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Secret Codes That Unlock Hidden Features On Your Phone

16 Secret Codes That Unlock Hidden Features On Your Phone

Did you know that smartphones are ‘equipped’ with secret codes that can unlock (or lock) a number of different functions?  These secret codes, also...

The Best 6 Weightlifting Shoes For CrossFit

After heavily investing on top of the tier power racks, dumbbells, and Olympic bars, most weight lifters tend to forget essential equipment, weightlifting shoes...

Billionaire David Rockefeller Died Today, At The Age Of 101

The world’s oldest billionaire, David Rockefeller, died on March 20, 2017 at the age of 101. Dubbed by many ‘One of the Evilest Men...

Pedophile Game Show Host: It’s Odd That Nobody Found This Disturbing Back Then!

What would your reaction be if you’ve send your child to an entertaining game show and you watched the host making inappropriate requests to...

This School Replaced Detention With Meditation. The Results Are Stunning.

We are all familiar with that creepy room where disruptive children are sent where they have the chance to reconsider and reflect on everything...

MINDBLOWING Photographs Of The LAST Surviving Tribes On Earth!

There is so much yet to discover about the human race. Just when you thought you cannot be surprised to see another human way...

Mind Control is Real: You Are Being Manipulated Through Electromagnetic Fields From Monitors (U.S.Patent...

In broad terms, mind or thought control can be defined as the manipulation of human subjects being in a way that causes them to...

A Heartbreaking Story – Escaping From North Korea In Search Of Freedom

Imagine what would be like to live in a country with no internet access and no television. Imagine not being able to express your...

See What Happened When One School Banned Homework – And Asked Kids To Read...

Do you think that our children are being swamped with homework lately? Do you agree that too much is required from them, especially from...

Dad Horrified To Find Vile Messages In Popular Game On Son’s iPad

Are parents aware of everything their kids are doing on line? What type of sites they are visiting or what kind of games they...