relationship with an open and trusting heart by reminding yourself that the bad experiences from your past do not have to shape your future.

5. Bring the positivity back into your life

I know it can be hard to start trusting again, but it is crucial for you and your well being to heal. You must alter your thoughts and start having a positive outlook on life. You should regain your faith and have hope that everything will go well.

 “I Can’t Trust No One” Quotes


Einstein’s Theory Of Happiness Revealed In A Short Handwritten Note

theory of happiness albert einstein

Albert Einstein may be famous for his theory of relativity and his influence on the philosophy of science, but as it turns out, this German scientist may have also had other little bits of wisdom to share with the world.

These bits of wisdom were jotted down by Einstein on a piece of paper at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo while he was on a lecture tour in 1922. On this trip, he was informed that he’d won the greatest prize in his field – the Nobel Prize in Physics.

But, what would be interesting to mention is that this short yet valuable note was not written for another scientist or CEO of some notable company. Instead, Einstein wrote it for one messenger boy. The messenger boy arrived to deliver a message to Einstein, but either the scientist had no change to tip the messenger or the latter did not want to accept a tip.

So, in order not to let the messenger boy go empty-handed, Einstein composed two short notes and handed over them to him and said that the notes could be worth a lot more in the future than the spare change which he might have given to him instead.

So, what exactly did Einstein jot down?

“A calm and modest life brings more happiness than the pursuit of success combined with constant restlessness,” the note written down on a piece of Imperial Hotel Tokyo stationery read. It was sold for a staggering $1.56 million at an auction in Jerusalem on October 24th in 2017.

The other note, written on a blank piece of paper, read: “Where there’s a will there’s a way,” and was also sold at auction for $240,000.

And when it comes to Einstein’s thoughts on happiness, I believe we can all agree that they teach us an essential truth. We can even apply them to our own lives as they emphasize what truly brings happiness into our lives and what actually prevents us from achieving it.

8 Steps to Writing a College Psychology Research Paper

Psychology is a special science. People who were fond of it lived centuries ago and their knowledge and statements are still useful and relevant. Nowadays, psychology divides into the history of psychology and useful instructions for helping people. Studying this subject is responsible, and only a few students become a real professional and use it in the future. If you feel that you are one of them, you need to write quality research papers from the very beginning. They can help you in the future and will be the first step of your profession. You must work hard, but if your request in an emergency is to ask to “help me write my research paper,” you can find this kind of help and use it if necessary. However, if today necessity is to write a research paper by yourself, here are eight steps that will help you.

Step 1. Choosing The Topic

If it is possible to choose a topic, try to do it deliberately. There are two main reasons for it. The first is that you can choose a theme you know a lot and interested in, so writing will be like a pleasure. The second one is that you can choose a topic with the future and use your writing for the diploma or speech at the conference.

Step 2. Acquainting With Writing Rules and Structure

Ask your mentor or find on the official website of your college or university rules and the structure or the research paper. It is very important because your work can be not accepted only because of these mistakes. 

Step 3. Write A Plan and Schedule

It is very helpful to understand how much time you will spend until you finish your brilliant paper. Use previous experience or ask for help in this question, but try to make a time table with your future steps to be ready with your work in time. 

Step 4. Researching and Making Notes

There is so much information everywhere that to choose the right resource is like an art. Researching and finding the proven resources maybe the hardest part of the whole writing. When you decide on them, it is time to make short notes with resumed statements and thoughts.

Step 5. Formulating a Hypothesis

After making notes and comparing the whole information in your mind it is time to work with the hypothesis you chose for research paper. Ask your mentor for help with this hard question, because the whole research will move around the statement you confirm or deny in conclusion.

Step 6. Writing as It Is

After all the preparations, it is time to write. It is the longest and the hardest part when you need to use all your knowledge and writing technique. Use the structure, the rules, the notes, the previous writings, and all that you need to have a perfect paper. At the end of this part, your job will be almost done, and if you were good, you could be almost proud.

Step 7. Proofreading and Getting Feedbacks

Remember that proofreading is a necessary part, and even professional writers do it all the time. You can use online proofreading services or ask a mentor of friends, but do it anyway. They can see simple mistakes that you don’t see as a writer.

Step 8. Making Conclusions For The Future

This is the final step after getting a score for your paper. It is the best experience that you will use for future research. Correct your schedule for the future. Don’t lose your notes. You may write more papers using them.

