One of the most frequent questions people pose when it comes to happiness and wealth these days is whether spending money to save time bring about happiness. According to a recent study, it does.
If we consider the amount of time, it takes us to clean the house, buy groceries and partake, many other tasks we can hire to be done by others, it will be more than clear how much time and energy is “wasted” doing these very tasks.
The National Academy of Sciences was as curious as we are in these very questions, and therefore acquired this matter more seriously to see the outcome. Hence, they took the study to another level and surveyed participants in search of the answer.
They found that investing to save time might indeed decrease stress levels to a significant amount, which in turn raises and improves our happiness.
Ashley Whillians, one of the authors of the study and assistant professor at Harvard Business School stated, “People who spent money to buy themselves time, such as by outsourcing disliked tasks, reported greater overall life satisfaction.”
The study itself was grounded on completed surveys from various countries, which made it all the more reliable, not limiting the responses to only one region. On the contrary, the same results were not received when individuals invested in material possessions.
In the first part of the study, around 4,500 individuals were surveyed in the U.S, Canada, the Netherlands and Denmark regarding their happiness and investing in hiring people to complete their tasks.
The tasks mentioned involved ordering takeout instead of cooking, hiring a house cleaner to clean their house or running any type of errand they did not have to complete themselves. The next part of the study included approximately 1,800 Americans who did the same thing, but included tasks from a wider spectrum.
The findings were that around 28% of the first individuals who undertook the study and 50% of the ones who did the second one stated they invested in saving time. Not surprisingly, they were the ones who proved to live a happier life overall.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the study was that those investing in timesaving activities were not people of higher rank. Even individuals who led normal lives with average pay rates invested in the mentioned tasks to save time and live a more fulfilling life.
Elizabeth Dun, professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia and author of the paper stated that if we did tasks that sucked the life out of us that could be avoided, then the money is definitely worth your while. This of course, only applies to those who can afford it.
The researchers were not completely satisfied with these results, still curious if investing in completed tasks brings happiness in itself, they continues with the study.
For this reason, they decided to experiment with some Canadians to see the result. Initially they gave the partakers about $40 to spend over two weekends in a row so they can save time in menial tasks, entertainment or anything that made them happy. They then asked them how they felt after doing this once the day was over.
As expected, they felt happier and calmer due to investing in timesaving tasks that brought them pure happiness. However, they did not feel the same serene happiness when spending money on possessions in buying possessions.
Surprisingly enough, the study also proved that the wealthy did not acknowledge this effect and would rather do the tasks themselves than invest in something like this.
For this study, they examined over 800 Dutch millionaires who barely spent money on streamlined tasks. They would rather do it themselves than pay someone to do the job for them due to work principle and value.
Although they could no doubt afford such an investment, they reported not being able to accept the fact that someone will be undertaking a task they could easily do themselves.
To conclude the overall intriguing experiment, Whillians stated, “We want to seem like we have it all together and we might be therefore resistant to spending money on timesaving purchases even when we can afford it.”
Undeniably, no two men are the same, and it’s pointless comparing one to another since they all behave in different ways and possess distinct personality traits that make them unique. However, another thing that no one can deny is that a person’s zodiac sign plays a role in shaping their behavior.
Each astrological sign comes with different behaviors and character traits. For instance, some, such as Libra, are non-confrontational, and others, like Pisces, are highly sensitive.
So, if there’s a guy you like or if you’re already in a relationship with one, knowing his zodiac sign can help you discover many things about his personality, values, communication style, flaws, and approach towards romantic relationships, including what kind of partner he is and how compatible you are with him.
In addition, by understanding how your zodiac sign and your partner’s affect your relationship, both of you will be more able to strengthen your bond, which will help make your relationship healthier, happier, and more meaningful. So, if you’re wondering who the best boyfriend is according to his zodiac sign, continue reading since, in what follows, we’ve presented a list of boyfriends ranked best to worst based on their zodiac.
Despite their bad reputation, these guys are very deep and can be rather complicated, but they possess powerful charisma and charm. Winning a Scorpio guy’s heart is not an easy task, but if you can do it, then you will receive their limitless love, dedication, and devotion to the fullest.
