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How To Answer Questions On An Exam When You Don’t Know Anything!

We all remember the teacher’s advice: “Write everything you know on the subject and don’t leave an empty space”. But what should you do when you don’t have a clue about a single question on the exam.

Should you accept the defeat and retake the exam or should you at least try to get the teacher’s sympathy by using little creativity. I suggest you do the second one.

That way even if you fail the exam both you and your teacher will acknowledge your creative side.


This Is Why Strong Girls Get Attached So Easily

Have you ever met a guy who got attached after the first kiss from a girl he liked? Do you know any man who got clingy after a phone call of the girl he met at the bookstore?

Biology and genetics have a great impact on how we get attached and how fast we do it. Women get attached very easily and in no time.

If they like you, the other second they might imagine their future with you. They sometimes turn to “obsession” in a relationship.

The influence of oxytocin and vasopressin

Newest 21st century studies reveal great information about romantic relationship that help us understand the somewhat clingy nature of women.

The studies surprised us with a great discovery about orgasms and how these cause oxytocin and vasopressin to be released from the hypothalamus (the part of the brain dealing with pleasure).

This releasing has a much greater influence when it comes to women, and, therefore, the attachment crisis is stronger.

Despite the obvious oxytocin, there are many other biological reasons why women get attached so readily in relationships with men. Their nature is completely opposite of men’s.

What happens in a woman’s brain?

When it comes to biology, it is confirmed that female orgasms last longer than male ones and they are two minutes on average, whereas male ones last for only a few seconds.

Gert Holstege’s 2005 study claims that when females orgasm, astonishing things happen in the female brain. Some of the regions completely shut down.

These include the regions for fear, anxiety, and behavior control. These parts are in the amygdala and hippocampus, where emotion regions are as well.

With this in mind, anxiety and alertness are also decreased. It may sound like a state of being emotionless, but it sure causes women to start being attached to their partners.

Women’s brains receive this energy and that’s how they immediately start even planning a future with the guy they just met.

Women like attention

Women also like to get attention from their partners. It may happen that they get attached from even a simple look, or a smile, or a given flower. They don’t require a lot. Little attention will make them consider you as their future husband.

Women want things fast

Women like when things go fast in relationships. The moment they set their eyes on a guy, they can’t slow down. They are absolutely certain of their feelings and they go and get the guy they like. For most of men, this seems like rushing, but when a girl sets her mind on you, she will go fast.

Women are emotional

Also, women are very emotional creatures. We are not saying that men aren’t, but biology confirms women are on the top list. When hormones reach a certain point in their bodies, they can cry for no reason, and start having extreme feelings about a new relationship. 

The truth is that they really can’t control these hormonal changes that happen every month and make them more emotional than men. That’s why a girl is more likely to stay attached after a relationship break-up even though she knows that guy is not for her.

Women are nurturers

Women received the love and care from their mothers, and it automatically transferred to them. Some women love to take care of people just because of that reason. It is how they were taught. They possess a certain power when it comes to nurturing the people they love. When they meet a new guy, they start doing this from the very first date, kiss, or hug. They get attached unnoticeably.

Women are dreamers

In all areas of women’s lives, they dream a little bit every single day. They dream about their health, they dream about their eating habits, and they dream about their relationships.

Every girl’s dream is different. Some dream of getting married to the perfect one, some dream of having a child, but most of them dream of getting the best for them.

If they enter a new relationship, it is because they think they are going to fulfill this dream. Something in that person made them feel like that’s the dream they need to live. As a result, they cling strongly to this new relationship and try to do their best to stay attached.

Women get influenced

This is particularly true for most of the girls’ best friends. Girls talk includes all the details of their relationship lives and they like to share everything with their girlfriends.

Not only that, but their best friends may have a go at deciding on whether a girl should enter a new relationship or not.

Friends may start planning your future with the new guy, while you still don’t even know you like him. This drama may go on, and you as a woman start attaching yourself to this guy so quickly and for no good reasons.

Women like to get attached

The truth in the end is that women love getting attached. When it is about love life, women are doing their best and they are not pretending.

Their wish for attachment is huge. When they like you, they want to get attached, and this sometimes looks scary, but it is all in women’s biological nature.

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This Is Your Most Secret Fear, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Every one of us has, at some point in our lives, a fear of something. Whether we like to admit it or not, it’s the truth. I personally have fear of spiders and bugs, and I don’t like snakes either. Dark places make me feel very uncomfortable as well.