We believe that this instruction was helpful, and your writing will be easier and more predictable using it.

What you Should do After a Trucking Accident

Motor accidents of any kind can be some of the most deadly occurrences, with 32,675 US citizens losing their lives in 2014 alone. The weight and size of a truck, however, can greatly increase the injury and fatality rate of the driver, passengers and even pedestrians involved in the crash. Whilst it’s easy, and natural, to panic in these situations, the most important thing to do is to stay calm and follow these 4 easy steps to make sure that you and everyone else involved is correctly cared for in an emergency. If you are looking for professionals to aid you in case you are involved in DWI incidents, you can check the new jersey dwi lawyer online.

Call the Emergency Services

Immediately after the accident has happened, the first thing that you should do if you have access to a phone is to call the emergency services. If you don’t have access to a phone, attempt to find someone who does, as time really is of the essence. The first service that you should ask for is always the ambulance, but make sure that you call for the police also, as they can assess if there was any foul play such as drunk driving.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

When it comes to motor accidents, not all injuries are present as soon as the collision happens, and not all injuries are external either. Make sure that you seek medical attention for you and any others involved as soon as you can, as internal injuries are just as bad as (and sometimes even worse than) ones you can see. Some injuries may not become apparent until days or sometimes even weeks after the accident. If you are examined by a health professional and deemed to be physically well, make sure that you look out for headaches, neck and shoulder pains, back pain and memory loss in the upcoming weeks.

File a Report

Once the emergency services have been called and everyone has been medically assessed, you need to file a report with your insurance company. If the accident wasn’t your fault, they should cover the costs of truck repairs and even contact the other driver’s insurance to secure a payout. It’s vital that you take pictures of the accident so that you can use these as evidence, along with gathering contact information and statements from any witnesses. Regardless of who is at fault, a truck accident will affect the cost of your insurance payments, but if you’re at fault, the cost will generally increase more than if you were the victim.

Hire an Attorney

No matter whether you’re at fault or the victim in the situation, you should always hire a Truck Accident Attorney if you or any others involved choose to take the case to court for reasons such as injury, repairs cost or, the worst case scenario, if there were any fatalities involved. It’s important that you recruit the help of a seasoned professional to make sure that you get the compensation and justice that you deserve.

Truck accidents can be terrifying and often fatal, but in that terrifying scenario, there are still important steps that need to be taken to ensure the further safety of anyone involved. Whether you are at fault or not, it is vital that you contact the right people.

4 Things You Need to Know About Energy Healing

The holistic practice of energy healing aims to activate the subtle energy systems that already exist within our bodies to remove any blocks. By working towards removing the energetic blocks that exist within us, we can benefit from the inherent ability our bodies possess to heal itself. Energy healing states that any imbalance in the body can cause an obstruction or block in the energy flow and can lead to illness. However, by stimulating this natural energy healing ability, we can remove negativity, balance the energy centers, and facilitate a return to good health. While many people are often skeptical of energy healing and how it works, it has become an increasingly popular practice in recent years and energy therapies are becoming more and more present in the healing techniques for treating diseases and symptoms. To find out more, check out our guide on energy healing, with these 4 things you need to know!

It Has a Long and Developed History

Energy healing isn’t a new practice and has been around since the early 20th century. It was particularly popular in the form of Reiki which is a Japanese tradition that is based on the teachings of energy healing. Many different cultures from all over the world have spent a considerable amount of time studying the energy of the body, and the ancient Hindu texts explain in great deal how the seven chakras are energy transmissions to the rest of our body. Similarly, Chinese practitioners have based acupuncture on the superhighways of energy to guide their practices.

It is Based on Scientific Principles

A lot of what energy healing talks about and teaches is based on scientific principles, and in particular the scientific principle of molecules. For example, everything in the world is made up of molecules; even solid items like the bed we sleep in and the table we sit at are constantly vibrating   entities, and our bodies are no different. Therefore, when we say someone has a good vibe about them, it means that they have a vibrating energy. So, energy healing principles state that happy people vibrate at a higher frequency than those who are negative. However, it isn’t just people who have vibes or energies, as places can have them as well.

Anyone and Everyone Can Benefit from Energy Healing

While energy healing is considered to be a holistic and spiritual practice, you don’t have to be spiritual in order to benefit from it. Yet, spiritual healing can yield benefits and it is important that if you are open minded to the workings of energy healing, you will be more likely to receive a maximum of these benefits. Energy healing can be great at making you feel more balanced and relaxed when physically drained, stressed, or anxious.