Scorpio men are brutally honest, but they will always try to make you happy. Being the most loyal sign in the zodiac, these guys make the best boyfriends. And although they are covered in a lot of complicated layers, underneath they hide a heart of gold.
If you are dating one, you might already know all this, but you need to understand that Scorpio men need their space. A perfect match for them would be someone who understands and values that.
2. Gemini
Guys in this sign fall in love quickly and they can confidently say that they see a future with the person they are with. If you are looking for a true gentleman, Gemini guys are the definition of it. Each and every one of their actions is considerate, polite, and respectful.
Geminis are good listeners, and they know how to see the situation from the viewpoint of the other person. Their ability to fully understand their partner is what helps them be supportive and motivating.
They will do their best to never let you down or disappoint you, and they will do everything they know to help you achieve more and do better than you’ve thought you could.
3. Libra
Being the most peaceful sign in the zodiac, a Libra man will do everything to avoid a fight. They are aware that harsh words will not solve anything, and thus they pick their battles wisely. If they fight, they fight for something they truly care about, and they will usually win, as their intentions are pure and sincere.
Being with a Libra man, you will find that they are very interesting, funny, and entertaining. What is more, they will always treat their significant other better than most. Their focus is not on what you can do for them, but on what they can do for you.
This is why they give everything they possibly can. If they possess the will, they will always find a way and they will always be there for you if you need them.
And don’t get intimidated by their popularity and their being at the center of every party. What makes them the happiest is having someone like you standing beside them.
4. Aries
Aries men are dominant and don’t be surprised if they like to lead the charge in the relationship. Their competitive nature compels them to be beside a partner who can challenge them, so they will never end up with a weak person.
This is why they will make you work for their attention and time. If you succeed to break through their cocky and arrogant exterior, you will get into their real nature, which many will never see.
Once you have their heart, they will quickly drop the act and fold to everything you say.
5. Cancer
These men have a heart of gold and they wear it on their sleeve. Their nature of following their heart instead of their head usually leads them to the wrong partners. However, once they find the one, they will shower them with their limitless love and treat them better than anyone in their life.
Cancer men are good at spoiling their partners with gifts and affection and a relationship with them will definitely change your standards.
6. Leo
Leos are hopeless romantics. While they may seem tough and arrogant to many, their true nature holds a belief in love like no other sign in the zodiac. They will do everything in the name of love, and they will make it count.
Their dramatic and megalomaniac nature will lead them to make everything look like in a movie, and they will do everything they can think of to make their partner feel special and loved. They aren’t afraid of giving more than they get, because their partner’s happiness makes up their own.
They see the greatest value in a person who can support and love them and being one of the most loyal signs in the zodiac, you know that you can always trust them.
These guys are known to be the strangest and the funniest of all signs. They can drift away in a world of their own and they beat entirely to their own drum. This, however, doesn’t help them tune in with others, and being as they are, they don’t qualify for the best boyfriend.
However, their relentless efforts to be good partners help them not to be the worst boyfriends either. These guys don’t easily pick up on signals and lack the confidence to make the first move, so you might find yourself making every first move.
When with an Aquarius, you will have a person who will do anything you tell them to, but you’ll also be always in charge of making the decisions in the relationship.
8. Sagittarius
Sagittarius guys are their own worst enemy when it comes to relationships. Their overthinking often leads them to make decisions a little too late. In social settings, if they see someone they like, they will get stuck between thought and action to the point of giving up.
Once they get in a relationship, they can prove to be loyal and good, but they will get their way when it comes to everything.
9. Capricorn
Capricorns are full of high expectations and can be very demanding when it comes to the person they are with. They will add pressure on their partner whether that’s their personal life or career.
They like to dominate and lead the charge in making decisions and controlling situations. This is why they prefer their partner to be passive, submissive, and willing to be bossed around.
Despite their best intentions, their arrogance often creates trouble in their life.
10. Virgo
If a Virgo opens up to you, it means that they feel safe enough around you to show you their genuine emotions.However, being the most jealous sign in the zodiac with the worst temper, if they get mad, they can’t control their reactions.
In a quarrel (which they are very good at starting), they will bring up anything from day 1 onwards to take you down. They will always come back around and they will eventually apologize, but their acid tongues make many want to run away.