Many of us learn over time how to cope with our deeper set fears. However, we tend to repress most of our fears by completely blocking them out and shoving them deep into the backs of our minds and hope to forget them for good.

We can be very successful at repressing our fears, to the point that we may not even recognize them in ourselves. As such, we might not be truly aware of what we fear the most. Do you know what are you secretly most afraid of?

That’s where your zodiac sign comes in- it can help you to uncover what your secret fear may be. According to the zodiac, every sign has different feelings, emotions, strengths, and weaknesses.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): 

Being adventurous creatures, you pray not to have a dull life. You also have the thirst for calm and inner peace.

What you fear the most is losing a friend. You have desire to fight only because it’s in your nature and you want to win.However, the ones you love the most you hurt them the hardest and so they actually disappear from your life.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20): 

You are very centered and you like the simplest comforts such as good friends and good food. What you truly need is stability so that is the thing that scares you the most- instability. 

You also have idea of where you  want your life to go and feel insecure if something takes you off the path.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20): 

You like to party and are open-minded person. This is the reason why you change opinions and decisions. Your biggest fear is making decisions.Your sign is symbolized by the Twins, and this means that the two distinct sides often quarrel with each other when you try to make a decision.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22): 

You are very empathic and this makes you very emotional and sensitive. Your biggest fear is rejection.  You can’t stand to lose someone especially the ones you love the most.

You also like to stay in your safe zone, a place where nobody can hurt you. You also fear of leaving that zone where you feel safe.

Leo (July 23 – August 22): 

Being the most confident and strong person in the zodiac, what you fear the most is of you are unnoticed and unappreciated. You surely know how to keep that happening and you make it impossible for people to ignore you.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22): 

You like organization so your biggest fear is being disorganized- even a single word can cause despair. You also fear if you are not listened to.

Chaos is your biggest enemy since you need organization to stay sane.

Libra (September 23 – October 22): 

Peace, love and understanding are the three things that define you. What you fear the most is spending your life alone.The fear makes you to fight people less and most often you try to stay out of every type of confrontation

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): 

You are very complex and yet very sensitive and passionate. The problem is that you don’t easily show your emotions and feelings.

Your greatest fear is failure. You are afraid that others will abandon you.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): 

You are a natural explorer, creative and free as a bird. Your biggest fear is to be controlled by someone.If someone tries to take your freedom away you can be very depressed, nothing scares you more than this.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): 

You are a workaholic and you tend to achieve the highest goals in life. What you fear the most is not achieving your goals.

The fear of failure is your biggest fear. You wish that your vision is understand by others.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): 

You are very empathic and wish to help others. You greatest fear is to be cut out of the life of somebody you love.

You also fear that you won’t be there for your loved ones if they need your help.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): 

You are creative and very sensitive. You tend to live in a fairyland world and somehow you don’t wish to grow up.

Your greatest fear is confrontation and you are afraid of responsibilities as well.No matter which sign you are it’s important to remember that facing your fears will help you to remove their power.

Once you’ve faced your fears you will have the experience of failure and  it will be all much easier the next time you are in a similar situation.

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9 Months Of Pregnancy In 4 Minutes(Video)

Pregnancy is a start of an incredible journey. It’s an amazing experience for both the mother and the father. Thanks to today’s technology we can see how the process happens during those nine months.

Watch this interesting video that shows us how a child arrives in this world, from conception to birth. The video gives 3D visualization of the embryo’s development in the mother’s womb.


A Harvard Psychologist Explains Why Forcing Positive Thinking Won’t Make You Happy

Rhonda Byrne has taught us that the key to happiness are positive thoughts. As we go through life, we learn that the harder you try to obtain something, the better your chances are of achieving it.

The more you study, the higher your grades and accomplishments. The harder you work the better results you will receive. From an early age, we have been raised to think that life is a numbers game.

The more you put into the equation, the more you get out of it. Can we really view happiness from the same perspective?

It only makes sense to think that the more effort you put into being happy, the happier you will be.

When you are feeling agitated and angry, thinking positive thoughts should help you feel more relaxed and peaceful, right?

Wrong. Try telling yourself repeatedly that you are happy, while relentlessly feeling anger piling up inside.

The harder you push, the worse it gets. We think that forcing ourselves to think and feel optimistically will relieve the anguish, but all that does is actually backfire.

Choosing to ignore negative feelings is the same as leaving garbage pile up and pretending it is not there. You may decide to disregard it for a while, but it is only a matter of time until it spills over and starts to smell.

