
Home Health
Health entails more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical and mental well-being. Stay up to date with health and wellness trends with Curious Mind Magazine.

5 Things You Need to Know About Vitiligo

Chantelle Brown-Young, also known as Winnie Harlow, is a girl who had been called names such as “cow and zebra” when she was a...

How to Start Eating Meat Again After Being a Vegetarian

With so many great vegetarian restaurants and an abundance of delicious vegetarian recipes available on food blogs, it’s no wonder that so many people...

Which sleep position is healthiest

Turning and tossing up until the morning should be a cause of concern for any individual. Simply put, this means that your body does...

10 Exercises That Will Make You Burn Belly Fat Without Having To Run Or...

All of you who want not only to lose some pounds, but tone your body also, should know that mere cardio exercises won’t help...

How To Get Rid Of A Headache In 5 Minutes Without Pills

A headache can be a real bummer if you don’t have a pill lying around. Well, not necessarily. In fact, there is a very...

Health Experts Are Warning People To Stop Eating Tilapia

We are advised that eating seafood is good for our health because it is rich in many vitamins and nutrients. But not all kind...
Sleep On Your Left Side

This Is Why You Should Sleep On Your Left Side According To Science

Sleep is one of the essential things for our well-being. All our body organs need enough quality sleep and rest in order to function...

8 Things Your Eyes Are Trying to Tell You About Your Health

Have you ever been wondering why your vision is blurred after a very tiring day? Or perhaps you will sometimes notice your whites becoming...

The Diabetes Drug Metformin Linked To Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Have you ever wonder what are the most important vitamins that we must bring in our body? I’m sure vitamin C, D, A will...

Coconut Oil Is Unhealthy According To The American Heart Association

You all know that person (or maybe you are that person) who would not trade coconut oil for anything in the world, and always...