Despite everything, they love with all their hearts. It’s just difficult for them to show their feelings in the right way.
11. Taurus
These men are very tough to get a commitment out of. Their primary focus is their family and career, and relationships have never been a priority for them. This makes many who get into a relationship with a Taurus man feel uncertain of where they stand with him.
Even if you put the label ‘boyfriend’ on him, a Taurus guy will just treat it as a label until he’s sure he can spend his life with you. You won’t see a Taurus dating for fun.
Their primary concerns are if the person they are with has the potential to be their mate for life and if they share the same values and goals. They are looking for a person who can give them their full support.
This heavy focus on themselves makes many of their partners grow frustrated because they don’t feel like they are being met halfway.
12. Pisces
Pisces is the most sensitive of all signs. They live in their own world full of fantasies, deep feelings, and never-ending thinking. Their insecurities usually lead them to the wrong partners.
Their view of the world through the prism of deep emotions is something not everyone is ready to cope with, as not many can relate to their sensitivity. This is why they may feel a bit too much for most people.
They guard their good hearts with all their might, and their frequent choice of wrong partners brings out the worst qualities in them – jealousy and insecurity.
ReGen Villages are the new solution to world’s greatest problems today, such as climate change, the rise of the world’s population, and the limited resources.
In partnership with a Danish architecture firm called Effekt, ReGen Villages will locate the first off-grid village in Almere, the Netherlands, this summer. The village will be able to produce its own water, food, and energy.
It is supposed that approximately 10 billion people will live on Earth by 2050, so these regenerative villages will be more than needed for the human population because of their ability to produce clean water, waste removal, and healthy food.
ReGen Villages
The CEO of ReGen, James Ehrlich, says that they are thinking of the issue on a global scale, and the solution is indeed regenerative housing, or in his words – the “Tesla of eco-villages.”
Because of the fact that many greenhouses will be included in these off-grid villages, people will be able to grow their own food there and recycle the waste. Moreover, in the villages will also be integrated indoor vegetable gardens along with high-tech vertical farms, and for the outdoor activities – a number of seasonal outdoor gardens are planned.
ReGen Villages
The whole system in the villages will function like a circle in which: soldier flies and livestock will be fed with the recycled resident waste; the aquaculture system will be fertilized with the fish waste, and the aquaculture system will feed the garden plants.
Finally, the outdoor gardens will be fertilized with the livestock waste.
ReGen Villages Ehrlich predicts that these farming systems will produce 10 times more crops and using 90% less water in a course of one year.
When it comes to electricity, people will have 24/7 hot water and electrical energy using other energy sources, for instance, solar panels.
However, families would have to take the full responsibility for maintaining the integrated systems in the villages – from maintaining the solar panels and operating the greenhouses to taking care of the livestock.ReGen Villages
These are but small responsibilities for such enormous gains that these villages will provide to the families.
A hundred of pilot homes are planned to be built later this year in Almere, Netherlands. If they prove to be accepted and successfully functioning, ReGen will build many more pilot villages in countries like Germany, Denmark, China, Sweden, Norway, the UAE, and perhaps in Africa too.
The importance of non-verbal communication is quite underestimated, besides the well-known fact that actions sometimes speak louder than words. We can control our words and say only what we want the world to hear, but our body language can easily betray us.
The deepest secrets and the most hidden intentions are revealed by something as simple as a sitting position. Here are some hints.
Position A – Keeping knees one next to another
These people are good companions due to their cheerful and gregarious nature. They are very easy to communicate with, as they are very talkative, charming and friendly. Simply, they love to observe the world through a positive prism. However, such a reluctance to perceive reality can bring some trouble.
Simply, they love to observe the world through a positive prism. However, such a reluctance to perceive reality can bring some trouble.
These people do not have a willingness to deal with the problems that come along, but would rather ignore them, pretending they don’t exist. Watch out – they are ready to put you in a rather complicated situation and transfer their problem to you. Their liberty and free time are too precious to be wasted on real life problem-solving.
Watch out – they are ready to put you in a rather complicated situation and transfer their problem to you. Their liberty and free time are too precious to be wasted on real life problem-solving.
Position B – Crossed legs
People that sit with their legs crossed are energetic and proactive individuals that not only have marvelous ideas, but they also have the capabilities of seeing these ideas through.