The same thing happens to our emotions. When we sweep them under the rug, deliberately failing to acknowledge their very existence, they tend to explode eventually.

However, what we fail to realize is that only giving praise to our positive emotions and completely blocking our negative ones only makes us less relentless.

While choosing to ignore the negative emotions stirring up in our subconscious, they come back enlarged in other magnitudes.

According to Harvard medical School psychologist and professor Susan David’s book “Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change and Thrive in Work and Life,” emotions need to be handled, both negative and positive.She explains that instead of piling our baggage in the closet, we ought to give it more meaning, without attaching ourselves to it and allowing it to consume us.

This way, we can not only handle the issue at hand, but also learn from it. Anger and frustration can be two of our greatest teachers that disclose our true core values in life. David debates that this is the best way to build the best version of yourself.

In an interview she did for The Washington Post, David states, A lot of our cultural dialogue is fundamentally avoidant, so people will just say things like, “just be positive and things will be fine.”

“The tyranny of positivity” was what a friend of mine called it. She recently died of cancer, and what she meant was if being in remission was just a matter of positive thinking, then all of her friends in her breast cancer support group would be alive today.

By sending out the message that our thoughts are responsible for creating our health, well-being, and reality, we are overvaluing the power of our thoughts, while making people feel culpable when something bad happens to them. They feel it is because they weren’t positive enough.

What is actually guaranteed in life is that it will not go well sometimes. You’re healthy, until you’re not healthy. You’re with the person you love, until you’re not with the person you love. You enjoy your job, until you don’t.

We will find ourselves in situations where we will feel anger, sadness and grief and so on. Unless we can process, navigate and be comfortable with the full range of our emotions, we won’t learn to be resilient.

We must have some practice dealing with those emotions or we will be caught off guard. I believe the strong cultural focus on happiness and thinking positively is actually making us less resilient.”

Forcing yourself to be happy is like fighting with a bull. You know you cannot win, but you do it anyway. You force yourself until you lose all control and let the bull win.

Giving too much priority to positive thinking only gives value to positive things, meaning we are not allowed to feel agony. Nonetheless, we are only human and being human means allowing yourself to feel angry, guilty, and even furious.

It is not wrong to feel this way. However, it is wrong to allow it to eat you up inside. Whenever we give emotions too much meaning or not at all, they grow, whether consciously or subconsciously.

According to Susan, “emotional agility builds our capacity to engage our inner world in a way that is courageous, curious and compassionate. 

“Whereas positive thinking and avoidance have overemphasized the role of our thoughts, emotional agility is a skill set that builds on our ability to face our emotions, label them, understand them and then choose to move forward deliberately.

It is the ability to recognize when you’re feeling stressed, be able to step out of your stress, and then decide how to act in a way that is congruent with your personal values and aligned with your goals.”

Therefore, allowing yourself to feel the negative emotional turmoil as well as the wonderful, flamboyant feelings prepares you for a healthier, more peaceful mindset.

Forcing ourselves to do something has always backfired, and this is no exception. If you are ferocious, give yourself space to feel it, acknowledge it, distance yourself from it in order to understand it and move on.

This will grant you the pass into a more meaningful life, less filled with agony and more filled with unflappable tranquility.

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This Is What You Should Know When Paying With Your Credit Card

The emergence of credit cards has eliminated the need of carrying larger amounts of money on us and it’s pretty neat and convenient, we can all agree on this, however it didn’t completely remove the threat of being scammed or robbed nonetheless.

As always, criminals have learned to adapt and adjust accordingly with these advances, and pickpockets of the past have now become sophisticated new age scammers that can drain your bank account without even touching your card.

To mitigate this threat, Credit card terminal manufacturer Ingenico recently issued a guide that will help you spot a skimmer in a standard terminal (Ingenico iSC250).

A skimming terminal is quite a bit larger than a normal terminal

According to Ingenico, a skimmer would be noticeably longer and wider than the terminal itself to “correspond to its size”. This is also the most glaring discrepancy that would tip off a fraudulent device. So, keep your eyes open when using a cash terminal.

No button highlighting on the terminal

A hurriedly inserted skimmer might block the highlighting on the terminal, which is another typical tell tale of a rigged device. Make sure you take a good look at the terminal before inserting your credit card.

Frequent operation errors

If a terminal is ‘acting’ all weird and does not respond to your commands properly, chances are you are dealing with a skimmer. This is because skimmers sometimes interfere with the magnetic strip while scanning data, causing glitches and reducing the machine’s response times.