You Can Practice Energy Healing in the Comfort of Your Own Home

Energy healing is a very spiritual and personal tradition that is unique to each individual, so it isn’t something you can only engage in with a therapist or spiritualist. Just like you get out of bed in the morning and brush your teeth, energy healing can be something that you commit to every day. Energy healing can also include taking a long bath in pink Himalayan salts when you are feeling stressed or anxious, as this can lighten your energy and help to clear your negative aura.

The practice of energy healing has been established for some time, and even in the simplest of ways and from the comfort of your own home, you can benefit from the teachings that energy healing has to offer.

What To Do In The Event Of A Flight Delay

It can happen to anyone. Whether you’re flying from Dubai or travelling to the other side of Siberia – a flight delay. It doesn’t matter how well you’ve planned these trips in advance, how early you’ve woken up to get to the airport on time or how well-prepared all of your travel documents are, despite even the most meticulous of plans, delays that are often out of our control happen fairly frequently. When this occurs, it can be a very frustrating time for everyone involved. Not only does this mean you miss your flight, but it also means that you’re now stuck in the airport for an indeterminate amount of time. However, just because you’re delayed doesn’t mean you’re stranded, or powerless. In fact, if you find yourself in a very specific situation you might be able to take a lot of very lucrative actions.

Below we’ll take a look at what to do in the event that your flight is severely delayed or cancelled.

Know your rights

As it happens, as a passenger on a flight you actually have quite a few rights that protect against flight delays and cancellations. It’s important to brush up on these before you travel, so that in the event that something does occur, you’re clued up about what to do in that particular situation.

For example, if you do find yourself egregiously delayed, then it’s vital to know that if the delay is severe enough that you’re entitled to up to €600 worth of compensation – likely more than you paid for the flight in the first place. If you think you might be entitled to this compensation, then contact the airline in question or speak to a service representative and ask about it. Alternatively, you can contact a company such as AirHelp who can help you with a flight refund as well as additional compensation.

Check your connecting flights

A flight delay in one airport might upset your upcoming transfers at other airports. It’s therefore important that you check your future flight schedule the second you’re informed that your flight is going to be delayed. That way, if find out that your current delay is going to cause you to miss an upcoming connecting flight, you can ensure that the airline responsible for the delay reroutes you so that you end up at your destination as close to your projected arrival time as possible.

Ask about meals and free hotel stays

In the event of most delays longer than three hours, the airline in question will almost always supply you with some sort of food and drink vouchers that you can redeem within the airport. If no one has given you anything of the sort, then approach a member of staff and ask politely if you can have a few. They’ll most likely hand them out without too much fuss. If you find yourself delayed to the point where you have to stay overnight in the airport, then the airline in question has to, by law, provide you with a hotel room close to the airport for you to sleep in while you wait for your next flight. Again, if no one mentions this then simply ask a participating member of staff and they should sort you out.

8 Distinct Signs That Show You Are Being True To Yourself

true to yourself

It’s really sad that there are many people out there who feel like they are living a lie. Yes, you read it right – “living a lie.” So, what does this mean?

It means that such people are avoiding expressing how they really feel. They’re suppressing and hiding their feelings. They’re avoiding, too, sharing their opinions with others when they disagree over something. They’re doing things that they don’t actually want to do – they simply think they are supposed to.

They’re ignoring their own needs and desires and they’re prioritizing those of others. They’re constantly comparing their own successes with those of other people. And they’re constantly trying to fit in the crowd.

So, how do you know that you don’t fit this category of people?

Here are 8 sure signs you are being true to yourself.

1. You express your feelings and thoughts freely and openly.

You are not afraid to speak your mind. When talking to others, you freely share your opinions no matter how different they are from those of the person standing in front of you.

2. You are always honest with yourself.

You’re in touch with your emotions. You’re well aware of what you think and want. You’re aware of your insecurities and fears, too, and most importantly, you’re not afraid to face and overcome them.

3. You don’t care about what others think of you.

You’re aware that there will always be someone who won’t like you. There will always be someone who will talk behind your back no matter how good you are to them. There will always be someone who will envy your happiness and success – and you are just fine with all that.

Because you’d never try to change so as to impress others and make yourself more likable. You know who you are and you accept and cherish yourself just the way you are.