They are always motivated and rarely complain if they need to spend hours working and starting over, just to make things right. Because of their dedication, they are very much appreciated as employees and co-workers.
They know how to use every moment of life by exploring, traveling and making new friends, but even more importantly, they know how to protect themselves from everyone that disturbs their positivity.
Position C – Sitting with the knees far apart
These people bring with themselves a combination of completely opposite character traits. They seem like perfectionists at instances and like to have only the best of the best around them.
They devote a lot of time in choosing their clothing and accessories or decorating their homes. Their pickiness comes from the immense love for comfort and luxury. Because of that, they are often perceived as self-centered and arrogant.
However, on the other hand, they often live in a complete mess that they usually make themselves, and interestingly enough, can function perfectly in that disorganization.
Position D – Keeping knees straight ahead
These individuals put one thing as a priority – their tranquility. They feel comfortable only when they are in a peaceful environment, so they do everything possible to avoid confrontation with another individual.
They are intelligent and knowledgeable, and they can openly express their thoughts and feelings in a conversation; therefore, they might sometimes come off as offensive. However, they would never do that in public, because they are afraid of criticism.
Generally, they are very careful when establishing their position in society, and avoid anyone that can disturb their peace. They appreciate and respect their own time and the time of others. Try not to be late for a meeting with them.
Position E – Feet crossed at the ankle
They are those individuals that look like they are at peace with themselves. They organize their lives around the belief that what is theirs will come in the right time, so there is no need to rush things, be nervous or get disappointed.
However, that does not mean they sit and wait. On the contrary, they are quite persistent and work diligently towards the achievement of their goals. But they do it with serenity.
One of their main flaws is their obsessiveness with their appearance –they would invest in anything that will make them look better and will earn them a compliment, which often is a sign of lack of insecurity.
Europeans strongly believe in the benefits of having regular nap time, so it has become a normal thing that most European cities shut down in the afternoon for their power naps. Unlike Americans who consider napping a luxury and pure laziness, almost everyone in Europe takes a quick nap to recharge and go to work again.
If you are one of the people who (occasionally) enjoy taking naps, you should not feel guilty about it. In fact, studies have shown that an afternoon short nap not only makes you feel rested and re-energized, but also improves your mood, memory, physical performance, and your learning ability.
Most innovative companies, like Apple and Google, have implemented napping as a regular thing in the working environment since it is known that well-rested people make the best employees and improves their performance.
One study from the University of Colorado Boulder found that children who didn’t nap in the afternoon had increased anxiety level, poor problem-solving skills, and were not showing much interest and joy compared to other children who took regular power naps. This is true for adults as well.
Therefore, the question arises: What makes napping so important? It is mainly because it reboots the brain as it clears out the short-term memory which leaves the brain refreshed with a new storage space.
How long should one nap?
According to specialists, a “power nap” of 10 to 20 minutes is enough for refreshing the mind and boosting alertness and energy. This timing is optimal for normal functioning because you are not in a deep sleep and you will be able to continue with your day immediately after waking up.
However, if you nap for 30 minutes or longer you will face a 30 minutes period of grogginess because your mind enters in a deep sleep during that period. Moreover, you will experience the same groggy period if you nap for an hour, but on the other hand, this 60 minutes nap will boost your memory.
Taking longer naps of 90 minutes is recommended for those who didn’t get much sleep at night. This makes up for the loss of sleep because it is a whole sleep cycle and, also, improves creativity and emotional memory.
All in all, naps are considered a crucial factor for your emotional and physical well-being. However, be careful! They should be an addition, not a replacement for a good night sleep.
Life certainly has a sense of irony! Several years ago, Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, a 37-year-old Harvard-trained brain researcher and a respected neuro-anatomist, suffered a stroke.
During this difficult time, Dr. Bolte Taylor was prevented from accessing half of her brain. She suffered complete amnesia and was unable to talk, walk, read, or write. It was only the previous training in neuroscience that helped her survive and recover.
The doctor shared the details of her unbelievable experience in her book “My Stroke of Insight”, which has been published in 37 languages worldwide.
In one of the most popular TED talk videos, the doctor describes how she was able to see beyond the physical boundaries and what’s like to live with only one functional brain hemisphere.