No stylus attached

A normal terminal would have a stylus attached to it for clients to use to enter their signatures.  An iSC250 ‘equipped’ with a skimmer does not allow a stylus to be attached.

7 tips to protect your money

1.Having a separate debit card that would only have the exact amount you need at the moment is the most effective weapon against fraud of this kind.

2. Make sure you are connected to the SMS banking service to be able to react swiftly to unexpected debits.

3. Limiting cash withdrawal amounts is also a good idea. That way, criminals won’t be able to withdraw all your money at once.

4. If you happen to lose your card or you suspect that someone might have ‘hacked’ into it, have your bank to block it immediately.

5. Familiarize yourself with the card insurance capabilities and terms offered by your bank. Some credit organizations offer special programs that protect their clients from fraud and provide reimbursement of damages.

6. Don’t let the card out of you sight. When paying in a store or a restaurant, make sure that the employees do not take it away from you. Experienced criminals can skim it quickly and discreetly.

7. Make it a habit to read the receipts carefully after paying with your card. The field showing the paid amount must never be empty.


7 Skills Your Child Needs To Grow Up To Be Successful

Every parent wants to see their child grow into a successful and complete person. This is why parents never spare time, money and effort on their kids continually.

For many parents, this means investing in their children’s education from early age, but the question is: Is good education really a pledge for a bright future?

Despite the fact that diplomas and achievements are required from a person to be able to advance in their career, certain skills determine the success of that same person in achieving any goal they set their minds on.

These skills are learned from young age and they are one of the key factors for a successful future.


Having their back is not enough. Helping your kids to learn how to take a stand even when nobody is around them to save the day is one of the most important skills a person can possess.

To start nurturing this skill in your child, you need to show your child that their opinion matters within the family.

Your child needs to know that you hear and understand them, so never be too short on time or words when it comes to listening to them and showing that you understand them and that you acknowledge their opinion.

Express genuine interest and encourage them to give reasons and examples when stating their opinion. Always be ready to discuss their ideas in a curious and calm manner, use words of approval more often and don’t be sarcastic or adamant when answering their questions.


Children prefer to focus on what they are interested in at the moment. This trait is a great advantage when it comes to encouraging concentration and focus.

Of course, children see a role model in their parents subconsciously, which means that you need to show your focus and concentration when communicating with them.

When teaching them something or just having a simple conversation with them, remember to pay them a few minutes of your attention entirely, without any distractions.

Certain activities will help your child to learn to be more concentrated and focused. For example, when teaching them writing, ask them to draw letters on 3rd & 4th grade writing worksheets, on a whiteboard, the pavement or sculpt them out of Plasticine.

Playing board games, puzzles or drawing are also very good techniques which can improve their concentration.

In addition to all this, ask your child to notice interesting details during walks, on their way to school or just about anywhere. Tell them to look for interesting signs, cars of a certain color or model, or for different shapes, colors, and textures.


It’s very important that your child learns to do things by themselves.The sooner they learn this, the more confident they will be in the future. This skill will help them cope with obligations even from an early age (for example, at school).

Think of the things that your child can do for himself/herself, such as tieing their own shoelaces, dressing themselves up, putting their toys in their places or cleaning up after themselves.

Don’t scold your children for their mistakes! Skip that part and show understanding, but also ask for a responsible behavior in return.

Tell them to think of a way they can correct that ‘mistake’ and don’t forget to be patient and encouraging. Most of all, don’t forget to praise them (the higher the difficulty, the bigger the praise).


There are things that a person cannot do on their own. This is why you should teach your child of the importance of building good relationships with others, showing respect and being ready to collaborate with others.

You can start this in your home, with your child contributing to the greater good of the family (of course, in ways that are appropriate for their age and abilities).

When teaching your child to work in a team, you should NEVER compare them to other kids. This can be very damaging to their self-esteem. Instead, emphasize the importance of each individual and their role in the team.


The saying ‘The more languages you know, the more people you are worth’ is not there in vain. A command of at least two languages is a very good key to success, not only because of the knowledge of a language, but also because of the expanded horizons your child will have because of knowing a second language.

Young age is the best time to start learning a new language, as children possess the ability to absorb every new word on a subconscious level and produce the language they are learning with greater ease and confidence. So, if you haven’t already, give your child the opportunity to learn a new language as soon as possible.


Self-organization is very important in the daily life of every person. This means better chances of success in everything they undertake, as there would be no dead weight being dragged behind from all the overdue activities.