4. You make your own needs a priority.

It’s not like you think that your feelings, opinions, needs, and wishes are more important than those of others or that you are a selfish, conceited person. Rather, you simply know what you need in order to feel mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy and balanced and you’re not afraid to say no to requests that are opposed to that.

You are sometimes willing to sacrifice and make compromises for other people, but you always keep in mind that you should never put other people’s needs before your own.

5. You live your life in accordance with your own principles and values.

You know what a socially acceptable life looks like: Get a university degree, find a good job, climb the social ladder, get married, and start a family, but you have seriously questioned if this is right for you. Perhaps it is, but if you’ve already decided to go this route, that’s because it aligns with your own beliefs, principles, and values.

6. You surround yourself with individuals that accept and love you for who you are.

You surround yourself with people who bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment into your life. People who fill you with joy and positive energy. People who bring out the best in you. People who believe in you and support you. People who really want to see you happy and succeed in life. People who are worthy of your attention and trust. People whom you know will always be there for you.

7. You follow your intuition.

You listen to what your gut feeling is telling you because you know that you’re the only one who knows what is best for you.

Since you have committed a lot of time and energy to learning to make a difference between the voice of fear and truth, you’re able to recognize the difference between preventing yourself from doing something because you’re afraid and waiting for the things that feel right.

8. You try to become the best version of yourself.

You are well aware of your weak sides. You know what parts of your life need to be improved and you work hard to achieve that. You enjoy broadening your knowledge of the world around you and gaining new skills. You’re also not afraid to step out of your comfort zone and venture into the unknown.

Additionally, you make sure you break yourself of  bad habits and develop new and healthy ones that will enable you to become the best version of yourself.

Here’s Why More And More Women Are Refusing To Get Married

women married less reason

We live in strange, crazy times. Relationships appear to get harder and harder and more and more couples get divorced.

Indeed, have you noticed that you have received fewer wedding invitations recently? Well, it might be because all of your friends and relatives know that you tend to misbehave when you drink alcohol at parties. Or it might also be because women are getting married less and less.

So, now let’s talk about the latter.

It’s not that women who are refusing to get married are downplaying the importance of marriage. They’re just no longer perceiving marriage as the final destination in life. They have realized that waiting for the real thing and pursuing their dreams is the best thing they can do for themselves.

In addition to this, there are many other reasons contributing to why more and more women are refusing to get married. Here are 7 of them:

1. Women are no longer the weaker, inferior gender.

They’ve challenged this stereotype. They don’t need to have a partner so as to feel happy, protected and safe. They don’t need to be around an educated, successful man so as to feel important. Because they know how to take care of themselves. They know how to stand up for themselves. And they’re capable of pursuing their dreams and working towards their goals on their own too.

2. A lot of men feel intimidated by strong, smart, and successful women.

Guys can’t handle being in a relationship with or married to a woman that is independent and confident as well as stronger, more driven, and more successful than them. Being around this kind of woman makes men feel like their masculinity is threatened, and no man likes this.

So, I guess, now it’s easier for you to understand why it’s difficult for women to find a guy that is not afraid of being around a strong, smart, and self-sufficient woman.

3. Marriage is outdated.

Marriage was a tradition which was followed for political and economic reasons for thousands of years. Marriage was not about love – it was more like a necessity. And undoubtedly, it was the most significant milestone in a person’s life.

But, that is no longer the case today. Marriage is an outdated tradition and a great number of women aren’t afraid to acknowledge that.

4. Women have a hard time finding guys that are worth their time.

With the lack of real values and high unemployment, the number of work-shy, immature guys is greater than that of men worth giving a shot.

5. Hooking up is becoming increasingly popular.

It seems that romance has become only an abstract term. Thanks to the great number of dating apps, it appears that no one has time to commit to a serious relationship. It seems that no one wants to invest time and energy in building a strong, happy, lasting relationship because causal hooking up appears a lot easier.

Women Are Getting Married Less And Less — And The Reason Why Might Shock You (1)

6. Marriage is not necessary for women to have children.

Marriage isn’t the path to having children anymore. Thanks to science making important breakthroughs and the development of new technology, you don’t need a man to be a mother.

Additionally, a significant number of babies are born to single mothers and chances are that this trend is going to continue in the future too.

7. Last but not least, some women prioritize their dreams and goals over their relationship status.

Some women find pursuing their goals and making a successful career more important than marriage. Marriage simply is not on their list of priorities.