Here are the key points of her speech:
Dr. Bolte Taylor’s Stroke of Luck
On December 10, 1996, the woman who had dedicated her life to researching mental disorders faced a mental disorder herself. What started as a pain behind her left eye, resulted in a massive stroke that left her completely dysfunctional.
After a blood vessel exploded in her brain, Dr. Bolte Taylor felt that both sides of the brain dominated her awareness interchangeably. The moments of sliding into complete peacefulness were interrupted by moments of awareness when she knew her brain was sending a warning.
From a physical aspect, the two brain hemispheres are completely separate from one another. Normally, we can’t tell which half of the brain is active at the moment. The doctor claims that after the stroke, she was able to clearly distinguish between the functioning of both brain halves.
The two brain halves are entirely different in the way they process information. The left hemisphere is linear and methodical. It is in charge of organizing, describing, analyzing, and judging right from wrong.
The left hemisphere associates the past with the present through an infinite analysis of details. It contains the language center and thinks in language, producing that constant chatter in your head. It is the intelligence that makes you aware of your being, i.e. separates you from the energy around you and makes you a single individual.
The right side, on the other hand, has no language and is much calmer. It is entirely focused on the present moment. It thinks in pictures and learns through the movement of the body. This part of the brain makes us aware that we’re energy beings “connected to one another through the consciousness of our right hemispheres as one human family”.
Suddenly, her mind became silent. At first, she was surprised but then she felt the amazing energy around her. Her consciousness shifted into a different reality. After she lost control over the calculating left side of her brain, Dr. Bolte Taylor entered a state she describes as being “at one with the universe”. This is similar to the so-called “state of high consciousness” often described in Christian and Eastern religious books.
When a stroke happens to a brain researcher, the humanity is in gain. Suffering a stroke gave the doctor an opportunity to study her own brain. Thanks to her understanding of how the brain works, Dr. Bolte Taylor found the strength to recover. The recovery lasted for 8 full years, but today she sees this experience as a gift and eagerly shares it with the world.
Dr. Bolte Taylor urges us to exercise our right side of the brain more often with a purpose to become more humane. She learned that humans are “the life-force power of the universe…We have the power to choose who and how we want to be in the world.” Stepping up into the consciousness of the right hemisphere is a step towards an inner peace and, eventually, a more peaceful world.
Empathy is a powerful thing. On the surface, it lets you understand people and connect with them more deeply. However, once you start evolving your empathic abilities, it gets much more interesting and it offers a lot more insights about your life and the lives of those around you.
While there are some people who are born with highly empathic abilities, empathy is something that can be achieved and evolved by anyone. The only thing that has stopped people from evolving this special gift we all possess is the idea that ‘emotions are for crybabies and weak people’.Things are not that plain as they have been said, though.
Once you read about these 4 super powers that come with high empathic abilities, you will understand that lacking empathy makes you weak, not the other way around.
Reading people’s minds
Mind reading is not as ‘supernatural’ as it may sound to many. In fact, we all do it to some extent – reading cues from people’s intonation, body language, and verbal discourse. If you bothered enough to analyze these nonverbal signs in those who matter, you would surely be able to tell if they are lying, hiding something if they are happy, sad – you name it.
Empaths take this a step further. Besides being able to read the visual and intonational cues from those around them, they are able to sniff out their deepest emotions involved in the process – those who many try hard to keep down.
The truth is that people can learn how to act in a certain way to achieve the desired perception by others. However, when confronted with an empath, all the masks melt away from the empath’s piercing ability to see and sense their deepest motives and nature.
With this information, the empath is able to walk a mile in their shoes and see how they think and why they are thinking like that. No acting can escape their powerful emotional perception – and thoughts are inspired by emotions.
Becoming your own emotion super hero
The ability to listen to and recognize each feeling in a whirlpool of emotions that inspire and create behaviors can be directed inwards. Many people today choose to be disconnected from their feelings, as facing your own feelings IS the most difficult task.
An empath is well aware of their emotions and of those around them. The ability to differentiate between these two is what makes them strong enough to face the burden of the emotions.