The basis of self-organization lies in a well organized schedule. Plan a daily and weekly schedule with your children, while gradually reducing your involvement in the planning as your children mature and learn to manage their time by themselves.

It’s very important to strike a balance between your child’s responsibilities and leisure time. This means setting the basis of the work-life balance from an early age. A child should have enough time for games, hobbies and other desired activities and this should go hand to hand with their chores, obligations and responsibilities.

Build this balance from early age, when the ‘hard part’ is not present too much, so they can gradually understand the need for that balance.


Your child’s attitude towards failures and victories will inevitably shape their self-esteem and define their relationships with other people. This means that your child needs to learn to approach both failures and victories soberly and responsibly.

Think of the way a child’s play is followed: someone loses, throws a tantrum, and the parents take the child home. This kind of behavior can have a negative impact on your child’s ability to face the difficulties of life.

While praising your kid’s successes, don’t ignore their failures. Failures are a very important element of life and you should teach them to approach them with scrutiny.

Try to discuss the failure and find the reasons that lie behind it. Of course, first let them express their emotions (to an acceptable level which would not bother other people), and then have a talk about it.

And most importantly, always let your children know that you love them and believe in them no matter what.


25 Parental Tweets Simply Filled With Sarcasm

Being a parent is a blessing. We love our children with all our heart and enjoy every moment of our time spent together.

However, there are some points in our life when we are a bit tired of the role-parent and we just need a short break. Don’t feel bad about that, after all we are all just humans, and you are not alone.

Continue reading and see if you fit in any of the following amusing representations of being a parent.





People Who Talk To Themselves Aren’t Crazy, They’re Actually Geniuses

Have you ever noticed how some people have a tendency to ‘start a conversation’ with themselves every now and then?

If you’ve had such public ‘outburst’ yourself, then you certainly remember the reaction of those who overheard your little ‘dialog’, clearly thinking you are a ‘nut job’.

Hold your horses – there is no need to be alarmed. It is true that this behavioral trait can be associated with lunacy, but science says it can also be regarded as a hallmark of a genius.

Numerous studies have explored this phenomenon and found that talking to yourself can actually boost your ability to process and store information. In other worlds, talking to yourself will not only help you learn more quickly and efficiently, but it will also improve your long-term memory.

These findings were recently backed by a study that was published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, which found that ‘verbal stimulation’ positively influences our perceptual processing abilities.

The study asked participants to repeat the name of certain objects aloud and concluded that such verbal stimulation helped them become more receptive to these objects, allowing them to locate the objects much easier.

Scientists are adamant that talking to ourselves is actually useful in more than one way. 

  1. Talking to Yourself Boosts Your Brain Power

A recent experiment that was conducted by Live Science found that subjects who repeated names of objects were not only able to find these objects in question much quicker, but also exhibited an improved ability to memorize.

In laymen’s terms, this means that talking to yourself will prepare your body for the task ahead, allowing it to complete the job more easily.

  1. It Helps Children Learn Better

Children, especially toddlers and babies, greatly benefit from the so called ‘self-directed speech’.

Scientists believe that it helps guide children’s behavior, claiming that vocalizing directions allows them to approach a problem more methodically while also making them more adept at following them later in life.

  1. It Will Help You Make Better Choices and Organize Your Thoughts

Psychologist Linda Sapadin claims that talking to yourself can help you make better decisions. According to her, this vocal ‘exercise’ not only helps de-clutter the mind, but also validates important decisions and calms the nerves.

It also helps prioritize tasks and improves our decision making.

  1. It Will Make You More Ambitious

Repeating your goals and ambitions aloud will reinforce your determination to achieve them and rid your mind from unnecessary distractions.

In doing so, you basically break down your goal into a series of individual, clear steps that you will be able to tackle much more easily than approaching the problem head on. This will stimulate your brain to work harder to achieve the end goal.

So, next time you feel weird or out of place for “thinking out loud” or debating with yourself, don’t dwell on it. Turns out, it’s a good thing.

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Self-directed speech affects visual search performance, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,DOI:10.1080/17470218.2011.647039

Everything You Need To Know On Chakra No. 6 + How To Heal It – Ajna!

Affirmative Statement: I See

Sanskrit name: Ajna (command)

Color: Indigo

Frequency: 852 Hz (Solfeggio), 426.7 Hz (Carrier Wave)

Musical Note: A

Element: Light

Organs: Ears, nose, lower brain, nervous system, left eye

Endocrine Glands: Pineal gland

Identity: Archetypal identity

Rights: To see

Challenge: Illusion

The brow chakra, also known as Ajna (which in Sanskrit means “Command”) is the chakra of insight, vision free of illusion and introspection. It is located directly behind the center of the forehead with its front point between the eyebrows.

When functioning properly, this chakra allows us to see the larger picture without a sense of prejudice or subjectivism. It gives us a clear insight of the events in our lives and how they are connected and it helps us understand all the things happening in our lives and their roles as being helpful for our growth.

Having this chakra open helps us to tell truth from lie, right from wrong and most importantly understand that the dualities we are ready to perceive clearly belong to a single unity.

This means that one cannot exist without the other and that both are equally important. The brow chakra also helps us understand ourselves better and to see all our positive and negative aspects, accept them and work on them. The brow chakra opens up the possibilities for psychic abilities, most often telepathy and clairvoyance, which come as a result of our ability to see beyond the veil of illusion. 

Which organs is the brow chakra responsible for?

As we mentioned in Part I, this chakra governs over the ears, nose, lower brain, the nervous system and the left eye with its gland being the pineal gland. A proper function of the pineal gland allows the brow chakra to function properly as well, which means you should start a proper detox diet to decalcify your pineal gland.

So, what are the characteristics of a balanced brow chakra?

A person with a balanced brow chakra is a very intuitive person with great memory. They have no problem learning new things, remembering them and understanding their importance in their lives.

These people have a great sense of understanding every aspect of their lives, every situation and moment and they cannot be fooled easily, but most importantly, they can see the connection between their inner and outer reality.

This makes them the creators of their reality. They also start exploring and understanding their spiritual side. Their strong ability to visualize and their penetrating insight helps them to have a guiding vision for their lives.

What are the characteristics of a brow chakra out of balance?

There are two scenarios for an imbalanced brow chakra: it can be underactive or overactive. Both cases are unhealthy, as they bring many negative aspects to one’s being.

Underactive brow chakra:

People with an underactive brow chakra lack imagination and have difficulty visualizing. They are excessively sceptic just about everything new and they tend to be in a state of denial, being unable to see and understand what is really going on around them. This mental rigidness doesn’t allow them to see alternatives. They have problems remembering things and learning. They lack common sense and empathy for the people in their lives.

Overactive brow chakra:

People with an overactive brow chakra fantasize to that extent that they become delusional. They can have hallucinations, nightmares and create circumstances in their minds that are not actually happening. They have intrusive memories and find it difficult to concentrate. They tend to be judgmental and over-intellectual in their thinking. These people may experience stress and frequent headaches in the forehead or temples.

How to balance the brow chakra?

If you find yourself in one of the scenarios of an imbalanced brow chakra, you might want to help yourself by trying to balance it. While energy healing (such as Reiki or Crystal Therapy) is a very good step, you will need to work on yourself even afterwards, since your body is your temple and you have to keep it healthy, nourished and clean all the time.

There are several ways of balancing this energetic center. Below you will find some useful ways of balancing it, but be careful as these techniques are only good for an underactive brow chakra! If your chakra is overactive, try balancing the neighboring chakras, and the energy will adjust itself.

Color therapy (or chromo therapy)

Indigo is the color of the brow chakra, which means wearing something indigo will instantly boost the chakra as it vibrates with the same frequency. However, if your brow chakra is overactive, we recommend that you stop wearing indigo for some time. You can also place an indigo poster in your bedroom if your brow chakra is underactive.

Sound therapy (audio therapy)

You can play solfeggio harmonics at 852 Hz on YouTube. You can also chant OM (or AUM) as a mantra, since its sound frequencies stimulate the brow chakra.

Nutrition for the brow chakra

Brain foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids, dark chocolate and food with strong antioxidants. Antioxidants are very important in the process of detoxifying the brain and especially decalcifying the pineal gland. We will publish a separate article about detoxification of the body and brain and decalcification of the pineal gland.

Physical activity

There is no physical activity that can correlate directly with the brow chakra, as it is a non-physical chakra. Nevertheless, light is the element of this chakra, which means spending time in nature where there is a lot of sunlight can help the activation of this chakra. Also, a very opposite approach is also recommended: sitting in a dark, quiet room with no visual, physical or auditory stimuli will help the brow chakra to start working.


Sitting comfortably while focusing your attention in your brow area and visualizing indigo light emanating from that spot will stimulate the energy of the brow chakra. You can chant OM while meditating on the brow chakra.

Meditation in nature is always the best one there is, but if you can’t find the time, just tidy your room and meditate facing a window.