This being the case, an empath is able to start following their emotions and taming them to follow a path of emotional growth and maturity. If for example, someone says something that would irritate an empath, they will be able to see where that statement is coming from and how it differs from their worldview.
Knowing that these are two different worlds that could easily clash, they would easily understand their reaction and accept the reality, without causing any conflict. It’s because they understand themselves and they understand the other person – this is a step to emotional maturity.
Transmuting the negativity only you can feel
Empaths are not only able to sense the emotions of the people around them, but also the energy that lingers around from those emotions. When they enter a room full of negative energy, they can sense it and they know what to do.
Empaths can feel sources of positive energy and they feel attached to them. These could be forms of meditation, plants that transmute negative energy to a positive one, or even simple encouraging words and thoughts.
If in control of their own emotions, they can easily use their knowledge to transmute the negative energy around them into a blissful and positive one.
Turn your sensitivity into a highly coveted skill
The sensitivities of an empath can be their greatest trait when out in the world. Many highly empathic people can readily tell what’s good and what’s not good for them, from food and drinks to people, rooms, and open spaces.
This sensitivity makes them avoid many things, which would seem limiting and difficult for many. However, this same sensitivity can help an empath become many things that others need, but are not aware of.
From becoming organic chefs who include vibrant colors and energies in their food, to amazing landscape architects, the possibilities are endless when their peculiar sense of things is in play.
The empath will create the best living space, meditation room, or garden, by observing the flow of the energies and the sources that generate the most positive energy. How do they do it? Don’t expect to find out, as they know how they sense it – but they won’t be able to tell why.
Feel free to swear if you are angry, it really helps! According to a study, the benefits of a juicy swear-word said in the right place at the right time are highly underestimated.
Is swearing reserved for men only? Apparently not! A new study shows that today women swear more than men. Modern women believe that they have just as much right to use the F-word, even in front of their kids.
They refuse to teach the kids to hold back, as long as they are careful where and when they use obscenities. And this refers to boys and girls equally. Moms believe that allowing boys to swear while teaching girls to behave ‘ladylike’ is sexist and outdated.
Women no longer sit at home knitting, waiting for their husbands, cursing quietly. Oh, no! They have superior language skills and aren’t ashamed to use them! Thank you, equal human rights fighters!
Here is why women shouldn’t give up swearing any time soon:
F-words are fun
Try thinking of the most creative ways to swear. Choose from vintage examples like “Sugartit” and “Holy cow”, that seem more like jokes than insults, or modern creations such as “Pis*flaps” and “Sh**bag”. You are sure to have great laughs is the process!
People who swear are trustworthy
People who aren’t afraid to swear openly are generally not afraid to speak up about anything. They are open-minded and brutally honest. They will say whatever is on their mind using colorful words. What better way to enrich your swear-word dictionary?
Swearing puts emphasis
Imagine someone leaving the door open every time they leave the room (your husband, maybe?). Saying “Could you please get the door” for a seventy-second time will be less effective than “Get the F***** door!” said only once. You get the point.
You’ve hurt yourself
Hurting yourself might be the most legitimate reason to let yourself loose. The world is obviously against you and should express your opinion about it. Just use the juiciest swear-word you can think of and you’ll feel better soon.
It’s scientifically proven
As mentioned at the beginning, scientists have confirmed that swearing is good for you. It increases muscle strength and boosts stamina. Plus, it expands your vocabulary and improves your linguistic skills.
Helps you show who’s in charge
Why should you censor yourself? You can be a lady and still swear. Be a ‘controlled swearer’ and use the F-word only when appropriate. You’re an adult who knows that such words won’t work at the church. But they are certainly fit to use after hitting the staircase with your head!
Being a mother is one of the most grateful and amazing jobs (if we can call it a job) in the world. It’s rather an experience that can bring the greatest joy one can imagine. But, this joy often comes with the price of exhaustion and this is a real issue mothers are silently facing.
Parents know that for every innocent smile you get, there is at least one scary challenge accompanying it. And there are also the other household tasks and professional life, which can be overwhelming for parents. They say that you only remember the sweet moments of life after some time, but the numerous challenges that parenthood brings are difficult to face in the present and no parent is spared.
Motherhood is a privilege. It is also a selfless sacrifice in many ways and more people need to talk about this. One mother made a public step forward regarding this question. She recently reached a wide audience with a simple post about motherhood.
Bethany Jacobs used social media to reach mothers everywhere and tell them that they are not alone, although they might feel like it. The post became popular for a powerful reason. It showed all mothers that it is okay to make a break and feel down because of everything else they sacrifice and all the effort they put into being a good mother. The post also represents hope for all the future mothers, showing the way the selfless sacrifice all mothers makes everything worth it. Being totally open and direct, Bethany’s words touched many fathers around the world, who showed their support and encouragement for their wives and all mothers everywhere.
James Brooks, father of 2 girls, commented on Bethany’s post, saying that his wife has felt the same way, but that didn’t make her look bad in front of their children.
Crystal Boyko also showed his support for mothers everywhere, telling them they are enough because they are doing a tremendous job and only loving their babies is enough.
Bethany’s post united parents from USA and beyond. The message that she sent started with three words “You are enough”. In the post, she salutes all the moms who are hiding in the bathroom in order to find peace just for a short time, often crying. Many mothers who read the post recognized themselves in these sentences.
Bethany continues to explain that moms know how it is to sit in the car alone in order to eat. Indeed, people don’t realize how judgmental they can be and how negatively that can affect the other person.
Mothers know that whenever they yell at their children, they feel worse afterwards and this feeling can develop into something more with time. It can grow into feeling of unworthiness. If we all know this, we will understand why the world might seem too much to handle sometimes.
All moms who have felt lonely and depressed will understand this post and remind themselves about these words whenever they feel down because they “failed at something”.
But all moms have to realize that it’s okay to fail sometimes. It’s okay to order pizza over and over again instead of cooking dinner. They are enough, they are important, they are worthy.
As Bethany writes, this is just a phase and it will end, no matter how hard, challenging and crazy it is. Because it will be worth it in the end.
Continue to do your best because your children think of you as someone perfect and they know that you are more than enough. For them, you are the strongest and you can conquer the world. For them, you are more than enough.
The percentage of counterfeit currency is increasing at alarming rates. It is a serious issue and must be dealt at every level. Detecting a counterfeit bill is now easier as compared to early days.
Astonishing as it is, the amount of counterfeit money generated through computer systems, in circulation accounts for over 45% and this number is still rising.
With the help of advance Technology, counterfeit pens or it would be correct to say counterfeit detection pens are now available for your help.
These counterfeit pens are an easy way to check bills and find out the authenticity of a bill presented to you. In this article, you will read about five essential things you must know about these counterfeit detection pens.
What is a counterfeit detection pen?
A counterfeit (detection) pen is a pen-shaped instrument that has a felt tip which contains iodine solution. This iodine solution is helpful in identifying a computer-generated, fake or counterfeit bill.
How does it work?
Most criminals use the copy paper (standard printing paper) to print the counterfeit bill. The iodine solution quickly reacts with the wood pulp containing starch, present in such papers. Authentic government generated bills do not use such papers for printing bills they use fiber based papers for printing currency. So it is a visible marker to check a fake note.
How to use a detection pen?
You do not require any specific training in this regard. It’s as simple as putting a mark on a piece of paper using a pen. Yes, all you need to do it put a mark from the felt tip of the pen on the corner of the bill.
How to identify?
Well, it’s a simple chemical reaction. When the iodine in the solution reacts with the starch of the paper, a chemical reaction occurs that changes the color of the bill to dark brown or black. So, if the mark on the bill changes color it means the bill is counterfeit but if not it’s good to use.
How to buy a counterfeit detection pen?
Nowadays it has become effortless to buy such pens as they are commonly available in the market. One pen will cost you about $5, and it can check about 3000 bills. You can also buy such pens online at reasonable rates.
So, I guess now you must have got answers to all your queries about counterfeit detection pens. Commonly such pens were used to identify wood pulp paper based currency. But they can also detect paper currency on thread base.
Today, almost every businessman, small or significant or even a store owner uses the detection pen to check the authenticity of the bills presented to them.
Although such pens are capable of detecting most of the fake currency, there is still a significant portion of counterfeit currencies made through other sources that go undetected.
I don’t say that these pens are foolproof, but at least they are of some help. And some help is better than none.
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